Happy Earth Day and Good Friday for those that celebrate!  I have the honor and privilege to participate in a special Be Kind To Earth Day celebration with TheMotherhood.

The Mission: To encourage people to promise to do at least one earth-friendly action on April 22, 2011 — and beyond.

The Overview:  Make Earth Day count for you and your family this year!!   In all fifty states on Earth Day, families will get outside, appreciate our planet and do good things for the Earth – and their collective actions are going to count, big time. B Kind 2 Earth Day is a project of Nickelodeon, the National Wildlife Federation, TheMotherhood.com and incredible bloggers and organizations across the country.

Princess Nagger and I have great plans for today – along with our annual tradition of planting a new tree, we’ll be creating and decorating a compost bin.  That way we can have the convenience of composting on our back porch – which means we’ll probably be better about putting things in the compost pile instead of in the trash, since we won’t have to haul it out to the Back 40.  I found a great tutorial on Kaboose on decorating a simple compost bin, so we’ll be making our own version of this:

Of course ours will probably be decorated with dinosaurs and dragons.  If you click on that image, it will take you directly to the tutorial in case you want to do that project yourself.  I’ll be sure to post pictures of the finished product – it will definitely be a ‘must see’ with Princess Nagger’s creativity.

Which brings me to this week’s question(s):

Do you do anything special to commemorate Earth Day like plant a tree?  How do you green it up?

Have a great weekend!

Link up if you like – that way I can visit you easily, especially if you’re a new follower. You can be participating in any (or none) of the hops listed below – it’s a Free-For-All!


Happy Aloha Friday!

From Kailani at An Island Life:
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So on Fridays let’s take it easy on posting, too. Ask a simple question…nothing that requires a lengthy response. It’s a great way to make new blogging friends!

Follow Friday 40 and Over


There are a lot of fabulous bloggers who are 40, so I’m participating in Follow Friday 40 and Over – please be sure to leave a link to your blog so I can come check out your site and follow you, too!

Fun Follow Friday


I’m also joining in on “Stalk Hop Friday” hosted by Mrs. Marine and the Tiny Troops, Novel Bloggers, Two Peas in a Pie, and Aspergian Tales! This one is a little different from the usual, instead of just following on Google Friend Connect (GFC), you can pick and choose which way you want to stalk follow blogs. Be sure to leave a link in your comment so I can follow you back!

Welcome to
“Stalk Hop Friday”!

Blog hops are a great way to gain more followers! This hop follows in EVERY way: Google Friend Connect, Facebook, Twitter, Feed, Blog Frog, Networked Blogs! “Stalk Me” and I will return the favor!



Thursday Two Questions (on Friday!)


Thursday Two Questions

Hosted by Self Segacity, It’s easy to join Thursday Two Questions Meme. 1) Post your own two questions on your blog, 2) Have a link or badge on your post to Self Sagacity.com

More Friday Follow Fun!

Oh So SAvvy Mom
Design it ChicSmart and Trendy MomsMom RoadA Mommy's Sweet Blog Design Friday Blog HopChubby Cheeks ThinksThanks Mail CarrierHome Grown Families

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  1. I am going to be planting a field of wildflowers for Earth Day! Next year the field will look fabulous!!

  2. Love the bin, we started one last summer, and we kept it going through the winter. I have the happiest worms! We can’t decorate though, we live in a townhome and no one must know what that little green bin is when we put it back on the patio.

    I recommend “Red Wigglers” for your bin, they’re tiny, but they eat, eat, eat!

  3. we are going to an earth day celebration where we will get a tree but probably wont plant it until the weekend…

  4. So far we don’t have any Earth Day traditions, but this compost bin looks like a great project! I bet the completed pictures will be great!

    Thanks so much for joining us for Friendly Friday once again, have a great Easter weekend!

  5. We are having a campout in the living room tonight. Two tweens, me, 2 cats, a Doodle and a slew of junk food..
    Nothing to exciting I’m afraid. All the flowerbeds are Earth friendly already with compost and we recycle like crazy.

  6. That will be a fun craft project. I’ve been giving a lot of thought to how we will compost in an urban environment. If you see something DIY for that please send it along.

  7. I like the bin too!! I did a B Kind 2 Earth day post also but as far as doing something special today… no but when Alex is old enough to understand then I will for her!
    Melissa R would like you to read ..Aloha FridayMy Profile

  8. Good Morning and TGIF. I’m a big Earth Celebrator so was glad to find you post. Love the decorated compost bin by the way!
    Have a great weekend!
    I’m following you

  9. We don’t have anything planned, but today is our regular day to make a trip to the recycling center. I’ll also be using reusable bags when I go grocery shopping.
    Your Earth Day project sounds great! Have fun!

  10. I have been planting flowers today but not consciously because of earth day! We do recycle a lot in my household.

  11. no planting a tree it’s storming out.. however I will go out and pick up all that stupid styrofoam the garbage truck left EVERYWHERE. 🙁

  12. Hi I’m visiting from Smart & Trendy’s link party – nice to meet you! Love what you did with the compost bin – why can’t something useful be lovely, right?! Thanks for sharing with us.

  13. What a great idea. I think I am going to try this…Happy Earth Day! Following you from the hop…please stop by and say hi Areyouamom.com

  14. Some Earth Day…we are in for severe storms all day long….
    At least it’s Friday!!!! WOOHOOO!

    BTW- I love the compost container.

  15. We do not but we really should start a tradition of some sort on Earth Day. Today is Good Friday too so our family focus has leaned more toward that meaning for today.

  16. Hi! I am a new follower thru GFC and went ahead and followed on Twitter, FB and Networked Blogs. I am new with about 4 months blogging so I need help in all of those. I am trying to get my numbers up so I can do reviews. I thought in the beginning it was the GFC numbers but have since found out they want Twitter & FB numbers also, so now I have to play catch up. I would appreciate however you choose to follow. Thanks and have a great weekend!


  17. whenever we get a house, i would love to do things like that… but this apartment has NO ROOM to spare…so, we just plan for the future

  18. Thank you for stopping by, but I won’t be doing anything for Earth Day, I pretty much work around the clock. I recycle cans does that count? Have a good weekend, and Happy Easter to you, and yours.

  19. Today we aren’t doing anything special for earth day but dh is putting in extra insulation to keep our home cooler to save on energy 🙂

    Happy Easter

  20. I have to say that’s the COOLEST compost bin I’ve ever seen xD I’ve always wanted to create one for our household! Maybe that will be something I can do in the future!

    Unfortunately due to health issues I wasn’t able to do anything today =( Boo. But I hope when I’m feeling better, I can make up for it!

    I hope you and your family have a happy and safe Easter weekend 🙂

  21. In previous years, we have planted flowers for Earth Day weekend. This year the weather is too cold and wet to do this. We may take the kids to see African Cats since it looks great and supports the savannah.
    Beth would like you to read ..The Face Says It AllMy Profile

  22. We didn’t do anything special other than discuss the origins of Earth Day and why conservation is important.

    Love your compost bin. We use one too.

    Have a great weekend!

  23. I am always propagating. 🙂 Always adding more to earth the greenest of it. I have a garden and starting to spread out more so I am very excited to see new growth everyday.

  24. I love your tub. I try very hard all year to be green in a number of ways from saving grocery bags to feeding my plants table scraps… We all must do our part, after all we leave this earth to our loved ones.

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