It’s crazy how dependent we’ve become on technology – and the internet – and actually being able to watch TV since the cable companies have pretty much taken over the world and you can’t get any decent channels with just an antenna. And even though I’m not a phone person, not having a phone for 5 days felt like an eternity. Add in to that cable and internet, and the trifecta outage was a major test on my sanity. I’m grateful we didn’t lose power for that entire time, and hope those that are still waiting for theirs to come back will be restored soon.
Speaking of sanity, laundry seems to be a never-ending cycle. Just when I think I’m all caught up, there’s a fresh pile filling the hamper (usually because hubby will finally collect his discarded pile of dirty clothes from the floor on his side of the bed). I don’t know about you, but Little Dude and Hubby’s clothes always seem exponentially smellier than either Princess Nagger or my clothes. It must be a guy thing. Boys can be super smelly.
I usually wash Princess Nagger and my clothes together, and before the Little Dude came along, I’d wash hubby’s clothes solo. Now the loads are separated by ‘his and hers’ loads. Mostly because I wash PN and my clothes on the delicate cycle, and both the hubby and Little Dude’s clothes need more vigorous cleaning. Plus I’ll use a nice smelling fabric softener with the girl clothes, but not with hubby’s clothes since he didn’t want to smell like a girl. Ahem.
One thing I do still do, though, is make sure I add a dryer sheet to all the loads of laundry, whether or not I’ve used fabric softener in the wash cycle, because even with liquid fabric softener, you still get stiff/scratchy/static-cling clothes. Dryer sheets make a world of difference.
Recently I received a Bounce Dryer Bar to try out, compliments of P&G and BlogHer. Princess Nagger likes the Bounce Dryer Bar commercials, and kept telling me I should get one, because “You just stick it and forget it, Mama!” My skepticism kept me from buying one, because I just wasn’t confident that it would really work, and I kept thinking about how some deodorants are supposed to be ‘no show’ but still leave marks on your clothes. The dryer bar reminded me of a deodorant stick, and I didn’t want residue left behind, or marks on the clothes.
My skepticism was proven wrong. It actually does work, and there is no residue left behind, nor did any of the clothes get streaks or marks left on them. Instead, they were static free and had a fresh scent, though not as strong as the scent you get from dryer sheets. Which works out very well for the boys’ clothes, since I’m sure the hubby would rather his clothes didn’t smell ‘pretty’. The dryer bar makes laundry one step easier (though I must confess, I do still add a dryer sheet to mine and Princess Nagger’s loads, since we do like our clothes to smell extra pretty.)
Which brings me to this weeks question(s):
Do you use fabric softener or dryer sheets in your laundry? If so, what’s your favorite brand or scent?
Have a great weekend!
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Happy Aloha Friday!
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So on Fridays let’s take it easy on posting, too. Ask a simple question…nothing that requires a lengthy response. It’s a great way to make new blogging friends!
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Note: Part of this post was written for the Bounce Sampling Program by way of BlogHer and P&G, since they so generously sent me a free Bounce Dryer Bar. No compensation was given or received, aside from the free bar to try out and give them my thoughts. Obviously all thoughts are strictly my own with no outside influence by any means of any sort. Except for feedback from the hubby, who thanked me for not making his clothes smell too ‘pretty’. See my Disclosure Policy here.
I LOVE the dryer bar!!! We have been using it for quite some time now, and I’m never turning back!
I like not having to wrestle the used dryer sheets from the dog’s mouth!
Becca – Our Crazy Boys would like you to read ..Real Steel {A Mom’s Review}
New follower from Stalk Friday Hop. I need to try this dryer bar.
I do use fabric softerner.. the brand that I use is Comfort Ultra
Dominique would like you to read ..Purplicious Friday
Yes we do. I used the Kirkland one that’s available at Costso.
A Maui Blog would like you to read ..Aloha Friday – Let’s Talk About Trees and Planting Trees
I use dryer sheets… Bounce to be exact….unless costco gets a different brand in…
Hilary would like you to read ..Follow Friday Four Fill in Fun Blog Hop – Week 35!
I don’t use fabric softener. I pour 1/2 cup of vinegar into the wash and call it a day. I have a few dryer balls that we use in the dryer, but no fabric softener. I started this last winter, and we had no static in our clothes. And no, our clothes don’t smell like vinegar!
Thanks for linking up with the Feed Me Friday hop again this week! Nice to have you!
Emily would like you to read ..kashi tlc peanutty dark chocolate granola bar #review
New follower. Please follow my blog
pizzaloggersavvysweeper would like you to read ..Smelly Laundry
There is nothing strange that technology has become our everyday part, but got to admit that in the most cases technology is used to improve our everyday tasks.
