If you read my post on Monday, you know that this year’s Mother’s Day turned into one of the best.  Here are the main reasons why.

A bouquet made of construction paper:

It was in the shape of a circle, so I put it on my head like a crown.  Princess Nagger thought I was funny weird.  Oh, and those aren’t just ordinary tulips she made – she says they’re T-Rex footprints!

She also gave me a gift bag she decorated herself:

Inside was this adorable hand-made Popsicle memo holder with pieces of notepaper that the Princess Nagger made in her Computer Lab class (I know – computer lab in first grade?!):

There were also some interesting papers – the first one was an acronym on the word “MOTHER”:


too cool
heart breaking (I’m not sure what she means and she’s not talking!)
rregular (Alrighty then.)

Next was a paper entitled “The Top Ten Reasons Why I Love My Mom”:

Deciphered it reads (Princess Nagger’s input is in italics purple):

10.  She makes me happy.

9.  She plays with me.

8.  She gives me her I pods.

7.  She lets me jump on the bed(Ahem.  Yeah, not so much.)

6.  She always loves me.

5.  We play together.

4.  She never hurts me.

3.  She helps me do my homework.

2.  She is so happy.

1.  I love her just because she is nice.

Mom you are the best, love Princess Nagger.


Best. Mother’s Day. Ever.


For Wordless Wednesday, be sure to visit Wordless Wednesday, 5 minutes for Mom, Go Graham Go, JollyMom and Momspective for more great Wordless Wednesday Posts.

Wordful Wednesday hosted by Angie at 7 Clown Circus – head on over there to check out all the fun wordy posts!

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  1. YOu made out like a bandit! That bouquet is adorable.
    .-= Kristina P. would like you to read ..Dog, The Brownie Hunter =-.

  2. I love those! Especially that she thinks you are outstanding and regular! I guess that she is just covering all facets of your personality! What a precious girl you have!
    .-= Lauren would like you to read ..Hooba-loobing =-.

  3. Aw. I love those kinds of handcrafted gifts. The trex flower crown is fantastic.

    You must eat a lot of fiber for PN to brag about your regularity. 😉

  4. HAH! Have you thought about sending a copy of the acronym to Activia….”fiber your whole family will be thankful for!”
    .-= Chantel would like you to read ..Sexy =-.

  5. Oh, how I miss those wonderful handmade gifts from the little ones! I still have the card The Young One made me many years ago, with the poem he wrote for Mother’s Day, hanging on the wall in my office where I can see it every day. It’s one of my most treasured possessions.
    .-= Jan would like you to read ..Shop Smart…Shop S Mart =-.

  6. ah, it was a great mother’s day. The last one melted my heart. too sweet. you are loved. happy ww!! drop by and link up.


  7. A heart breaker! How old is Princess???? that she knows of heart break, oh the anguish! That sure was a great ton of loot you got there Stacy… enough to share with some other moms, doncha’ think??? Happy WW!
    .-= Faythe @GrammyMousetails would like you to read ..Wondering wizards… the mystery goes on! =-.

  8. Oh my gosh those are the cutest gifts ever! I laughed so hard when I read her R is for Regular! LOL Maybe she means you are just down to earth and humble, yeah that’s probably it :o)

    Love that girl!
    .-= Pooba would like you to read ..Gaurdian Angel Effusion =-.

  9. What wonderful gifts! The T-Rex tulip crown is my favorite. I would expect nothing less from Princess Nagger. 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by for WW! 🙂
    .-= Run DMT would like you to read ..Mama in the Making =-.

  10. Oh Stacy, this made me SO nostalgic!! I loved those days, and those projects. Very, very sweet and candid thoughts from your Princess!! Thanks for sharing ….. and now I know where to go for a heartbreaking iPod sharer!!
    .-= Paula Kiger (Biggreenpen) would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday =-.

  11. I want me some flowers like that. Those are the best. Kids & the things they make are the best gifts in the world. I still have many gifts my kids made in school. Your children are so precious & I see they think Mom is precious too!
    .-= Xmasdolly would like you to read ..TOOTH EXTRACTION IS NOT FUN! =-.

  12. Homemade gifts are the very best! you lucky mommy. I love the boquet!
    .-= Maureen@IslandRoar would like you to read ..Peter Pan =-.

  13. Aww, you had a great mother’s day for sure. Happy belated, I’ve been wrapped up in my own stuff and haven’t been around. PN went all all out for you, I love it!

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