The Rebellion rocks on into the twelfth week. Keely is still hiatus-ing, but we’re still functioning in her honor. Thanks to all fellow rebels for joining in each week – I have been remiss in making sure I get around to everyone the past couple of weeks, but I promise to visit each and every one of you this week – even if I have to do it over the weekend, I’ll be there! Promise. Meanwhile, Rebel On!
(Note: Right-click still isn’t working on my page, so after you highlight the code, simply CTRL-C to copy. Email me if you’re having trouble)
Mother Nature is still continuing her August Heat trend this early in June – makes me wonder what she’s got up her sleeve for August, since she’s using up her quota of hot, humid and sticky days so early on. When Princess Nagger and I were in Target last week, she spied the perfect pool to help her beat the heat:
It’s a Dinosaur Volcano Play Center pool – pretty cool, no? Sorry about the stock photo, it’s been so crazy busy that I haven’t downloaded the pictures from my camera yet – I’ll make sure to do that before next week so you can see how happy Princess Nagger is splashing around in her new pool. She was ecstatic that it’s dinosaur themed, and that it was much bigger than a different one she had her eye on.
Hubby had a rough week last week – his dreaded dentist appointment led to an extraction of a pesky bad molar, which then led to an issue with dry socket. Poor guy. No wonder he has an aversion about going to the dentist. All the stress related to the dentist issues then culminated in the poor guy contracting shingles – his right eye (the same side his tooth was extracted from) ended up swollen shut over the weekend. He’s on heavy antiviral medication, so hopefully he’ll start feeling human again soon. At least bad things happen in threes, so he should be done.
Only a week and a couple of days before we leave on our exciting road trip to Corn Country in Iowa – jealous, aren’t you? I guess I better get myself in gear, as I have a lot of stuff to organize for the trip, and get the house all clean so we can leave it clean, which always is a nice thing to return to a nice clean house before Princess Nagger unleashes her inner tornado on it. Originally we were planning on leaving early enough to get to the COSI Science Center in Ohio on the way, but now we might end up hitting it on the way back since hubby has a follow-up doctor appointment the morning we were originally going to leave.
We’d rather not postpone our departure date by a day, because we want to beat my parents there (who are driving out from Seattle) so we can lay claim in my sister’s basement. My dad called dibs on the basement so they can have easy access to the backyard for their little Shih Tzu they’ll have traveling with them, but we think we should get the basement since cramming the three of us in one bedroom won’t be conducive to a nice relaxing vacation – bed-hog Princess Nagger would make getting a decent night’s sleep almost impossible. I’ll be blogging from the road and while we’re there, so I’ll keep you posted on that whole fun scenario.
That’s it for this week – feel free to be a rebel with me and get your random on! Join in the fun – link up (I promise this week I won’t neglect you) and thanks to all you diligent rebels out there!
Don’t forget – I’m co-hosting an upcoming class in the Web’s first-ever virtual cooking school, Cooking Connections, and I would love to invite all of you to be part of it! Here’s what you need to know to get cooking with us online:
When: Wednesday, June 15, at 1 p.m. ET (that’s tomorrow, yo!)
Where: TheMotherhood – here’s the link to the page where the class will be held:
What: School’s out for the summer – but your kids can keep their minds fresh by helping you in the kitchen! Join us to talk about making cooking both fun and educational for your kids, exchange easy summer meal recipes, and brainstorm delicious dessert ideas.
The class is sponsored by ConAgra and hosted by TheMotherhood.
I hope to see you there!
My other fabulous co-hosts are:
Amy, Cajun Inspired Living
Jenna, A Mom’s Balancing Act
Jessica, Vanderbilt Wife
Karen, 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires
Liz, A Belle, A Bean & A Chicago Dog
Stacie, The Divine Miss Mommy
Stacy, Stacy Uncorked (that’s me!)
Tammy, Tammy’s Two Cents
Vanessa, The Sew*er, The Caker, The Copycat Maker
I’m also participating in Follow Me Back Tuesday – if you are a new Follower, please be sure to leave a link so I can follow you back!
Once again I’m hopping aboard this fun friendly train – if you’re traveling on the train, be sure to leave your link so I can follow you back!
I’m also joining Hop a Little Tuesday – Blog Hop for Moms:
And here’s another fun one, Tiggerific Tuesday! Blog Hop…or Bounce!
Oh man, poor Hubby. Just the words “dry socket” make me shudder. And definitely rush to lay claim on that basement. We always have to share one tiny room when we visit the inlaws and it’s a bit too much togetherness!
interesting post, thanks for writing!
Great post.
