I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and long weekend. Princess Nagger is happy that she still has one more day of her long weekend before going back to school tomorrow. Although she’s miffed at me for scheduling our semi-annual teeth cleaning for this morning. Apparently I had a lot of nerve doing so on her last ‘free’ day before school starts again.
This is the final Monday of November – where is the time going? Only four weeks until Christmas – well, if you want to get technical, it’s three weeks 6 days. But for the next four weeks the theme for Monday’s Music Moves Me is Holiday or Christmas songs – I thought I’d start it off with a fun song by two of my favorite artists, Sheryl Crow and Brad Paisley with “Run Rudolph Run”:
Next is a funny song I shared last year – but after Christmas, so I thought this year I’d share it again to start off the Christmas/Holiday Season right. Brad Paisley with Kung Pao Buckaroos (an acting ensemble featuring three of the nation’s most respected thespians – Bill Anderson, George Jones and Little Jimmy Dickens) Kung Pao Buckaroo Holiday, aka “Politically Correct Holiday”:
Enjoy your Monday!
Now on to the particulars of Monday’s Music Move’s Me:
I have the supreme honor and privilege of being a co-host with the inimitable Xmas Dolly and her cohorts in crime, Lorie of The Shewbridges of Celebration, Florida, and Callie from JAmericanSpice for Monday’s Music Moves Me – want to join in the fun? It’s easy peasy! Just find a tune that rocks your boat, post it and link up – don’t forget to grab Xmas Dolly…er, um, I mean her button…over at her place here. Check out Xmas Dolly’s sidebar for the random themes we sport each week – and you can always ask for a specific theme of music you like, too. Check out the other music lovahs and let’s jam!
The awesome Run DMT also hosts Music Monday:
I’m also linking up for what was the Sunday Song Hop and now is Pinning and Singing on the Weekend over at 5 Minutes Just For Me: I’m going to have to get busy pinning, but at least it’s to share music, too:

Love Cheryl Crow & that video totally cool. Where did you ever find that second one! Personally, I just want to say MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE, AND I HOPE Y’ALL HAVE A WHITE CHRISTMAS! Hugzzzzzz
Xmasdolly would like you to read ..Monday’s Music Moves Me
Fantastic Picks!! Gosh, don’t you just LOVE Christmas!
I hear ya on the politically correct, lol, funny. Love your new banner.
Katie would like you to read ..Monday’s Music Moves Me – Christmas Songs
LOL. I had never heard that second one before. Too funny.
Claire would like you to read ..Woo hoo! Spotlight dance for MMMM
I saw the title of this post in Google reader and thought, “Oh…well, since I struggle with political correctness no matter the time of year, I’ll enjoy Stacy’s vicariously.” Thanks! XD
Jan would like you to read ..Make Ahead Monday: Pork Stew with Indian Flavors
I’ve actually never heard of the last song! That’s awesome!
Sprite’s Keeper would like you to read ..The four wheels or no wheels rule still applies, but the driver’s record is clean.
Sorry, if it ain’t the muppets, I just don’t enjoy Run Rudolph! However, Kung Pow Buckarooo is one of my favorites.
hahaha I seriously just laughed out loud thinking about the mind of a child and their parents nerve making them go to a dentist appt. on the last day of vacation. PN always entertains me!
Sarah would like you to read ..T-Day Wrap-Up/Blog Challenge #10
Oh, I remember the inappropriate timed dentist appointments lol!
Great picks and I laughed out loud during the last one, just loved it!!!
Such a thing to do to poor Princess Nagger.
Lola would like you to read ..WHAT? MONDAY
I love your new Christmas decorations on your blog. Hmmm Maybe I should try to fix mine up too. Love your song choices too. Very happy & festive. Have a great day.
Tom would like you to read ..Monday’s Music Moves Me
I understand the schedule 🙂 I tried not to do anything unfun on D’s last day with me too 🙂
Love your music. I haven’t heard these before.
LOVE the new blog look!
JamericanSpice would like you to read ..C Is For Christmas The Season Of Good Cheer – 4Ms
Your blog didn’t kick me off 3 tims this time before I could comment and I got it done all on ONE page!!! So excited!
JamericanSpice would like you to read ..C Is For Christmas The Season Of Good Cheer – 4Ms
Yay, I’m here to finally comment on yesterday’s musical picks. Yep, it I was having one of those Mondays. lol I’m just loving the official kick off of Christmas. I’ve been looking forward to this all year. I just love tuning into all the song picks. I’m sorry for being a day late, but like I said, I had one of those wild Mondays, and besides it’s better to be late than to never show up at all, right? Not to worry, I will find my way back to join your RTT. =D
Gotta love Christmas!!! Fun songs
cool song 🙂 ths to share ^^
wooow Love song Thanks