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Wow…we have more in common than I thought. I had three miscarriages before I had my daughter. BTW, I blogged about you today my friend.
.-= veterankindergartenteacher would like you to read ..Writing About Mothers In Kindergarten And Moms Who Blog =-.
some great pics there…happy mothers day!
.-= brian would like you to read ..hookie =-.
lovely post!!! Happy Mother’s Day
.-= kyooty would like you to read ..Friday Fill-ins. Happy Mother’s Day Weekend =-.
What a great post.. thanks for sharing. Mothers Day must be so extra special for you.
.-= vodka logic would like you to read ..I never knew.. =-.
Exactly. So worth it. Enjoy your Mothers Day with your darling daughter.
.-= Technobabe would like you to read ..Mothers Day =-.
When we find the marker on the floor oh boy it gives us pause but it’s all worth it! What a great collage of pictures and moments in time. Happy Mothers Day!
.-= Alexis AKA MOM would like you to read ..Job Hunting 101 Sticky Notes =-.
All so true! I love the look back, the photos are so cute!
.-= LT would like you to read ..Happy Mother’s Day! =-.
Oh honey, you have done yourself proud! An absolutely wonderful happy post, and you do so deserve such joy, and what a lovely couple you two are. Oh, and hey those years you didn’t get pregnant with uh-hmmm others… it just wasn’t meant to be! Good for you! Happy Mother’s Day, get spoiled. You deserve it. Thanks for the sweet comment on my post too! Oh, and did I ever tell you you look like… oh dang! What’s her name Shelly Long? That actress from Cheers! Yep, just like her. Have a good one!
.-= Xmasdolly would like you to read ..HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, MOM! =-.
Happy Mother’s Day! I love how she was flipping you off in that picture. LOL
.-= blueviolet would like you to read ..Once Upon a Time Overalls Were Popular and I Was Pregnant =-.
Beautiful photo collage even precious when you was giving you the bird! Happy Mother’s Day to you!
.-= Suzicate would like you to read ..Freaks, Geeks, And Squeaks =-.
amamzing….. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY:)
Happy Mother’s Day…..this post is so sweet. Love the mischief picture! They sure do take us for a rollercoaster ride through life.
.-= Debby would like you to read ..THINKING OF YOU =-.
Just love that picture of your floor, all covered in green marker pen! You are so right, it is ALL so worth it, despite the very hard journey some Mothers have to make to get there.
Have a wonderful Mothers Day and enjoy celebrating with your daughter the fact that she is here in your life and oh so beautiful
Happy Mother’s Day Stacy! Great array of photos. I also got a kick out of PN flippin you the bird! haha
.-= otin would like you to read ..A Mother’s Day Tale (fiction) =-.
Those pics are so adorable…thanks for sharing.
Very sweet! Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day!!! She is you little miracle then!!
.-= Maggie would like you to read ..Feliz Dia Mami =-.
Love this! Happy Mother’s Day!
.-= Kate would like you to read ..I tip my hat to mom’s. =-.
Wonderful moments!! Hope you had a wonderful day!!! Loved your pictures!!
.-= gayle would like you to read ..Mother’s Day 2010 =-.
perfectly done and yes, worth every second.
Just wait until the teen years, then the joys of motherhood really begins! Although, all of it still so worth it!
Happy, happy Mother’s Day!
What a lovely surprise. Happy Mother’s Day!
Loved seeing all of these pictures. Hope you had a fabulous day!
Justine 😮 )
.-= Justine would like you to read ..This Mother’s Day, I Celebrate You, My Children. =-.
I’m so glad you were able to have your sweet little girl! I love the photo of her drawing on the floor!!
.-= Lynn from For Love or Funny would like you to read ..I’m the worst mother ever =-.
Your hubby still looks pretty surprised at 8 months
.-= honeypiehorse would like you to read ..Life-Changing Invention =-.
Awww. Sweet Stuff.
Happy Mother’s Day.
I can identify! We’ve gone through years of infertility and 6 miscarriages, but you give me hope that we can have a baby after all the heartache!
.-= Jill C. would like you to read ..It’s Saturday! =-.
What a fabulous collage of motherhood!
Happy Mother’s Day to you!
.-= Rachel would like you to read ..surrender =-.
With you having such an aversion to the phone, and therefore being an anomaly, so I reckon you’ve brought the average down and in actual fact it is more than two hours…probably closer to 12…
.-= Mo “Mad Dog” Stoneskin would like you to read ..The Fury of the Porcelain Gods =-.
Such a precious post. Hope you had a wonderful mother’s day!
.-= Melanie @ Whimsical Creations would like you to read ..Take Me Back Tuesday & Flashback Friday =-.
I think you’ve posted that mischief picture before but I love it.