This week it’s ‘free choice’ over at Monday’s Music Moves Me. Since I’ve always been a big fan of Carrie Underwood (yes, I watched and voted for her when she was on American Idol), I thought I’d share her world premiere video that was released a little over a week ago. It gave me goosebumps – time flies by way too fast, I keep blinking and Princess Nagger keeps growing! Those of you who have already raised your kids will appreciate this, too.
I especially love how Carrie talked her mom and new husband into appearing in the video with her. It’s a family affair!
Here are the lyrics:
Mama’s Song Lyrics
Mama you taught me to do the right things
So now you have to let your baby fly
You’ve given me everything that I will need
To make it through this crazy thing called life
And I know you watch me grow up and always want whats best for me
And I think I found the answer to your prayers
And he is good, so good
He treats your little girl like a real man should
He is good, so good, he makes promises he keeps
No he’s never gonna leave
So dont you worry about me
Dont you worry about me
Mama theres no way you’ll ever lose me
And giving me away is not goodbye
As you watch me walk down to my future, I hope tears of joy are in your eyes
Cuz he is good, so good
He treats your little girl like a real man should
He is good, so good, he makes promises he keeps
No he’s never gonna leave
So dont you worry about me
Dont you worry about me
And when I watch my little baby grow I’ll only want what’s best for her
And I hope she’ll find the answer to my prayers
And that she’ll say
He is good, so good
He treats your little girl like a real man should
He is good, so good, he makes promises he keeps
No he’s never gonna leave
So dont you worry about me
Dont you worry about me
Mama dont you worry about me
Dont you worry about me
I hope when Princess Nagger grows up and gets married, my prayers for her will be answered too.
Enjoy your Monday!
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First step: Run over to You Tube, (or wherever), and lock & load! Get your pick for the theme of the week. Upcoming themes are over to you left.
Second Step: Grab our “Monday’s Music Moves Me” button (over to our right, right under mine)
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Thanks for sharing that. I love Carrie Underwood, too, and I think it was a beautiful video and it’s a really pretty song, too. 🙂
Andrea would like you to read ..Reading With Redneck- Whats left for Fall
That was nice. Carrie’s so pretty. She’s got a pretty voice too.
Time goes faster the older we get. It seems like just yesterday that my kids were little, and now my youngest is 22.
diane would like you to read ..Some Mexican Inspired Restaurant That is East of Tamaqua- Not North
What an amazing song! I had never heard it before because I’m not a country music fan, but this is really good. Thanks for sharing! Happy MM!
Run DMT would like you to read ..Music Monday- It’s Almost Halloween
Saying I don’t like country music is like saying the Grand Canyon is a big hole in the ground, but that was actually rather nice.
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Sorry for the mix up on the meme this morning. My linky is fixed, and I told Lori it’s freebie week! ~hehe~ I guess it was because I decided to open up the Halloween Season with a Halloweenie song! I totally love Bette Midler too, but not as much as I love Carrie Underwood. I watched her all through American Idol, and now I’m watching her career bloom! She’s such a beautiful girl, and I love all of her songs. Never heard this one though. Thanks for sharing and playing along. Your a peach!
My mistake with the theme this morning… oops!!
I really love this song and the video is so beautiful. I hope that someday a woman feels this way about my sons.
Thanks for always playing along with us and helping promote our meme. With your help, it will be a success. 🙂
Lorie Shewbridge would like you to read ..Cartoon of the Day – Out to Dinner with the Family
Carrie Underwood has almost made me a country fan – I absolutely love this song and she has such a strong sultry voice. Great choice….but where does the time go? It October 2010, wow.
Haupi would like you to read ..MONDAYS MUSIC MOVES ME
I wish I had this kind of relationship with my mother. It’s been so toxic for so long, I don’t know if it will ever heal. Thank you for giving me a touch of sweetness for my day.
Tami would like you to read ..Monday Music Moves Me – Halloween
That’s a great song. It is so nice to see mother/daughter relationships that are healthy and loving.
TechnoBabe would like you to read ..A Few Of Lifes Lessons
Definitely a family song. I love love love it! I hope ….
Very beautiful song.
Thanks for sharing. I have not seen this one before.
Enjoy your week!
JamericanSpice would like you to read ..Music Monday-Meet Me Monday
great song love Carrie Underwood!
Great song! Now I just need to listen to it.
Sprite’s Keeper would like you to read ..Keris War
shes’ come such a long way. and she is an amazing singer thanks for sharing. I haven’t heard this one
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I so love Carrie Underwood. Anything she does is awesome and this is one of her best. Thanks for sharing. 🙂 Great choice my friend 🙂
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Nice song!
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I haven’t listened to much Carrie Underwood, but she has a very soothing voice. I agree that it is really cool that her mom and new husband appeared in the video.
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Great blog it’s not often that I comment but I felt you deserve it.