Remember to go enter Caption My Freak Photo Competition
Your poor hubby….. I hope you are right, and he is all done with the issues….
What Gretchen said. *shuddering along with her* I hope he feels better soon!
Ouch!! Poor hubby! I had two dry sockets…at the same time!! I feel his pain.
I also hope you get the basement…not cool being stuck in one room with the Princess!! My prayers for you and for your journey!!
PN must love that pool!
Your poor husband! I feel so bad for him (and you!).
Iowa in the summer sounds hot. I hope you all get the basement. Fitting together in one room is not fun. We’ve done that before and it makes for a cranky mom. Have a safe trip!
I work tomorrow, will the cooking class be available on YouTube? I want to see it!
Thanks for keeping the ramdon going!
Elle would like you to read ..Random Tuesday Thoughts
PN has fabulous taste! That is the coolest pool ever!!
I missed last week, but I back this week. It’s been hard to blog and whatnot with the kiddos home for summer vacation.
Love the kiddie pool and the stock photo! For a moment, I thought President Obama was hanging out in your backyard. LOL That is a pretty cool pool, though. My girls would love that too!
Sorry about your hubby’s teeth situation. My DH just had a root canal and cap put in last week. Yuck!
We’re off on vacation next weekend too! Can’t wait to be on the beach for a few days! Have a safe trip!
I had dry socket with all four of my wisdom teeth, which came out at different times. I wish him all the best because that was awful!
Hi Stacie! Hope you have a great trip!! The dino pool looks awesome. Hope hubby feels better soon!!
I’m coming over to hang out with PN in that pool!!!!
Poor hubs. Tooth extraction, dry socket and shingles? That’s just not fair!
That’s a really cool pool centre. I’m sure my boys would enjoy it if we had a backyard.
COSI is so much fun! You’ll have to drag PN away. And maybe you can convince your Dad to let the pup stay with you so that both doggie and princess have quick access to the yard.
That pool is awesome–Papa has one similar only pirate themed for the boys–they love it.
I feel for your hubby–dry socket is no fun and to put shingles on top of it, I hope he feels better soon.
Have fun on your trip. Looking forward to hearing all about it.
I missed playing last Tuesday, but I’ve returned – fear not! Wow, your hubby is having a difficult time, poor guy! My prayers are with him…and you, too! Husbands need just as much TLC as the kids do, don’t you think? lol Enjoy your upcoming vacation and I hope you get the basement! 😉
I avoid the dentist like the plague. I’m scared to death of them. Pretty sure the whole profession originated with the marquis de Sade. Some day it will catch up with me – but I’m enjoying my time in denial until then.
Can’t wait to see what August holds for us if we’re already hitting 100.
I love that pool! Awesome!
Sorry to hear about your Hubby, Ick! Yuck!
Good luck catching the basement! I know what it’s like to cram three into a bed. Especially when one of them (Husband) likes to sleep in the exact center and the other (The Kid) likes to sleep between me and the Husband. I get the very edge and spend all night holding on for dear life! 🙂
the pool looks fun…and have a great trip to…Iowa…smiles.
That pool looks amazing. I kind of want one for myself!!
Sorry your hubs has been given the raw end of the deal. Laame. That aversion to the dentist is totally understandable (and normal?) though.
Good luck on your road trip! Stay safe (and sane, because too much time in a car can be so stressful…)!!
That pool is totally awesome!
Ouch for your hubby 🙁 Have a good trip – I’m jealous, we’d love to visit COSI – corn country, not so much. 😉
We have an in-ground pool, and I want to trade it for that one, that is the coolest thing ever!
Sorry to hear about the dental issues- there is nothing worse.
Have a great trip, and thanks for continuing to host!
Hi Stacy, I love those pools. Every summer we get a new one for T, it’s really wonderful and good for hours and days of fun.
Ooh, a race for the basement? I hope you win!
That sure sounds like one evil trifecta of dental disaster….ouch!
If you don’t win the basement, maybe the princess could bunk down with the pooch and grandparents!? Adventurous?!
I’m sorry I thought this was for Wordless Wednesday. I’ll be back. Have a good evening. Me, I’m off to work.
Have a great and safe trip. Sorry to hear that the hubby is feeling under the weather. Hope that changes real quick. JR has the same problem with his teeth. I have a savings plan just for his dental work.
What a long wonderful birthday weekend! I’M POOPED! hugssssssssssssss and more tomorrow I’m tired & goin’ to bed! hugssssssss
Hey Stacy! 🙂
Aww, your poor hubby! I hope he feels better soon!
My gosh, I know what you mean about the heat, it’s too hot for my liking over my side of the world…
Have fun on your vacation! 🙂