Happy Aloha Friday!
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So on Fridays let’s take it easy on posting, too. Ask a simple question…nothing that requires a lengthy response. It’s a great way to make new blogging friends!
I thought once the holidays were done, things would calm down a bit, but I was oh so wrong. So I’ll get right to my question for this week:
Are you a pet person? And if so, what kind of pet(s) do you have?
I’m definitely a pet person. We always had dogs growing up – my dad was anti-cats because my grandpa had a cat that liked to shred the drapes. Literally. When I moved into my first apartment, since dogs weren’t allowed, I had a cat. One that didn’t shred drapes. Once I got an actual house, I got a dog – who was the best dog ever, and he and the cat were best friends. He lived 13 years and I still miss him.
Now we have two dogs, a cat, a dove, goldfish and a King snake (the snake is the hubby’s – I have nothing to do with it). Earlier this week there was a little kitten meowing on our back porch – it was obviously hungry, so hubby put some canned cat food out for the poor thing. Then we felt bad about it being so cold outside (and apparently the annoying neighbor kid was asking hubby if he had a trap he could use, he was trying to catch a kitten…the red flags went up, we figured he was the type of kid that would probably torture the poor kitten if he did catch him). So what did we do? Lured the kitten into the house.
Once the poor little thing isn’t hiding from us scary two-leggers, I’ll take pictures. Meanwhile I’m hoping he/she/it doesn’t keep hiding under the dining room table and not making it to the litter box upstairs. Princess Nagger is hoping that it’s a boy – she wants to name it Link, since she named the other cat Zelda. The Legend of Zelda lives on.
What about you? Are you a dog or cat person – or neither? What, if any, pets do you have?
Follow Friday 40 and Over
There are a lot of fabulous bloggers who are 40, so I’m participating in Follow Friday 40 and Over – please be sure to leave a link to your blog so I can come check out your site and follow you, too!
Fun Follow Friday
I’m also playing along with Fun Follow Friday hosted by Simply Stacie and My Wee View. The goal of this hop is to get new Google Friend Connect Followers for your blog and be introduced to new blogs to follow. Be sure to leave a link when you follow so I can follow you back! Have a great weekend!
We have a dog, an airedale terrier. I’m partial to big dogs.
I love most any animal. We had Eloise…a beautiful and rather large Great Dane. She was the most loving dog we ever have had. She died from complications of diabetes. We still miss her and it has been five years!! Sigh! No pets now…just can’t handle losing them.
I am not a pet person. Although I did raise rabbits when I was little. We have 4 kids and they are all begging for a dog, but I just don’t want the responsibility of it.
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I’m the dog person and my husband is the cat person. So we have 2 dogs and 1 cat. Seems fair to me. 🙂
I’m a huge pet person! We had 2 cats but we unfortunately had situations where we had to give them away. I only have a dog now. My son wants a fish but I told him he can’t have one until he can take care of it by himself. I’m too busy to care for another pet at the moment. Have a great weekend!
Menagerie! 🙂
I love cats and dogs. But, right now we don’t have a pet. Our cat went to heaven in November, so we are between pets. Hubby says he isn’t ready yet.
I have 2 boston terriers “Princess” & “Angel”, A cat “Iceburg” and 2 cockateils “Irish” & “Starr”
I have 2 cats and a temporary cat. We were never allowed to have pets here… the ex didn’t like them. Told the kids he was allergic (the liar!). When he left, we got a kitten (Cameron). Two months later we got another (Mason). Then I got conned into taking in an abandoned kitty (Java), but he ran away at 7 months old when the other cats told him I was going to neuter him. My son came home from college with a kitty (Tucker). When Tim finds a real job and an apartment, Tucker is outta here! So I guess I’m a cat lady!
I’m a cat person. Siamese cat are my favorite.
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Oh I love pets, I grew up with pets and miss having them around. Right now… we don’t have any, my cat lives with my in laws because my son is allergic to cats.
Totally a cat person although we had a very adorable and quite lovable pitbull for several years.
