Happy Aloha Friday!
In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So on Fridays let’s take it easy on posting, too. Ask a simple question…nothing that requires a lengthy response. It’s a great way to make new blogging friends!
Since I’m in the throes of trying to simplify things and getting rid of excess, my question for you this week is:
Are you a packrat or a neat-nick?
I know, that’s sort of an oddball question, but consider the source. I’m a neat-nick pack-rat. I inherited the pack-rat gene from my dad, who inherited it from his dad, and so on. But I also like to have some semblance of order and things ‘in their place’.
I also have a tendency to keep stuff just in case it may come in handy some day. Since there will be a point in the future that we’ll be moving out of this house into a different one (and definitely to a different state), I figured I better get started now, because it may take a few years to whittle down the excess and get organized for a future move.
Princess Nagger has inherited the pack-rat gene from me, so if I’m whittling down anything that belongs to her (baby toys she hasn’t played with in years, clothes she’s outgrown, etc.) I have to make sure I do it when she’s not around, or her highness will protest greatly. Do you have a routine where you reduce and reorganize – either your own collection of ‘stuff’ or your kids?
Follow Friday
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow Friday – be sure to leave a link when you follow so I can follow you back! Have a great weekend!
I’m a pack rat in the same sense you are although lately I’ve been getting rid of a bunch of stuff I don’t need. It feels so much better to not have all that “stuff” hanging around!
.-= Pooba would like you to read ..I Like Boys Who Like Boys =-.
I’m a neat pick – sorta pack rat. Especially when it comes to books. I’m not throwing any away.
I love when things are together and in order but at the same time I’ll allow mess.
I love wide open spaces in my home which isn’t cluttered by unnecessary stuff and so I’ll clean and put thing away our out. Then it looks neat and clean and I feel good.
.-= JamericanSpice would like you to read ..Let’s Ride! – Aloha Friday =-.
I’m one of the keep some stuff but not too much my sis, on the other hand, keeps everything and it drives me nuts just to stop over there.
I’m neither. I don’t save everything but I can’t claim to have the cleanest house on the block, either. I go in for little piles of stuff, esp. work related or clothes.
.-= honeypiehorse would like you to read ..Bedouins, Camels and Viagra =-.
I have a box that I throw stuff into to giveaway and when it’s full we donate it and start a new box.
.-= UnknownMami would like you to read ..Fragmented Fridays =-.
I am not sure how I qualify. I am not really a pack rat, but then again, I hate throwing things out!
.-= otin would like you to read ..Weekend Update and blogging slow down. =-.
i am somewhere in between…i pack rat my books, but want to get rid of just about everythting else. hope you have a greaet weekened.
.-= brian would like you to read ..Magpie Tales: Paradox =-.
I am kind of middle of the road on this one. I have a garage full of things we won’t get rid of, but then sometimes I get the urge to de-clutter and do it quite indiscriminately with regretful results sometimes.
Thanks for stopping by and reminding me about Shaun Cassidy. I cannot believe I forgot about him!
I am too but that was one of my goals to get rid of the clutter!! I really have gotten rid of a lot… a few garage sales work wonders!!
Happy Friday Follow!
.-= Lily would like you to read ..Workin Hard for the Money =-.
Oh I am both.. trying to be less of the PackRat.
My Aloha Friday Link for you
.-= Auntie E would like you to read ..W&W. Wednesday-Neptune Park =-.
I am a pack-rat married to a neat-nick. There surely has to be common ground there somewhere!
.-= Caution would like you to read ..ABC Wednesday: N is for Nice =-.
We tend to be pack rats around here!
.-= pam would like you to read ..Aloha! =-.
I keep a representative sample of most everything and then ruthlessly organize it. It must be the librarian gene.
.-= Michele would like you to read ..What’s in a quote? =-.
Pack Rat! Dropped over from SITS…love your blog.
A routine? Surely you jest. Nor have you seen my office/dining room table. It would drive you nuts, for I am the least organized person you probably know. LOL
.-= Jan would like you to read ..Raspberry Cosmopolitan =-.
Sad to say we have a really small house, so it does not take much to develop clutter. Working on purging things, but hubby does not like to part with things easily.
.-= TheAngelForever would like you to read ..Marcal Small Steps for Earth Month and beyond (Review/Giveaway) =-.
i’m somewhere in between. i used to be really neat before hubby. he is a total pack rat. i’ve had to tolerate a certain degree of chaos and disorder so i don’t lose my mind. plus i don’t have the time to be a total neat-nick anymore
.-= jaime would like you to read ..The Draft =-.
Nope not a pack-rat, trying to sell half my house’s furniture this weekend at a yard sale. If it doesn’t rain us out.
My daughter on the other hand is one, I have to go through her stuff once a month to make sure she doesn’t have thing growing, living, or dying in her stuff.
.-= Laufa would like you to read ..AF: Location and Uniquity =-.
I am a total packrat but am trying to be better!
.-= Dee would like you to read ..Aloha Friday =-.
I’m more in the middle with a tendency towards neatness. I’m always running around looking for stuff to get rid of, but I never seem to keep up with all the stuff that comes into the house.
.-= Buffie would like you to read ..Aloha Friday #131 =-.
I’m a pack rat. I can’t bear to part with anything, especially cuz every time I do get rid of something I end up needing it two weeks later.
