Today is the last day of Princess Nagger’s mandatory swim classes in first grade.  She’s very happy to have survived those eight long days.  She was dragging her feet going to bed Sunday night and again getting ready for school yesterday morning because she wasn’t looking forward to doing “you know what”.  But her attitude changed when she got home yesterday – I’m not sure if it’s because she only has one day left, or if she’s decided it isn’t so bad after all.  In fact, this week is ‘Turn Your TV (and all other electronics) Off Week.  So instead of watching her shows when she got home yesterday, she practiced her swim moves in the living room.

A much different attitude than when she got home from school one day last week on a swim day:

She was using her 3D dragon to convey how she liked swim class. It was the third day in a row, so while it was the last one for that week, she was still complaining that she wished they didn’t have to do them so many days in a row.  Now she claims she loves swimming.  I had figured by the end she wouldn’t be so adverse to sticking her head under water.  Oh, sorry, she just read that part and said:  “I’m still adverse to sticking my head under water.  But not by much.”

Last Thursday I did my bi-monthly grocery shopping – I’ve mentioned before I subject myself to a day at Wal*Mart since I do half the shopping there (it’s cheap) and the other half at BJ’s (bulk can be good).  When I pulled into the parking lot, I saw a prime spot ready and waiting.  Only it wasn’t really.  There was a lady standing by a cart that was protruding into the parking space as she was unloading her contraband into her truck.  Her hubby was on the opposite side doing the same (but he didn’t have the parking space on the other side blocked, because it was already occupied).  I decided to drive back around because her cart was almost empty, and she would probably be moved by then.

She wasn’t.  In fact, she was standing there chatting away to her hubby on the other side of the truck, with the empty cart taking up the empty parking space next to her.  I decided to wait and see how long it would be before she noticed someone was waiting.  After about five minutes, I realized I had my camera with me and decided to take a picture.  Wouldn’t you know it, that was the very moment she decided to move the cart out of the way. (I’m guessing her hubby may have noticed me aiming the camera and commented to her).

When she finally moved the cart out of the way, I pulled into the spot.  Since it was hot out, I rolled my windows partway down and put the sunshade in the windshield – which gave her time to get back to her truck before I got out of my vehicle.  She asked through the passenger window:

Walmart Lady: “Did you just take a picture?”

Me:  “Yes, I did.”

WL:  “Of what?”

Me:  “The parking space.”

WL:  “What for?”

Me:  “For my blog.”

WL:  “Oh.”

I couldn’t tell if she knew what a ‘blog’ was, or if she just thought I was crazy.  I’m betting the latter.

I did score at Wal*Mart that day, though – when I was checking out, the cashier was letting me know there was an awesome deal going on with some games (well, OK, at first she was talking to a friend of hers as she scanned my items, but I sort of butted in entered myself into their conversation).  They had some sort of clearance going on with games like Monopoly, Don’t Break the Ice, Gator Golf, Eureka, and some others I vaguely recognized.

But my ears totally perked up on the Gator Golf one, because Princess Nagger has been nagging bugging me to get her one.  $3.00 instead of $20.00?  (and yes, I did pick up 4 other games while I was at it – couldn’t beat the $1, $2 and $3 price tags on games that were normally $15-$20). Totally worth it.  Especially the shriek of glee and excitement from the Princess Nagger when she saw it:

And had great fun playing with it outside in the warm weather:

Since I’ve posted the pond progress each week, I’m going to keep doing that weekly so you can see the progress.  It was really warm last week, but turned cold again for the weekend (we even had a frost advisory overnight – hope my outdoor plants don’t get confused!).  So here’s this week’s shot of the pond.  Everything’s still growing nicely – except for the bare spots in the grass we’ll have to figure out how to fix with the dogs running through there constantly, and pay no attention to the weeds in the foreground that seem to be relishing the warmer temps:

Hopefully it will warm up soon – and stay warm – so I can get out there and pull some weeds and see about planting some new grass.

Scrolling through the pictures looking for the ones to share this week, Princess Nagger saw the picture of the lone tulip I shared last week (and some pictures of other plants I didn’t share):

PN:  “Awwww!  There’s our Spring Flowers!”

Me:  “Yeah, our solitary tulip.”

PN:  “I guess it’s a one-lip!”

That’s it for me this week – head over and visit Keely at The Un-Mom for some fun randomness and get your own Random on!


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  1. in l.a. ppl sit in their cars in parking spots with their car idling and on their damn cell phones. You try to get their attention to see if they are leaving and they just ignore you. then you drive away and that is just when they decide to pull out so someone else gets the darn spot.
    .-= Jessica would like you to read ..No? No. No? No. =-.

