Friday, in honor of the birthday of Dr. Seuss, Princess Nagger’s school had the kids dress up as their favorite book character. While everyone else opted for The Cat In The Hat mode (as evidenced by the sea of red and white striped hats filling the windows of the bus), Princess Nagger decided to think outside the box. Or in this case, outside the hat:
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Princess Nagger dressed up as Scourge from her newest favorite book series Warrior Cats. I was lucky I found a black cat costume on eBay (and it has a tail in the back which I totally forgot to have her show off), and found the cool cat mask (with sound) on Amazon. Of course the snout and inside the ears were white, so I had to paint them black (per Princess Nagger’s orders, since Scourge is black all over except one white paw).
Speaking of the one white paw, pretend you’re looking in a mirror and that it’s her right paw that’s white instead of her left paw. She left the wrong cat paw glove on the counter so when I painted it, I didn’t notice it was the wrong paw. She was a bit perturbed that I got it wrong, and volunteered me to paint over the white paint with black, and paint the other one white (close to bedtime the night before). I told her to do it. She didn’t.
Have you heard of Diamond Candles? I discovered them just before Christmas and bought myself one for my birthday. Princess Nagger has laid claim on the diamond ring she’s impatiently waiting to access (we’re not diggers – we’ll let the candle burn down until it frees the ring). She’s hoping she scores a $5000 ring, though the odds of that are very slim, but she can dream, right? She actually doesn’t care what the value is, because it’s a real diamond – that’s what counts.
Since I promised she could have the first ring, I decided the other day I needed to get another candle so I could I could be impatiently waiting for the ring reveal, too. If you’ve ever wanted to get one, now’s your chance with $5 off just because I ordered one. Just use this link. This isn’t sponsored, just so you know. I just think they’re cool soy candles and smell really good.
I found this online the other day and had to get it:
Yes, it’s Wine-Opoly – just like Monopoly, only better. Here’s the description:
Pop the cork off any gathering with WINEOPOLY. Players buy favorite wines, collect bunch of grapes and trade them in for decanters. Sounds easy enough but add import taxes and serving faux pas and it becomes a little more difficult and a lot more fun. Learn while you play. Each deed back contains wine descriptors and fun facts about each wine. It’s all fun and games until you’re sent to the wine cellar to age and then you’re out of the game for three turns. So choose your token (wine bottle, cork, wine glass, cheese, grapes, or a carafe) and advance to cheers.
Doesn’t that sound like fun? Who wants to come over to play and drink wine?
Oh, and here’s something else I picked up I know Michele would appreciate (because she’s a hot librarian who loves chocolate and wine):
It’s chocolate made especially to eat whilst drinking wine. No lie. It comes in a container that looks like a book, see the spine and wax seal?
It has four different types of chocolate, and even has the wine pairings that are recommended for each one. Princess Nagger wanted me to break it open immediately upon arrival since she was craving chocolate, but I’m saving it for a special occasion. Like a Wine-Opoly Wine Tasting and Chocolate party. Could happen.
That’s about it for this week – feel free to link up and hop around to all the other awesome randomizers – they’re all so entertaining. If you’re visiting from Talk To Us Tuesday, feel free to link up, too – the more the merrier. Rebel On!
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We’re still rebelling while Keely is still hiatus-ing (which is closing in on a full year of hiatus, so I’m thinking she might not be back and I’ll just have to wear the Random Crown permanently and make a new badge), if you have a smorgasbord in your brain and want to let it out, c’mon and join in the fun! Rebel On!
Once again I’m hopping aboard this fun friendly train – if you’re traveling on the train, be sure to leave your link so I can follow you back!
Once again I’m linking up with my two new besties Shawn and Impulsive, the lovely hosts of Talk To Us Tuesday. There are no rules so link away.

And I’m joining up with the Tuesday Friend and Follow – if you’re stopping by here from there, please do me a favor and follow via LinkyFollowers – as of Thursday, GFC will be defunct on my blog since the cads at Goggle are boycotting non-Blogger blogs.
Note: None of this post – in whole or in part – was sponsored in any way. I just got really excited about some cool things I picked up, paid for with my own money with no compensation. No requests for any shameless plugs of any kind were requested. Of course I’m always happy to entertain future offers for similar items, or you know, things on my Bucket List like touring the Wine Country in Italy. I’m just sayin’. .