In order to keep from being overwhelmed with the clutter I’ve forced myself to start buying less, then I don’t have to go through my stuff as often. My main weakness is books though, I have those stacked all over my house.
Have a great weekend!
.-= Raven would like you to read ..Just Some Blather =-.
Because I can’t keep my house clean, but hate it messy…I usually retaliate by throwing things away. I figure it is hasn’t been used in six months then out it goes.
I am definitely not a pack rat. I have moved too many times to be that. I have to keep the material possessions down to minimum so I can move again. I may be on a new path as I am definitely getting tired of the moving.
.-= Technobabe would like you to read ..Tantalizing, Tasty, Tauntingly Delicious =-.
Looking at all of the ahem, crap, that my MIL accumulated and had to rid herself of of when FIL passed totally cured me. Ya just can’t take it with ya.
Have a great Friday!
I’m a neat nick/pack rat myself! I like to have order, usually in the form of piles but I can have pat rack tendencies if I’m not careful. My 7-year old will have a complete and utter meltdown if I try to get rid of her stuff. So like you, I’ve got to do it when she’s out of the house. lol
You were above me in roll call over at SITS today and I just stopped by the other day to check out your Wordless Wednesday post. 🙂 Until my next visit…have a great day!
Kristi, Live and Love…Out Loud
.-= Kristi {at} Live and Love…Out Loud would like you to read ..Learning to Let Love in Once More =-.
I’m definitely a neat-nik and a compulsive thrower awayer, unfortunately I live in a household of pack-rat males . . . woe is me.
I’m a bit of a packrat.
.-= Debby would like you to read ..RANDOM DOZEN =-.
I’m your latest Friday Follower–No. 790! I would appreciate a follow-back on Google Friends Connect and/or Networked Blogs.
.-= Ron would like you to read ..Spring =-.
I’m here from both memes. I follow you. And I feel like I am a pack rat but try so hard to be neat!
.-= Becca would like you to read ..Aloha Friday #25 =-.
A neat-nick. I’m not a great cleaner but it’s got to be organized!
.-= Lori would like you to read ..Aloha Friday – Leaving on a Jet Plane =-.
I don’t really know how to classify what I am. Maybe a mix?
.-= blueviolet would like you to read ..Tiny Prints Personalized Greeting Cards! {Giveaway} =-.
I’m extremely organized and love everything clean.
Thanks for visiting my blog today.
Happy Friday and great weekend.
.-= Annie would like you to read ..Aloha Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =-.
pack-rat but will spend HOURS cleaning the parts I can get to! 🙂 Go figure…
I’m a neat/clean freak except I do have a huge collection of books and movies….and lighthouses. My husband on the other hand is a pack rat. Thanks God he stores all his stuff outside in the pole barn.
.-= Vicki would like you to read ..Book Tour & Review: The Bridegrooms =-.
I’m definitely a neat nick- pack rat.
I’ve got to be a pack rat – I just don’t see mess until its so obvious!
.-= rach would like you to read ..Aloha Friday =-.
I am somewhere in the middle of both!
.-= The Social Frog would like you to read ..Aloha Friday =-.
I tend to go between the two, at times pack ratting everything…then all at once I will just throw it all out….crazy 😉
I’m a terrible pack rat! That will change when we move into The Stone House. I hope.
Happy Friday Follow.
We are trying terribly hard to have a totally non-cluttered house. It’s a big task getting rid of a lot of things that have piled up. It’s worth it though.
Happy Aloha Friday!
.-= Simply Cathi would like you to read ..Aloha Friday – Men & Clothes =-.
I am somewhere in the middle – I keep stuff and then I occasionally go on decluttering rampages to clear things out (so I can, of course, start saving again). But I DO keep my clutter neat.
.-= Teri would like you to read ..comparison =-.
I am a pack rat despite my husbands efforts to THROW THINGS AWAY. 🙂 Anytime I throw something away, I end up wishing years later that I still had whatever it was he convinced me to toss. I am good with stacks.
Friday Following back!
Definitely a neat-freak
I am just like you a combo of both.
.-= Melanie @ Whimsical Creations would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday – Strawberry Shortcake =-.
I like my stuff neat and in order but it is all packed with old stuff too. lol
.-= Maggie would like you to read ..Buns Of Steel =-.
Oh I am a totally a pack rat!!! I keep everything!! I am trying so hard to not keep useless things but everything feels so important to me most of the time. 🙂
.-= Upstatemomof3 would like you to read ..My Trip =-.
I come from a family that has borderline hoarding issues so all my life I have been trying to escape it. I am not a neat freak but messes drive me insane. That being said, I am like you as I sometimes keep things “just in case” but if I can’t find a place for it, I will toss it. Looks like we’ll be good roommates then right? BlogHer is right around the corner!
.-= kariellen @ AGAM would like you to read ..Simple Green Naturals Giveaway & Review =-.
I’m so anal about being a neat-nick that I do my packrat stuff very neatly 🙂 Have a great weekend 🙂
.-= Thom would like you to read ..Weekend Reflections – #31 =-.
I think I am a neat-nick most of the time, but there are certain things I tend to be a pack rat about. Mostly like paper work, stuff like receipts and tax stuff. I am too scared that I will end up needing them, I have done well in just throwing them away more lately.
Happy Aloha Friday and FF!
.-= Deal Daddy would like you to read ..20×24 Online Poster Printing Wall Sticker Giveaway =-.