Last week I showed pictures of the Halloween fun we had, and mentioned the pumpkin patch we went to had blue pumpkins.  Only I neglected to actually show pictures of the blue pumpkins.  So this week I thought I’d rectify that.

If you squint, you can sort of see the blue pumpkins interspersed amongst the orange ones:

But here’s a better picture of a blue one:

And here are the three we picked up:

The hubby accidentally broke the stems on two of the pumpkins as we snagged them from the pumpkin patch.  But that was OK, since I never did get my fall decorations put up, so these will be made into pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread.  Don’t need the stems for that!  I think the all blue is really cool:

Though the other two are cool, too, with the blue contrasting the orange.  I didn’t know that pumpkins came in any other color except orange (which is what the color ‘pumpkin’ is) and white, but after seeing them with our own eyes at the pumpkin patch, I did a little research and found that pumpkins also come in red, too!  I’ll definitely be saving seeds from these pumpkins and see if I can grow some next year.  I’ll have to see if I can get some seeds for the other colors – just to grow my own different and unique pumpkin patch next year.  After all, I’m different and unique, so why not?

What’s your favorite color of pumpkin?  And what’s your favorite pumpkin food?


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  1. I love the way my mom prepares a pumpkin dish. She uses dried prawns but the dish never goes down well with my caucasian friends!!!
    Love the blue pumpkins!

  2. Blue pumkins,eh? Who would have thought? Very fun.

    Love pumpkin pie, but never make it…. I did finally roast some pumpkin seeds this year…. I liked them. My kids? Not so much. 🙂

  3. The idea of different color pumpkins is interesting. I didn’t know there was such a think. I love everything pumpkin. This weekend I plan to make pumpkin curry soup. 😀 Yum.

  4. I’ve never had anything other than an orange pumpkin but I think that green one you guys have is awesome. I’ll look for something different next year…

  5. Cool pumpkins! I’ve only ever bought orange pumpkins…wanted to get a white one this year, but couldn’t find one..never saw blue before!

  6. I was expecting to see Blue Hubbard Squashes when I scrolled down, but those are definitely pumpkins – Hubbard squashes are more oblong than round (but darn delicious). I like the color variations in the two on the right.

  7. PUMPKIN PIE & WHIP CREAM Nummers!!!!!!!! Okay, never knew there were different colored pumpkins actually I’ve seen t hem, but I thought they were called something else cuz they weren’t orange! Okay, slap my back and call me stupid!

  8. That has got to be the coolest pumpkin EVER. I never saw a blue one before. Very cool! And I am so jealous of your real pumpkin patch. Our pumpkin patches are just pumpkins laying in a field.

    I love everything pumpkin: bread, lattes, ice cream and of course, pie. YUM! 🙂

  9. Wait, you make pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread using a real pumpkin?
    How the heck do you do that? I’m a canned pumpkin kinda girl!

    But I love love pumpkin! I’d have to say the pie is my fav!

  10. When I had a restaurant with my then-husband, we had a chef who made a pumpkin soup that was so good!!! It was like having hot liquid pumpkin pie. We put a dollop of whipped cream on top to garnish. Unfortunately, the recipe has been lost.

  11. Blue pumpkins–awesome! I love pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread. And we love to watch the Pumpkin Chunkin’ on the Discovery Channel. That’s where I first saw white pumpkins.

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