When I started blogging back in the dark ages (you know, 19 months ago), little did I know how awesome bloggy friendships would be.  A box arrived on Monday addressed to the Princess Nagger.  Behold the contents:

The gracious Jan from Jan’s Sushi Bar is the thoughtful culprit behind the gift.  She had emailed me last week to get my address because when she was out shopping, she spotted something she just had to pick up for Princess Nagger.  Dinosaur cookie cutters!

An Apatosaurus (and yes, I had to ask Princess Nagger which one this was):


Pteranodon (her favorite):

And what every Princess making Dinosaur Cookies needs – a Princess Crown Cookie Cutter:

But her creativity and generosity doesn’t stop there – the spiral booklet she sent was customized with recipes for the Princess Nagger to make:

Princess Nagger was thrilled to receive such a thoughtful gift, and doubly thrilled they were dinosaur related.  She can’t wait to make dinosaur cookies – I have a feeling those will be on the menu for Mother’s Day.   Of course pictures will follow.

Thank you, Jan!  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – You ROCK!


For Wordless Wednesday, be sure to visit Wordless Wednesday, 5 minutes for Mom, Go Graham Go, JollyMom and Momspective for more great Wordless Wednesday Posts.

Wordful Wednesday hosted by Angie at 7 Clown Circus – head on over there to check out all the fun wordy posts!

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  1. That is so fun!
    .-= Kristina P. would like you to read ..Celebrity Interviews, Round 4 =-.

  2. That really is a sweet thing to do. Amazing, how we feel so connected to each other through our computers. No matter what some people think these are very real connections.
    .-= pam would like you to read ..The View Out My Door =-.

  3. That is one of the nicest things I have heard of anyone doing online. What a kind and thoughtful gift for Princess Nagger. The cookie cutters are awesome and to make the book of recipes just for PN is so sweet.
    .-= Technobabe would like you to read ..Rock Star Extraordinaire =-.

  4. Aren’t bloggy friendships wonderful? I’m very close to many people all over the globe due to Blogland. I just got a package myself in the mail yesterday from one of them. A lovely book and some lovely wishes. Totally made my week.
    .-= Julia Smith would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday – 148 =-.

  5. Oh, I’m SO glad she liked them. When I saw them at the store, I couldn’t NOT get them for her – they were just so perfect. And what good are cookie cutters without cookie recipes?

    This was every bit as fun for me as I hope it is for Princess Nagger!
    .-= Jan would like you to read ..Mother’s Day? =-.

  6. What a really sweet gift! You’ll have to make some cookies and send them to Jan to say thank you. Can’t wait to see the baking cookie pictures!
    .-= Run DMT would like you to read ..I Am So Fresh =-.

  7. How thoughtful! You might want to check Williams Sonoma—I bought some dino pancake molds from there a few years ago, and I bet your little girl would love those! Hope you have a happy day!
    .-= Katie’s Dailies would like you to read ..Pearls of Wisdom (Not!) =-.

  8. Great gift idea, I love the recipe booklet that came with it. This would be a fun gift to recreate for other bakers in training.

  9. what a faboulus gift!!
    I can’t wait to see her making cookies!
    Happy Cinco de Mayo!
    .-= Rocio would like you to read ..Tuesday Around the World & Post It Note Tuesday!!! =-.

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