Last week I showed you the Dragon Diorama Princess Nagger did for her gifted class. This week I thought I’d share the Alligator Diorama she did for her other class – as part of a study they did on various animal habitats. Since we had the privilege of visiting an alligator farm a couple of years ago when we were in Louisiana (and brought home a few real alligator heads – I know, ewwww!) she chose alligators for her subject matter.
This project was a ‘family’ project, to encourage working together in creative family time. Since I’m the crafty one, I ended up putting it together, but the collaboration of ideas were fun, with Princess Nagger’s idea of putting a real alligator head in the box taking center stage – sort of:
Several alligator figures are placed strategically about, as well as a water snake slithering and an alligator turtle perched on what (we hope) looks like a log – since it’s a real alligator head. We decided to try to camaflouge it, then cut a hole in the side so you peek in to see this:
That’s scary looking, right? Princess Nagger will want to know if you were scared looking at it. It was a hit with all her classmates – and she’s excited that it will be on display for tonight’s Curriculum Fair. I’ll be sure to take my camera so I can share some of the other unique projects that have been worked on. Pretty amazing for second grade, no?
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For Wordless Wednesday, be sure to visit Wordless Wednesday, 5 minutes for Mom, Go Graham Go, JollyMom and Momspective for more great Wordless Wednesday Posts.
I’m also participating in Makobi Scribe’s The Middle Matters Blog Hop:
I’m also participating in Random Deals Whimsical Wednesday Blog Hop:
Yes Princess! Very scared! Wow, creepy. But really awesome idea!
Scary? SCARY? Tell that little Princess that I was scared half out of my wits!!! Didn’t she hear me screaming!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! I thought it was real and that when you were taking the picture I thought maybe it lunged at you to snap while you were snapping the picture. So ask the Princess if she’s going to come over, and dye my hair now that it’s all grey!!! ~snicker-snicker~
Yelp! What long teeth you have Mr. Gator! The better to bite you with he says!!! Well, to your Princess you tell her I’m shaking in my boots! Definitely scary! Have a fun WW I know I am already! Thanks.
yes! That is pretty amazing!!
And scary!! Ha!! Well done Princess!!
I love to hear about family bonding activities!
Love the gator habitat which you made up for her.. really cool exhibit.
From Terrified in IL
She’s got skills, she can draw a crowd! 🙂
Yikes!!! Stay away from those teeth.
Nice job on the diorama. I may have to borrow a picture or two to show my students. Love the cut out hole!
I don’t do alligators or snakes. But I’m glad Princess Nagger does! She will be a hit for the rest of her life if she can keep that up!
Very scary looking! Very cool project!
Ohhh very cool! I was definitely scared! How exciting it will be up at the fair! I hope it scares a lot of people!
Super scary! Right on!!!!
There’s not a lot of stuff the grosses me out, but yuck.
And yes, pretty darn cool too 😉
Oh yea, very scary! I think it is so wonderful that you girls do projects together and share creative ideas. The project came out great. I look forward to seeing more pictures from curriculum night. Thanks for stopping by my blog… =D
Tell her no, I wasn’t scared. I was terrified.
I know you’ve dropped by already but I wanted to let you know that I linked up with you and added you to the end of my post.
Oh and tell Princess Nagger that it was truely frightening!
Last photograph is actually scary.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Cheers! keep blogging.
oh my kid would LOVE to do a project like that!!
Please let Princess Nagger know that she definitely gave The Paper Princess a shiver!
Have a great WW and also look forward to hearing What’s On Your Mind this week! 🙂
That is awesome! That hole to peak inside and see the aligator looks Great! (And sort of freaky too!) Love it!
Tell the princess that it was scary and you both did a great job. I love how you captured the lagoon icky feel.
Very cool and impressive for 2nd Grade.
Thanks for the linky too!
My, look at those teeth! Neat diorama!
-:¦:- WW: Leaf in Plain View -:¦:-
Scary? Oh my gosh. Very, very scary! 😉
I think this project turned out fabulous!
The alligator head is a nice touch, too. You can tell Princess Nagger that is scared the begeebies out of me 😀
Eeekk! That looked soooo real. Tell her great job and yes, I did get a little freaked out looking at that!
That is so AWESOME!! It does look scary!!
Oh my gosh!! That IS scary!!!! I couldn’t sleep at night knowing it was in the
hi, found you at makobi scribe. love the alligator head idea, yes, i am scared (truthfully i got goosebumps and a little stomachache). anyway, great to be here and i will add my linky above, just wanted to let you know that i am a new follower of yours.
Okay, that’s badass.
That is the coolest school project! The gator head through the hole is scary… A+!
So cool!!
I wouldn’t those teeth sinking into me. That’s for sure!!!!
She must have been the hit of the class with that scary peek hole. You can tell your princess that is certainly scared me. 🙂
Umm yes. That is scary! I would have believed it was real without your explanation!
Cool picture, I love it. Funny, I was the same with building a little world for my ‘playmates’ in the garden, not for dragons or alligators (they didn’t exist the time I was a kid), I had lots of native Americans and cowboys (hope I said that the correct way, English is not my native language 😉 ). Just make sure your daughter keeps playing with her scary friends as long as possible, the ‘adult’ life comes early enough.
Mommy’s Paradise would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday – little Picasso in training
That is AWESOME!!! Really wish I was more crafty!
Cool project. I like the gator peeking through the hole. Happy Wordless Wednesday!
Woah!!!! You scared me!!! That girl is good 🙂 Sweet girl that I need to meet one day!
That picture is so cool!! So crafty!
Truly scary!! Love it totally – my three boys would LOVE it and try to use it to freak me out!
Love the project! Following you from the whimsical wednesday blog hop, look forward to your future posts!
My 3 year old said, “Owwww, alligator, but he can’t eat me.”
so awesome!!!
great work!
yes, i was scared!!!!!
Looking through the hole at THAT? YES, I would be afraid!
ooohhh cool. and scary.
Very cool and scary.
She got the creepy factor down great. only thing missing is some prey in the gators mouth… or maybe I shouldn’t give her ideas….