Yes I like original or unscented… I am way to sensitive to smells : )
MSRheinlander would like you to read ..#Aloha Friday… #Family #Photos
I use bounce dryer sheets. Since it’s very dry here they are the only way to keep the static cling in check.
VandyJ would like you to read ..I Confess…
Hi Stacy! I am visting your blog from Follow Friday Over 40…looks like a fun blog. I always use liquid fabric softener in the washing machine and a dryer sheet in the dryer! Gotta have the scent! =) I’m back to my blog after a hiatus and have planned some fun things to share. =) I hope you can stop by sometime
Have a great day!
Used to use Dryer sheets, but have read way too many bad things about the chemicals etc released from them, so we no longer use any thing! I may have to cheat and use a little liquid softener if the static electricity gets too bad in the winter 🙂 Happy Aloha Friday to everyone!
Ollie McKay’s Boutique would like you to read ..Friday is. . . ."Aloha Friday" time!
I was starting to feel bad that I stopped washing dh clothes with mine or the kids 🙂 Now I feel a whole lot better since I’m NOT the only one who thinks theirs are just stinkier and messier 🙂
I use fabric softener liquid and I’m just trying out that bounce thingy too!!
I guess I need to start doing the dryer sheets again.
Aloha 🙂
JamericanSpice would like you to read ..Drive Me Crazy! – Aloha!
I use sheets.
Amethyst Moon would like you to read ..Aloha Friday, Breakfast Could Win You $500
Is that the dryer thing that you stick to your dryer? Hmmmm if it is that’s the one that is still stuck to my dryer well, just the backing is. Sorry it did nothing for me except… well, I won’t say. It fell apart on the first load that I used it on. Well, how do they say it summa do & summa don’t! lol Have a great weekend.
I hate having to do those posts 🙂
P & G did send me that scent booster which I must say, I was impressed with. Don’t know how much the men around here liked it. Oh well.
Have a great weekend.
Harriet would like you to read ..Should she or shouldn’t she give it back?
I do for my clothes, but Hubby likes to dry his on the line without any fabric softener.
Deborah would like you to read ..More Friday Blog Hops
Unscented bounce dry sheets although I’ve got my eye on the solid bars for the dryer 🙂
Happy Friday!
Menopausal New Mom would like you to read ..Aloha Friday – Do You Check Out YouTube?
hey stacy! just joined via GFC!
hope you can take a minute to check out my blog as well.
i haven’t tried the bounce dryer bar but i can’t stand doing laundry without a fabric softener sheet. living in a dry climate that is a MUST. xo
YTBlushingBasics would like you to read ..Smelly Laundry
I’ve switched back and forth over the years using fabric softener and dryer sheets. Our clothes seldom have static or feel rough, so I’ve never thought to use both, but will give it a try just to see if they smell better.
I also switch back and forth with those washer and dryer balls. They work well too!
Here’s My Link
Vicki would like you to read ..Fitness Friday
Hi Stacy, Thanks for hosting. I’m a new follower. I see a few new Friday hops that you have listed. Thanks so much for sharing.
I’m now following you. Please stop by when you have a chance.
Have a great weekend.
kidswonderart would like you to read ..The Holidays, So Soon?
I use Downey, as in Robert Jr.
Lola would like you to read ..MILESTONE MAYBE
I have been using the Scent Booster also that P&G sent and I love it, especially with my sheets and blankets.
Teresa would like you to read ..Win Gold Canyon Candles Jingle Berry and Frosted Hollyberry Specialty Candle
I found you on the Friday Follow! I use Downy liquid fabric softener. My fav is the special one for dark clothes.
Crystal W. ( would like you to read ..Spicy Stuffed Pepper Soup
I use Cuddle Soft Lavender Vanilla scented liquid fabric softener. I am allergic to Bounce in all forms – my friend uses the dryer bar and she had to remove it when I stayed with her for 4 months because all I did was itch constantly. 😛
I have never had a problem with liquid only not taking care of static cling – but that dryer bar of my friend’s didn’t do squat for static cling.
Charity would like you to read ..I Really Dislike Doctors
I never knew those dryer sticks existed. I’m glad I know now though, so I don’t end up using one as deodorant by mistake! 🙂
Bob from 36 Bar Stools would like you to read ..Choosing the Right Metal Swivel Bar Stool
I don’t use one unless there’s one already left in there from when my husband last did the laundry. He uses Bounce. 🙂
kailani would like you to read ..Direct Buy Membership Can Save Time and Money
Thanks for stopping by Friendly Friday! Hope you’re having a great weekend! ~ Charla
Charla would like you to read ..healthyhomeblog: Winner of $25 Visa Gift Card from Crizal Lenses
I like using fabric softeners too! I use em on hub’s clothes too. He only complains about girly smelling when it comes to the shower. He likes to have guy soaps and shampoos….
BookinItUp would like you to read ..Monday’s Music Moves Me – Freebie Week
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