Oh man I am such a pet person! I love my animals! I would say I am more of a dog person than a cat person but that doesn’t mean I don’t love my fat kitties! Love those little bastards! ha!
So far, we have two cats. There has been discussion of getting LG his own fish for his 3rd birthday. I think it’d be great, PB is not so sure. I love that PN is so interested in the kitties.
I don’t have a pet, but if I do get one , I’d rather a dog. I love that dogs are happy, provide company, protection etc.
Cats are just there.
We have a dog, 2 cats and 2 fish. I am definitely a cat person. My cat is my baby. He even sleeps curled up on my stomach (or as much of him as can fit).
I love dogs! Not a huge fan of cats though…
Totally. I have 2 dogs and would get more if I could.
Have a great weekend!
Since I am very allergic to cats, I’m a dog person. Always have been, always will be.
Beloved, on the other hand, is not a pet person…or so he claims. It’s funny, though; for a man who is not a pet person, he’s awfully attached to Scooter. Miss J wanted to take him this last summer (she thought she was going to be in housing that allowed pets), but Beloved refused, saying, “No – he’s MY dog and he stays here.”
I am NOT a cat person. My husband has wanted a bulldog forever. We are currently looking for a bigger place, with a yard!
I am so a pet person! Although until I met my husband (and his cat) I wasn’t a cat person… but that quickly changed. I had a dog when I was younger, and have a cat now. If it wasn’t for my bad allergies, I would have multiple pets. I can barely handle one at a time, but the suffering is worth having a pet in my life.
I’ve been a dog person all my life too! Except my mom & gram use to have parakeets or a canary. I did once, but that was outlived when the messy bird flew away due to one of the kids leaving the door open I believe. Also, I use to be a cat person until the one we had one time went in heat and meowed so loud it sounded like a baby & then one of them decided to use my practically new real leather suitcase for a littler box. Needless say we all know you cannot get cat wizzzz out of anything. That was the end of the Cat era! Now I have a new (new to us – she’s 8). wonderful black lab. She keeps surprising us with simple things she knows. Love her to pieces.
I am a dog lover. Cats are nice but we all have allergies. Our Skye is two today. How nice of you to let the kitty in.
I am a pet person, but we live in an apartment right now. No pets at the moment. Miss our doggy though.
We use to have a doggie names TRONCH but we passed away and mom never wanted another doggie!
We recently adopted two cats! and it was hard for mom to accept them!
I’d like a koala as a pet! lol
I love animals like fishes and birds, because they remain in their own home – aquarium or cage. I don’t like cats. I don’t mind dogs around me, but I can’t handle petting one or those who jumps around me and on me. I literally shake with feet frozen to the ground when dogs come to me no matter how small it is.
So IF I’d ever have pets or allow pets in the house, it be a fish or a bird.
Definitely a dog person! I’m allergic to cats for the most part and my sister once had a cat who liked to sit my chest while I was visiting. I hated that cat.
I have a cat. When he passes on, I will still have children. When they move on, I will still have the husband. When he passes on (or I kill him in his sleep) I may consider fish. But fish aren’t really a pet… more of a craft project 🙂
I’m a dog person, and have a staffie called rex. I’m allergic to cats, but my friend has 3
I am a cat person but have always had dog in our home too. My kitty is 17 years old and still kicking it! Sounds like you have a pet filled house!
One of my two cats is curled up in the chair beside me right now!
I’m a cat person and we have two cats. I like dogs, but don’t want to own anything I have to walk. Plus, I can’t have dogs in my apartment. My youngest daughter loves all animals and until last week had two mice and a rat, but they all mysteriously died within a few days of each other. So now we’re down to the two cats and the bird that belongs to my oldest daughter. She moved out but couldn’t take the bird with her.
I some how became a cat person. We weren’t allowed to have cats growing up, and we never had a dog. My mom is terrified of cats.
I’m a cat person. I have 2 of them that we rescued from the shelter – Kaimana & Malia.
No I don’t have a pet. But don’t laugh if I had one I think I would pick a monkey. I’m not joking…. LOL
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