I know, I know, you’ve probably been wondering when I was planning on posting today, considering it’s the big finale of the Rename my blog contest, and you want to know what the final answer is.  Or maybe you don’t if you’d been cheating looking at the poll results and know what was in the lead pretty much the entire week.

It’s been a crazy busy weekend, and today will be yet another marathon of craziness away from my computer, so tomorrow I’ll finally be able to carve out some time to visit y’all and do some catching up.

But today?  Today I better put you out of your misery and announce the winners of my Blog Rename Contest…ready?

Stacy Uncorked

That was definitely the front runner not only in the comments section of several people suggesting it, but as obvious in the poll, too (click on the image to actually see if it you want):

Or here, this one’s easier to read:

The creative person who came up with that name first in the comments is:

The Adorable Ash from Shades of Blue and Green!

from her comment:

CONGRATS, Ash! I love the name and obviously every one else does, too!  I’ll be sending you an email later today (or you can email me) and we’ll customize your prize gift basket!  Thanks for playing!


I also want to acknowledge someone who came up with a great tagline, too… this person will also get something fun as a prize, as yet to be determined.  Who, you ask?

That’s right!  Jen from Sprite’s Keeper!  From her comment:

CONGRATS Jen! I know you’ve got your head buried in studying the next couple of weeks, so I’ll try not to harass you too much – when you come up for air, shoot me an email and we’ll coordinate your gift prize of appreciation!

I think using ‘Where thoughts are always 100 proof‘ will work great with ‘Stacy Uncorked’, don’t you?

So there you go.  The amazingly talented Keely of The Un-Mom Fame is working on a new graphic for my header, so stay tuned to see how everything comes together.  I’m hoping to premiere the new name and new look on June 1st!

As you were – talk amongst yourselves, I’ll announce the winners of my other giveaways tomorrow.  I’m off to face the craziness of the day!

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  1. Omigod! I just got a direct message telling me to check out your site RIGHT NOW. How cool is that?! Congrats, Ash on your great title, I can’t wait to see the redesign! Thanks, Stacy! (I can’t wait until this dang test is over. I am counting the seconds to next Wednesday when I can finally relax!)
    .-= Sprite’s Keeper would like you to read ..Spin Cycle: Reeling It In =-.

  2. I love it! It totally fits.
    .-= Kristina P. would like you to read ..Celebrity Interviews, Round 4 =-.

  3. As I have been reading your post I saw that Stacy Uncorked was in the lead. I kept telling myself, you said that one! I didn’t realize that someone else said it first 🙁 When I blog, because I read hundreds of posts each day I never have time to read comments so when I said it I didn’t know it was already said. Well it is a WONDERFUL name!
    .-= Debby would like you to read ..SOME SKYE FOR YOU =-.

  4. Yay … I think this was the best one by far. It works on several levels and you won’t outgrow it!
    .-= Jenners would like you to read ..Signs of Apocalypse and Other Ramblings =-.

  5. Congrats on your new name. I haven’t been cheating…so I’ve been waiting for the announcement!
    .-= Becca would like you to read ..Winners!! =-.

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