I am totally going to get Jude onto that Warrior Cats series as soon as he finishes the 39 Clues thing he’s on. PN is so cute in her little Scourge costume – white paw on the right or the left. Good luck with the diamond rings! I’ve gotta get that wine chocolate for Jimmy! He would love it!
Gretchen would like you to read ..RTT: Bidness, Crafts and Peeta
I’m totally digging PN’s costume!
Did you say “chocolate”? Let the midnight snacking begin… 😀
Lex would like you to read ..Oh shit, I’m talking about games again. But this one is a little different.
I’m not much of a wine drinker (although I will on occasion indulde in some) but I’d be more than happy to bring over the Jagermerister and play a few games while eating that neat looking chocolate. Princess Nagger looks like a “cool cat” in her costume. I actually reviewed a Diamond Candle for my blog and also received one for my birthday. Neither rings were real but it was neat to do the reveal and the candles smell good. Have you heard of Cookies & Corks? I’ll be doing a review in a couple weeks on my blog but they are different flavored cookies that are crafted to pair with wines.
Terra Heck would like you to read ..Random Tuesday Thoughts – Run, Logan, Run
She is rocking the cat costume for sure!!
That game looks great.. I would love it, and so would my hubby.. that would be if his older bratty brother didn’t ruin game playing for him when he was a little boy… sigh… scarred for life
Hilary would like you to read ..There is an App for that
Lovely costume indeed!
Wow! MY mom would love that game Wineopoly! I’ve never seen that before!
Your daughter looks too cute! I love it. It’s always great when one thinks outside the box! I love that she can march to the beat of her own drum!
Vanessa would like you to read ..What Makes Me Smile
Love that candle idea! And her creativity in the outfit is awesome!!!
Rachel M. would like you to read ..7 read-a-long
I love Princess Nagger’s costume! And I am with her, I want a diamond ring too.
Heather’s Happenings would like you to read ..Just A Dream
I have never heard of Diamond Candles but I can see that being something that would totally catch on! Happy Tuesday.
claire would like you to read ..Random (Talk to us) Tuesday – Packages of awesome, New Dictionary Terms, and Hot Dude
That costume is fantastic! Love it. Oh, and the brix chocolate is so good.
Shannah would like you to read ..Pinterest Projects: Fruity Ice Cubes
I finally set up a Linky Follow account this morning and added it to my site. I tried to sign on under yours, but got an error. Hopefully next time, it’ll let me join.
I’m curious about the Diamond candles, but since I don’t burn candles then I’d have to dig the ring out and I really don’t want to do that. Some of the rings look pretty, though, but I’m sure they’ll all be too big for me. I have small hands. However, I’m going to check out your link you’ve enclosed.
Thanks for hosting!
Cathy Kennedy would like you to read ..I have a lot of friends who go to Zumba classes; I…
I love the Princess’ attention to detail! It warms the heart of this OCD gal!
You have found the best stuff!!!
That chocolate looks interesting.
Connie Weiss would like you to read ..I Speak For The Trees
With your Diamond candles, Wineopoly and chocolate specifically made for eating with wine, you are officially the coolest blogger I’ve visited today. I feel a little insecure…
Jan would like you to read ..Baked Apple Omelet
Oh my Gah. Wine-opoly. I must have that. See, this is the reason I come visit you so much. I would never have known about Wine-opoly otherwise! Have a great Tuesday.
Semi Domesticated Mama would like you to read ..A Letter to my Child’s Birthmom
I never really got Monopoly, but Winopoly I think I could play.
Chocolate goes with anything. That is such a cool little gift box.
VandyJ would like you to read ..Another Monday? Not Really…
Great costume for bookweek! I love it.
How about that game eh…a wine-opoly tasting chocolate party….gosh, if only we were neighbours! I’d be there for sure.
I love the idea of the chocolate in the book, great gift idea!
Have a lovely week.
Daisy would like you to read ..A little poem for my blog
Wine-opoly? SHUT UP! That looks AWESOME! I have to find that for my next GNO. We would have so much fun!
I love the costumes for the good Dr.’s birthday!
Thanks for the link up with us! We heart you!
Wine and chocolate? Sounds like a dream night to me!
I love that your princess had to think outside the box. Good for her for being different!
Date Girl would like you to read ..TTUT-We Get to See Roo Today!
AN adult drinking game, we have evolved sine quarters haven’t we!
I have bottles of wine dipped in chocolate at a local gourmet chocolate shop and bring those to parties as hostess gets. Pop the cork, pull the stings to “peel” the chocolate off and enjoy!