  2. LOL on the woman seeing you take her picture.

    I love your pond. We have one too and I love to sit and watch the fish….so do our dogs. LOL.

    I will have to show some pic on my blog. Do you have fish?

  3. I totally sympathize with you and PN over the swimming lessons. J-Man totally won’t go.

    I’m such a bad mom, I never, ever participate in the whole Turn off the TV/electronics week. Especially because this week is vacation and how the hell would I get a nap?

    I wonder if that lady knows what a blog is. I’m going to guess …No. Funny encounter though.
    .-= Elle would like you to read ..Random Tuesday Thoughts =-.

  4. Waht what what is that dog doing? or is that his butt? it loke like his head is in the creek? I love the pond it’s beautiful. As for the games? Birthday party gift stash! remember the value of having a gift already ready for those Saturdays. :)Happy RTT!

    I would have asked if she wanted to see the picture?
    .-= kyooty would like you to read ..An award You all send the greatest comments. =-.

  5. love your pond out back…very cool. aren’t those happy meal toys awesome for the new movie…our boys have the same one. nice when you see the end in sight…wish my boys had swimming in first grade…
    .-= brian would like you to read ..Magpie Tales: Paradox =-.

  6. I thought that lady who doesn’t think of others was going to give you a hard time about the picture. Isn’t it fun to get a good deal like the Gator Golf? Nice picture of PN playing it in the back yard.
    .-= Technobabe would like you to read ..Unexpected Friends =-.

  7. I had gator golf when my kids were little too. It was fun!!!

    Too funny that you got caught with your pic snapping, and funny that she didn’t even go further with the line of questioning when you mentioned the blog.
    .-= blueviolet would like you to read ..So Yeah, About Last Weekend… =-.

  8. Ahh, that’s what you get for going to Walmart. I always mentally prepare before I can even get into the car to go there.

    But cheap games? I might have to buck up and venture out. Egad.

    Glad the swim lessons turn a positive turn. She’ll be a mermaid in no time!
    .-= Mama Badger would like you to read ..Spin Cycle- Words =-.

  9. Ha! I have to descend in to Walmart today, I’ll keep an eye out for the bargains, $1 is cheap and my kids love games, even though they always fighting at the end. I love that you took a photo of the lady and her cart, I’m sure she was more than a little worried but it will keep her from blocking perfectly good spaces anymore. 😉 Happy Tuesday.
    .-= Mrsbear would like you to read ..Hello Piggies and Random Tuesday Thoughts =-.

  10. Just one reason why I rarely shop at Wal-Mart, the parking is atrocious. It’s almost a workout in and of itself trekking from the other end of the parking lot to the actual store.
    That’s an awesome price you paid for the games. I may actually deal with the parking just to go to my Wal-Mart and see if they offer the same prices.
    Love the pond. It’s just beautiful.
    .-= Terra Heck would like you to read ..Ouchies – Review & Giveaway =-.

  11. One Lip HAHAH Awesome.

    And I do that all the time when I am out and about. Take pictures. Nobody ever asks me why though 🙁
    .-= BigMamaCass would like you to read ..Tattooed and Bloated RTT =-.

  12. Ah, the tales I could tell about swimming lessons and Wally World…but probably not in the same sentence! That is a totally AWESOME take on a tulip. Don’t believe I’ve EVER seen that angle before…
    .-= Melissa B. would like you to read ..Life Lessons =-.

  13. I was going to be funny and post a comment about you posting a picture of ME and MY parking space on your blog, but I took a second look at her and changed my mind. Not claiming that one at all. Too funny about snapping her pic and getting her to move though. I’m remembering all those reasons I loathe shopping at WM.

    A One-Lip…. Bwahahaha. Princess Nagger is one funny girl.

    Happy Random!
    .-= Christina @RantRaveRoll would like you to read ..RANDOM TUESDAY THOUGHTS =-.

  14. One Lip! Classic!! 🙂

    🙂 The weather looks pretty good where you are. On my side of the world (Malaysia), it’s just hot hot hot hot and on weekends, just when you want to go out, a thunderstorm comes out. And it’s not that fun considering Malaysia records the 2nd most lightning strikes in the world. We were stuck on the road with lighting flashes all around us. FReaky!

    Oooh Gator Golf for $3?? What a steal!! 🙂 I’m still wondering what to get for my son for his birthday this friday. All what he wants are way beyond my budget. PSP? PS3? No way. Last year my sister’s bf gave him a golf club so I wonder what he’ll say if I got him Gator Golf. LOL!

    I say snap snap snap pictures because it would make great entertainment for us! LOL! 🙂
    .-= Shemah would like you to read ..RTT: The Act Of Being Random =-.

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