It’s the first Monday of March, and only a couple of weeks until the first day of spring. I’m not looking forward to next week’s time change, though – I never like losing the hour we gain back in the fall all in the name of saving daylight. Why can’t they just pick one and leave it alone?
This week’s theme for Monday’s Music Moves Me is a freebie week, so we’re just picking whatever strikes our fancy. Apologies in advance to my non-Country friends, but this week I’m feeling a little bit Country.
First up we have a great song by Keith Urban, “You Gonna Fly”:
Next up is one of my favorite artists, Blake Shelton with “Drink On It”:
Next we have Kenny Chesney with “Reality”:
Last, but certainly not least, we have my girl, Carrie Underwood with a goosebump-inducing song that was part of The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader (which Princess Nagger loved because of the dragons) with “There’s A Place For Us”:
Enjoy your Monday!
Now on to the particulars of Monday’s Music Move’s Me:
I have the supreme honor and privilege of being a co-host with the inimitable Xmas Dolly and her cohorts in crime, Lorie of The Shewbridges of Celebration, Florida, Callie from JAmericanSpice, and our special guest hosts while Lorie is taking a short sabbatical, Denise from Run DMT and Cathy from Cathy Kenndey’s Blog have been invaluable in their participation and visits to everyone for Monday’s Music Moves Me.
Want to join in the fun? It’s easy peasy! Just find a tune that rocks your boat, post it and link up – don’t forget to grab Xmas Dolly…er, um, I mean her button…over at her place here. Check out Xmas Dolly’s sidebar for the random themes we sport each week – and you can always ask for a specific theme of music you like, too. Check out the other music lovahs and let’s jam!
I’ve never heard that Carrie Underwood song I just love it I played it three times so far. Thanks for the introduction and naturally the rest of your choices were superb as usual. Have a great day my friend.
Xmasdolly would like you to read ..Monday’s Music Moves Me!
I never heard those song but the concept you have done to built such title using that song is incredible I love it. Being free to fly away can lead us to a better place. Like in Michael Jackson’s song heal the world. Thanks for sharing it Stacy, good to be back in your site again.
Tracyann0312 would like you to read ..חינוך
Thank you!! You really cheer up my Mondays!
Thanks for hosting and have a great week. I have an awesome YouTube clip on my blog I can’t get enough of. Hope you feel the same! See you next week.
Meryl would like you to read ..Heroes for All
I never mind when you post country songs. 🙂 I’m diggin’ all those right now too.
claire would like you to read ..Weeeeekend + MMMM
I will plug all these songs into Pandora today since I don’t think I’ve heard any of them!
Sprite’s Keeper would like you to read ..Spin Cycle: "Wingardium Leviosa!"
Love that Carrie Underwood song. Happy Monday to ya!!
If I Could Escape would like you to read ..Musical Monday … Starships
Excellent choices!!!! What would I do without Music Monday, I don’t even want to think about it!!
Have an awesome week!!
I just noticed it had the wrong info for me listed, lol
Dollycas would like you to read ..It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
My husband wants to know where all my country songs are coming from, I won’t tell him LOL. I will be adding Urban and Chesney’s songs to my iPod love those. Oh, and Carrie Underwood, love her voice and I bet your daughter was swept up in that movie!
Have a great week!!
P.S. Arizona never changes their time, I think Arizona just likes to be a rebellious STATE LOL but if you notice on a computer there is Arizona time. They are so into nature out here that they just don’t like to mess with the flow but it is nice, don’t have to change any clocks, of course, all my Ohio clocks have to get changed LOL
Lucy would like you to read ..Sadness and Joy!
I keep saying to myself, “Buy a Keith Urban CD” and I keep forgetting to do it. Do you have a suggestion on one to get? I know you’re totally into country and are more familiar with his music than me, so it would be nice to get your feedback. Carrie Underwood really rocks, too. She has really bloosomed since taking the reins as AI several years ago. Thanks for stopping by earlier!
Cathy Kennedy would like you to read ..My kids have introduced me to many good songs/band…
I’m a country girl so I love all your choices!
Heather’s Happenings would like you to read ..Red Solo Cup and Tebowing
I love that Carry Underwood video. I can’t wait to see the movie too. The boys have read the books here and loved them
kyooty would like you to read ..Randomizing
I loved The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and that song. Thanks for sharing them all.
Danielle would like you to read ..Marvelous Music Monday for March 5, 2012
Rock on country girl! I love your hits.
And I agree with you about the time change. I wish they’d just pick and leave it alone!
Have a great week!
You’re just a pretty little country girl aren’t you? Love your choices & I noticed when I’m driving to work I’m listening more & more to country. That Kenny Chesney sure is on top isn’t he and so talented. Yes, I like his ways too, and your last song how beautiful. Ms Underwood surely has a lot of class and emotion in her voice. You can just hear it.
Tom/Introducing Mr. Cool would like you to read ..Monday’s Music Moves Me!
Yay, new music for me to listen to! I haven’t heard any of these songs before (except the Narnia one), but I’m gonna take a listen: anything to help doing the dishes go by faster! 😉
Jennifer would like you to read ..Take A Nap Already
Love the Keith Urban and Kenny Chesney songs! Two of my favorites! Hope you’re having a great week so far!
Stacey at RealWorldMom would like you to read ..My Journey Continues
These country songs are just gorgeous! The singers too. That guitarist on his back on the floor is cute 🙂 My first time to hear Carrie Underwood’s There’s a Place For Us.
Signed up on your Linky Followers widget.
Hazel would like you to read ..A friend
I thought I put a comment, but I don’t see it. I’m following you now, and I like your choices.
Rocky / KingofQueenz would like you to read ..Monday’s Music Moves Me
I’m definitely one of those non-country fans you were talking about, but I say if you like it, that’s all that matters! 🙂
I had no idea Carrie Underwood sang that song-You seriously learn something everyday!
Have a musical week 🙂
OMG! This Sunday is my least favorite day of the year. I can’t stand when the time goes back an hour.
Anne would like you to read ..Meow Monday: The Lorax in the Small Town
Making my MM rounds a little late this week. Love that you did all country this week. I really enjoy the non-theme weeks, so we can hear what people are listening to. It exposes me to music that I would never hear otherwise.
I liked Drink on It. My kind of tune! Cheers!
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