Happy Aloha Friday!

From Kailani at An Island Life:
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So on Fridays let’s take it easy on posting, too. Ask a simple question…nothing that requires a lengthy response. It’s a great way to make new blogging friends!

Now that the hot weather is upon us, I got to wondering about how people store their bread.  I know, I can be an odd duck sometimes.  So my question for you this week is:

How or where do you store your bread?

My mom always stored our bread in the refrigerator.  It helps keep the bread fresher longer, and now I do the same thing.  My bread always has to be soft and cold to make the perfect sandwich.  If it’s room temperature, it just isn’t the same.  Besides, since we don’t have central air and the kitchen can become one of the hottest rooms of the house, I’d like my bread to last at least long enough between grocery trips.  One of the traits I inherited from my mom is that I like my hot things hot and my cold things cold.  Bread is one of the cold things.

Although, I could change my ways if I had a cool bread box to store the bread in:

Or maybe I should just build my own.  That might make a fun project!

Friday Follow


Welcome to this week’s edition of the new Friday Follow – be sure to leave a link when you follow so I can follow you back!  Have a great weekend!


A note to those that are still using Internet Explorer 7 or earlier – you might have already run into a ‘Stack Error’ upon loading, but you can still view this blog after clicking OK.  You may get an ‘abort’ error when trying to leave a comment, though – I haven’t figured out the offending code that IE doesn’t like.  But you can fix that in your browser by following these steps:

Click on Tools,  then Internet Options, then Security.
Choose Custom Level and scroll down until you see: Script ActiveX controls marked for safe scripting* – Disable that.
Click OK, then Apply…close browser and reopen and like magic, the “abort error” doesn’t show up any more.

Or upgrade to IE8, or even better, switch over to Firefox and problems everywhere will be solved! 😉

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  1. We put it in the fridge, our dog is a thief and if it was on the counter, even in a cute bread box, he would find a way to get it!!

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