What better place to visit for a budding Paleontologist but a Fossil Gorge? Princess Nagger enjoyed our little excursion to the Devonian Fossil Gorge:
With our expert fossil aficionado in the lead, we were sure to find some excellent fossils:
She took great delight in pointing out specific fossils:
Surveying her domain:
Here’s something interesting:

Some bonding between Dada and Princess Nagger:
Bet you didn’t think looking at rocks and fossils could be so exciting, did you?
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That looks like an adventurous outing. Glad she got to visit the fossil gorge. I’d have loved to see it up close too.
Lovely photos too.
Princess Nagger is quite the adventurer – she is filling her summer with trips to exciting places!
Have a fab week!
How very cool!! Love her glasses!! 🙂
Aloha! Mrs. Marine
& the Tiny Troops
This is fabulous! Glad she enjoyed herself!! Looks like dad did too!!
When did she get so grown up! It looks like she had a great time!
I love the whole presentation, so colorful and informative. What a wonderful outing together!
What a wonderful excursion…so educational and interesting to us visitors today. I must add, I’m in awe of her long flowing, gorgeous, blond hair!!!
Thanks for visiting with me today.
My youngest would have loved that! Great photos!
How exciting! Looks like she had a great time. Almost 2 years ago now we went to the Messel Fossil Pit (near Frankfurt, Germany) with the local homeschool group. It was a great trip. We found out later that they offer a 2 hour tour where you actually get to pull apart the shale and look for fossils. We hoped to go back and do that, but haven’t found the time yet. You can see (and show PN) my blog post about the trip here:
Stacy, this is totally intersting! My kids would get along with your daughter very much! They love dinosaurs and fossils!
Have a wonderful WW!
I’m loving these posts. I’m taking a little “webcation” with you each day.
Told PB about the mis-hap at Antiques Archeology and he was disappointed, too. It would have been great to see inside!
I love the photos showing the different aspects of her adventure.
That is beyond cool! she looks like a star of Jurassic Park!
I’d love to go there someday. My son was obsessed with fossils when he was younger and my 8 year old would love it too. 🙂
wow. that place looks fantastic!
My husband would love that place! He helped dig up a Plesiosaur in Ashfall, Nebraska!
My 13 yr old just asked if you call her Princess Whiny sometimes … lol
I didn’t know there were fossils in Iowa…come to think of it, I know nothing about Iowa, so your vacation wrap ups are great inspiration for me to travel west of Buffalo!
This place looks like so much fun! She looks like she really enjoyed herself!! 🙂
I bet she loved every minute of it : )
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Looks like a fun expedition!! And I love her glasses! 😀
I love the pictures! My father-in-law would love this place too! 🙂
Seriously…she is your future archeologist! She will be digging for dinosaurs!!!
The biology major in me is sooo jealous! I want to go, too!
She looks like she had a blast!
Looks like it was an amazing day!
That looks so awesome! What a neat place for ANY kid, let alone a budding Paleontologist! Where is that place, if you don’t mind me asking?
I wanna know if she found any diamonds :O
Have a great day!
I think that looks like loads of fun. I love her little dino shoes. She’s serious about them dino’s eh?
My kids love going there. We went a few weeks ago and it was so stinkin hot. lol. Fun pics!
Hey Stacy,
It’s so cool that your daughter is into paleontology. I hope when my little sweetheart grows up she’s pretty and intelligent like your little girl!
The Epic Adventures of a Modern Mom
My oldest would love to explore and see all those fossils. Mine would probably prefer to end up a geologist than paleontologist but to me rocks are rocks. LOL – I am sorry to those professions 🙂 Fun day and I love how much fun your daughter had 🙂
I bet she had a great time! It’s right up her alley.
Looks like an amazing place to visit!
looks like you guys had a great time!! love the photos!!
I’ve never heard of a fossil gorge. looks like you all enjoyed yourself. So many interesting things to do.
Looks like princess had fun! The photo of one of her shoes is great. Happy belated WW!