I realize I might possibly get a lot of unwanted or unsavory hits or spam on this post simply because of the title, but sometimes I like to live dangerously.
I think I mentioned once or twice that Princess Nagger has a pet dove that she named Virtualization:
Virtualization is cool – she coos and even laughs. She also lays eggs and always seems so sad when they never hatch. She’s far from annoying like the birds I’ve had in the past; my finches that seemed to take great pleasure spitting their seeds all over the floor outside their cage, or the Cockatiel I had that would not. shut. up. My favorite was my pair of doves, Aries and Athena, which is one of the reasons I talked Princess Nagger into getting a dove as a pet, since they’re cool and the least annoying of my past pet birds.
Ever since we saw the movie Rio, Princess Nagger has had it in her head she really wanted to get a Cockatoo. After chatting with my bird-lady aunt, we discovered that a Cockatoo wouldn’t be a very good pet for an 8-year old, she’d be better off getting the smaller bird of that family, the Cockatiel. Apparently they do well with children if you get them young and start training them early, and if you get a male, you can teach him to talk.
I tried to talk Princess Nagger out of it, but she was bound and determined to have a pet Cockatiel, especially since she has spent the last several months studying up on them. She’s read book after book about their care, and has been watching video after video of other Cockatiel owners and the cool tricks they’ve taught their pet bird. Excuse me, their pet Cockatiel. It’s not just a bird, you see. It’s a smart animal that can learn how to use a computer, and watch their favorite shows on TV.
Hubby took Princess Nagger to the pet store Saturday to look at the baby Cockatiels there, which made her talk about them non-stop. This past weekend I even posted an ad on Craigslist to find Virtualization a new home, since we’d need to vacate her from her cage to accommodate a new bird. There were no takers, so I searched for a cage, and found one that was identical to the one I had that had housed my own pet doves prior.
Thinking the cage was probably already gone since the ad was a few days old, I emailed the seller – and it was fate. The cage was still available, so Princess Nagger and I went to pick it up. Which of course then fired up her nagging enthusiastic spouting of information about Cockatiels, what they can do if trained properly, and how cool it was going to be when she finally had one of her own.
The other night when we were getting ready for bed, she was bouncing off the walls with excitement and exclaimed:
“Let’s talk Cock!”
After the initial shock wore off and I picked my jaw up off the floor (while snuffing the inner 12 year old boy in me so I didn’t start giggling), I had to explain to her (without actually explaining to her) why that isn’t a good statement/phrase to exclaim.
Which I apparently didn’t do very well (or at all), because she went in to cuddle with the hubby before bed while I brushed my teeth, and he said the first thing she said when she came into the room was:
PN: “Let’s talk Cock!”
Hubby: “What??!!”
PN: “Let’s talk about Cockatiels!”
Hubby: ……
PN: “Ask me any question about them, and I’ll tell you the answer!”
After which they had a very nice conversation about Cockatiels, and hubby was able to sidestep being flabbergasted. Except when he and I were alone later, which then opened up fun banter and off-color jokes.
I’m not sure if he was trying to avoid any more uncomfortable exclamations, but Tuesday he brought home the baby Cockatiel they had looked at over the weekend. Meet Nigel:
Here’s hoping we’ll have a long time to wait before we actually have to get into any discussion about the other.
This Spin Cycle was brought to you in part by Jen, who is Sprite’s Keeper , and who denoted this week as ‘freebie’ week (which she might have second thoughts about later if I come up with stuff like this). Check out the other Spinners – see who else is relishing in the freedom.
This was too funny!!! What a funny story.
Hope you don’t get those unwanted people visiting your site!
Best wishes,
LOL! Nigel is cute. PN never fails to amuse!
You should hear the conversations Tara and her friends have, with me in earshot. Shocking! What’s a mom to do, that’s teenagers for you!
You are a much more relaxed parent than I, I would not have a bird in my house, ever! I hope Nigel learns all the cool stuff that PN wants to teach him.
Oh my gosh! Nigel is so cute. Let me just say that I am relieved that I do not have to negotiate on the level that PN is at—she’d have me beat every time with her seemingly infinite vat of wisdom about such a cool variety of things!
Nigel is extremely handsome. My cats would love if I got them, I mean the girls, a bird.
…now you can live in terror until she brings it up again.
the birds are super cute, BTW!
What a beautiful and yet funny Post! Don’t worry girlfriend I got your back on this one. You let me know if anyone bothers you! I’ll give em’ what for!~ This is a great Post and I love your humor! LMFAO!!! I’m sure living with your Princess there’s never a dull moment!!! hugsssssssssss
*gasp* Okay, now that I’m done laughing myself silly, may I just say that Nigel is a lovely name for a cock…atiel. *snicker* How ever did she come up with “Virtualization” though??
ROFL with my inner child!!!!!
Wow, what a name for any pet!
~Naila Moon
Oh my god I would have died!!! That is hilarious! Let’s talk cock?! Ha!
I may have “squawked” when I saw this title… People may have looked.
Love the pictures, but when Sprite started asking for a pet bird after seeing Rio, I told her I was allergic. Just like I’m allergic to cats, lizards, fish, any reptiles, and more dogs. 🙂
You’re linked!
LOL- Nigel is A-dorable…
What is it with THAT word??
A few years ago my (now) husband was hanging out with my littlest boy, then 8, and my daughter, then 25. They were playing with the Nerf guns in our house, battling. Seanie is little, even for 8. he proceeds to tell my husband that he is not very quick with the nerf gun, hence he gets “shot” a lot…so husband tells him hey, we’ll take care of that. Just holler when you need a second to cock your gun, and I’ll stop shooting ya!
So…my daughter is 1/2 asleep, listening to all of this. All of the sudden “COCK” is heard thru the ENTIRE condo complex- all the windows were open- but unfortunately husband must have been the only person in a 10 block radius who didnt hear.
Swiftly there insued: “cock, cock, cock…J.C. I SAID C-O-C-K-“…my daughter never even opened her eyes or missed a beat.
“You sure did, Sean…and there is not a person left in the neighborhood who has ANY doubt about that.”
We still laugh about it.
Funny – we had a “cock” years ago and he barked like our dog – it was funny…
Kids!! Ha!
Any pet ownership comes with a lot of responsibilities. It is why I don’t have any!! Ha!!
No birds here, but we have had to have those discussions about why certain words are not so good to use, with out really telling the exact reason why.
Tricky business this being adult. That inner 12 year old is always wanting to laugh at the most inopportune moments.
What a hoot! At least she didn’t say that to one of her grandparents!
: -))))))
And Nigel is adorable.