Happy Aloha Friday!

From Kailani at An Island Life:
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So on Fridays let’s take it easy on posting, too. Ask a simple question…nothing that requires a lengthy response. It’s a great way to make new blogging friends!

The school year is coming to a close.  Summertime is imminent.  So my question for you today is:

Do you plan a family vacation over the summer break?

Growing up, our family used to go camping every summer – we’d spend a week-and-a-half camping in the mountains, and a week-and-a-half camping at the ocean.  I’m still trying to get the hubby on board with the whole ‘roughing it’ mode of camping, because it would be fun to have the Princess Nagger have that experience, too.

The last big vacation we took was to Punta Cana in 2007 – we plan a return trip back to the same resort in 2012 (provided the world doesn’t come to an end that year) so that we’ll keep the tradition of going there every five years (since we were there in 2002 for the first time).  In between those two trips we took a cruise that was the cruise from hell – but that needs to be a post on its own.  And at some point we want to take Princess Nagger to Disney World so she can hang with the mouse and experience the fun we’ve had ourselves there.

But for this year?  We’re going to the exciting state of Iowa.  Aren’t you jealous?  My sister and her family live there, and they’ve come here to PA to visit us a few times over the years, so it’s high time we high tailed it to corn country to visit her in her neck of the woods.

Princess Nagger is looking forward to annoying her cousins and I’m looking forward to helping my sister celebrate her impending accomplishment of receiving her Bachelor’s Degree after juggling her own studies with homeschooling her two boys successfully.  And at least she’s wired, so we’ll have internet connection when we go instead of our trip to Louisiana last year where I had to steal a weak signal from a neighbor.  Ahem.

Do you plan an annual excursion with your family or just fly by the seat of your pants for the summer months?

Follow Friday

Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow Friday – be sure to leave a link when you follow so I can follow you back!  Have a great weekend!



I can’t seem to get the poll thingy to work in my sidebar, so I’m including it here in case you want to add your vote to determine what the name of my blog will end up being:

Top Ten finalists in no particular order:

The Poll is open until Midnight on May 2, 2010.

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  1. My kids are grown, so we haven’t taken a “family vacation” in a couple of years. I usually rent my friend’s cottage in Ocean City, MD for a week. That means, if I do, my kids show up for “free vacation” and it’s work for me.

    So this year, John and I are taking the cottage for a week near the end of September, just the 2 of us. The rent is obscenely cheap! I can hardly wait!
    .-= Joanie M would like you to read ..Spin Cycle: My many hats… or all the roles I play in the story of my life =-.

  2. We really don’t plan a vacation. It sort of just falls into place. Like this year we’re going to North Carolina so my husband can see his family. He’s going to Korea for a year in August so it’s his way of saying goodbye.

    Then we’re going to the beach with my side of the family in Texas.
    .-= Amber would like you to read ..Chuck E Cheese Virgin =-.

  3. We try to get out on the motorcycle for a few days in the summer. Two years ago we went to Montreal. Last year we went to the Finger Lakes region of New York. This year we may do the same, but I would really like to get back to Alexandria Bay.
    .-= Michael (@TCRPMG) would like you to read ..What about your friends? =-.

  4. We always took a vacation, even a small one, in the summer.
    .-= Kristina P. would like you to read ..Celebrity Interviews, Round 4 =-.

  5. some years we do get any vacay with current job, just time without pay so…we will probably go camping a couple times this summer..

  6. With a three year old our summer vacation will again be the beach this year. We went to Hilton Head last August and loved it – the beach is flat, the sea is warm and safe to swim in (no jellyfish like Destin where we went before), it is pretty and has that relaxed, old world feel to it with people cycling everywhere. So we are heading back there again this August.
    .-= Aging Mommy would like you to read ..Just A Typical Day In The Life Of A Technophobe =-.

  7. Our family is new, and our daughter is only one… So we don’t get summer breaks yet. However, in the future once all of our kids (we’re working on MANY more) are old enough, we’re going to do a huge family road trip for the whole summer. We’re going to RV across the states.

  8. We are about ten minutes from the border to Iowa. Because of hubby’s bipolar and meds and staying on a schedule we don’t take trips any longer. That’s okay, we have done lots of traveling, me more than he has. It is worth it to stay home and not have anxiety that can lead to manic episodes.
    .-= Technobabe would like you to read ..The First Mow Of The Year =-.

  9. Well, not sure this year. We were thinking about driving up to Virginia to go to the Busch Gardens, but not sure since we got our property taxes recently & they’ve gone up! Bummer!
    .-= Xmasdolly would like you to read ..BOUNTY PAPER TOWELS =-.

  10. Oh good- I got to vote again- is that cheating?
    We vacation in the off months since my hubby’s occupation requires him to work long hours in the summer months.

    I remember your journey last year. You gotta get an iPhone if you do that again 🙂

    Take care
    .-= Harriet would like you to read ..Do you carry proof of citizenship with you? =-.

  11. it’s camp for the girl this year. I’m going to NYC to this little conference called BlogHer so that is my vacation. OH and to Salt Lake City to another conference, so that is my mini vacation. Otherwise, it’s lovely L.A. as usual

  12. While I am not teaching, we have tried to take vacations at different times of year to save money. My boys are still young enough to not cause problems with schooling. Summer is typically spent visiting family and using our season passes at Six Flags.

  13. I think it is great that you are going to spend time with your sister. The princess will be building up some wonderful memories with her cousins. What could be more important!!! Good for you sweet Stacie.

  14. Unfortunately this year there’ll be no summer vacation – too busy.

    I hope you get to convince your hubby to go on a camping trip. As a child, we used to go camping every summer (sometimes for 2 weeks other times 3 weeks!) and it’s one of my most treasured memories 🙂

    I’m 100% sure your daughter would love it!
    .-= Marica @ Attractions in Malta would like you to read ..Apr 24, Best Dive Sites in Malta: Comino Diving =-.

  15. We never have planned vacations. Then again, we rarely TAKE vacations. I think going to Iowa to be with your sister sounds wonderful!

    Whatever you do, do NOT visit FL in the summer. No no nooooooooooooo.

    Justine 😮 )
    .-= Justine would like you to read ..One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest =-.

  16. Happy Friday Follow, Aloha Friday and SITS Saturday Sharefest all rolled into a Sunday visit. Up until about 3 years ago, we always had a family vacay. We now have more staycations. I’m hoping this year though we might do something again.

    p.s. I voted for Mamasaurus Rocks for your new blog name and I see that Stacy Uncorked is the most popular. That was my second choice. :0)


  17. I’m pregnant right now, so we are planning a few mini babymoons. I went to Vegas in March, will be in Minneapolis next week, and in the summer will be going to the East Coast. My family also does “family camp” every year, but I will be 8 and a half months pregnant at that point…not so sure if that’s a good idea! Stopping by from SITS 🙂

  18. we usually go to cape cod for a few weeks every summer. it’s always a good time. love your site here, I’m your latest follower

    Thanks for stopping by and making my SITS day such a wonderful experience. Your time and your words mean the world to me.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What’s For Dinner

  19. Oooo, at least you’re GOING on vay-kay! We’re just hanging out. Alas—that’s what we get for going to Disneyland TWICE last year, haha! And love the “blog o’clock” name! Can’t wait to see what you decide!
    .-= Rachel- The Kooky Queen would like you to read ..Chili in my Socks =-.

  20. We are total vacation people … it is only way my husband can stand working at a job he hates and who am I to argue!?
    .-= Jenners would like you to read ..Signs of Apocalypse and Other Ramblings =-.

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