Great costume, those books were Peanuts favorites until she moved on to teen-fiction. I miss those innocent books!
That chocolate looks so cool! Never mind that I focused immediately on the chocolate. Love PN’s costume!
Sprite’s Keeper would like you to read ..Spin Cycle: "Wingardium Leviosa!"
Your kid is awesome. I applaud her for not going with the pack, but doing exactly what the day was meant for: being her favourite character from a book.
Wine-opoly looks like fun. Chocolate looks even more fun.. or delicious.. whatevs. I like all three.. board games, wine, and chocolate. It’s a toss-up.
Kate would like you to read ..Too Much Coffee, People Who Skipped Grammar In School, And Cyber Stupidity — RTTR
Wow, Scourge is fabulous. I don’t know Warrior Cat but I am sure they are fabulous. I will have to check them out for my 3rd grader.
Anne would like you to read ..Meow Monday: The Lorax in the Small Town
Oh I would hate to wait for the ring to come out 🙂 But it would be a fun wait and see game for it to finally be revealed.
I love how Princess Nagger decided to be original with her costume!
The chocolate looks super yummy.
Hope you’re having a great day!
Dollie would like you to read ..Tuesday 4 Truths and A Lie
Ooooh…Wineopoly! I NEED THIS GAME!!! 🙂
Never heard of Diamond Candles, but that sounds pretty cool. I’m going to have to check them out!
Jill would like you to read ..I ripped the dress. But not because of fatness. It was because of my stupid brother.
Oh my gosh, I NEED Wineopoly. Need. And I love the idea of Brix since I love chocolate and LOVE wine, but I haven’t been able to determine if it’s ethical chocolate yet. Either way, great idea.
Just let me know when that tasting party is.
Colleen would like you to read ..Things are Always Shifting
Way cool on the Scourge costume, PN! She’s rockin’ it!
The win-opoly game looks like fun! And chocolate? YUM! I can’t drink right now, or I’d be there in a heartbeat!
Storm, the Psychotic Housewife would like you to read ..Random Thoughts Tuesday – Go Away Snow!
No Way! I obviously need that chocolate as I am planning a wine/chocolate/cheese tasting party for my mother’s retirement!
Good luck with the diamonds!
Andrea would like you to read ..Random snippets
That is one awesome costume!!!
Meryl would like you to read ..Heroes for All
I bet there are some health benefits to that chocolate with wine. I’m up for it!!!!
Have a great day!
Harriet would like you to read ..Yoga? Ouch!
Thanks for the follow! I have linked up here on your hop and following. Look forward to good reads! Thanks a million!
Your Doctor’s Wife would like you to read ..The Back Side of Medicine and Technology
I think I’m going to dress like Scourge for work. Just for kicks.
Those candles sound awesome. I’ll have to check them out.
Princess nagger looks so cute dressed up as Scourge!
Have to get me a diamond candle! Never heard of them, but they look so cool
Carrie would like you to read ..TTUT All About Me
Love your blog….and you Funny Personality! You are so CUTE!
I’m very interested in the diamond candles now…..sound very cool!
Loooooooove the wineopoly game and the chocolates to eat with wine!
Both are awesome!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and joining!
Love her character choice! And I can’t believe you wouldn’t re-paint the paws for her!
Also, I have heard of the diamond candles, but I totally forgot about them until now!
I hope you get a freaking awesome diamond ring!
Xazmin would like you to read ..Where was I?
I have heard of the diamond candles. But I have YET to see what the diamond looks like. You will have to share a pic.
Great look on on little Miss.— how fun!
How did I miss this in my reader? You’re right, I do enjoy chocolate with my wine but really who doesn’t? Seriously, is there someone who doesn’t? They must be crazy!
Those are great gifts for wine lovers. My moms group hosts a game night once a month and I’m always scrambling last minute to think of what to bring for a prize. That chocolate is perfect! Thanks for sharing!
Run DMT would like you to read ..Guinness Brownies with Butterscotch Fudge
love the idea of those diamond candles! i need to check those out! and I absolutely the costume!
–Love the costume cuz I’m a cat freak 🙂
And I absolutely dig chocolate w/ wine. Oh, Yessss. x
My Inner Chick would like you to read ..A Beautiful, Unexpected Gift
Princess Nagger really looks cute with the costume. I like the Wine-opoly…I used to play Monopoly when I was young but this Wine-opoly seems very interesting plus I like to learn about wine and the best way to learn is to learn while playing. Thanks.
Love the Costume,that chocolate looks very nice.