Let’s face it. We’re all fascinated by Black Friday. Sure, some of us tend to avoid the crowds and don’t go out shopping on that particular day, but we watch the sneak peeks and sales announcements like hawks, just in case. You never know when that one thing you really really want will be selling for a screaming good deal on that one particular day.
Once upon a time we didn’t have the convenience of cruising through the sales ads online – we had to do it the ‘old fashioned way’ by poring over the pages of the special catalogs (remember when Toys R Us used to send their giant book of toys?), bookmarking the pages you wanted your parents to notice, even circling the cherished items with a highlighter or red pen you hoped they or Santa would leave under the tree. What, that was just me?
Here’s a great look at what the Hot Toys were on Black Friday in years past (you can click on it to get the giant view to read it better):
Recognize anything on that list you got as a kid, or got for your kids? My ‘big’ one was a cabbage patch kid in the 80’s. Check out Black Friday 2011, Best Buy Black Friday ad, and Godiva coupons for some great deals and inspiration.
What toy are you (or your kids) hoping to get from Santa this year?
Note: I received compensation for posting the Black Friday infographic to stir some fond memories of Christmases past. All the other stuff was strictly my own babbling, because I love Christmas and shopping for cool and unique gifts for my family and friends. See my Disclosure Policy here.
Ohh I lusted after a Furby for months as a kid. Mum gave in but I had to share it with my brothers.. which is just as well because we grew bored of that thing pretty quickly.
This year I am asking Santa for perfume and a book. My grown up christmas lists are very boring.
When I was a kid, I still remember to this day this toy called “Fashion Plates” where you could mix n match these outfits that were on plastic raised tiles which you then did a paper rubbing. They were extremely popular, I think, in the early 80s.
What a fun page to look through the hottest toys through the years, especially for when I was a kid. 😉
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Thank goodness I have never had to really pull my hair out for THE hot item!
Fashion Plates!? Amy, I loved those!
Looking like a Lego Christmas here again this year! Got the SatrWars Advent calendar a month ago, just in case! (esp since I tend to forget that you need those Dec FIRST!)
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Meccano – that’s was the big one for me. I spent hours with that stuff building all sorts of crazy things. My poor mother….
I hate to burst your bubble, but I am not fascinated by Black Friday. All I want for Christmas is good sex.
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Thanks a lot for sharing a very nice wording with us! Please keep it up..