Did you miss me?  I know you’re jonesin’ to hear all about the shenanigans I’ve been dealing with the past week during my virtual absence, but you’ll just have to wait until Friday for that.

Spring has sprung!  We had some unusually hot days followed by some wicked rain and then colder temperatures.  Even the forecasters were threatening potential snow last Saturday – an inch!  Luckily it didn’t get cold enough for that, so we’ve had blustery cold and rainy days the past few days instead.

Starting today it’s going to hit 70 degrees and possibly get to 80 for the weekend before shifting back to ‘normal’ temps for Spring in the 60’s next week.  With an abundance of sunshine.  Good thing you can’t see me doing my Happy Dance right about now.

Evidence of Spring…  The apple tree is budding nicely – hopefully there will be plenty of apples for apple wine this year:

The fruit cocktail tree is also budding nicely – this will be the year it actually produces fruit (nectarines, peaches, plums, and apricots all from the same tree):

The rose bushes are coming back to life:

The plants around the pond are also coming in nicely (especially since hubby moved the invisible fence to exclude the pond so the dogs wouldn’t destroy the plant life around the pond like they were doing):

Speaking of dogs destroying plants in flower beds, we have our work cut out for us for the area under the apple tree.  Hubby blocked it off with some of my tomato trellis and wire garden fencing to keep the dogs out.  We already have mulch to put down, but I need to decide what kind of plants I want to put there to replace the ones that are now long gone.  Meanwhile, Princess Nagger thought the little fenced area was a perfect Dinosaur Habitat:

After she got on the bus the next day, I noticed she had left everything still set up:

We definitely have our work cut out for us – areas of grass will need to be replanted, but it’ll be fun to watch things grow and flourish again after the harsh winter months we had.

Meanwhile, I hopefully won’t be dealing with this for a while, since I reformatted and reloaded everything:

But I will have to be dealing with this view for a while:

You can read all about those details on Friday.  It’s sure great to be back online, though, I was going through some serious withdrawals for sure!


For Wordless Wednesday, be sure to visit Wordless Wednesday, 5 minutes for Mom, Go Graham Go, JollyMom and Momspective for more great Wordless Wednesday Posts.

Wordful Wednesday hosted by Angie at 7 Clown Circus – head on over there to check out all the fun wordy posts!

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  1. First off, nice to see you back!

    The pictures of your yard are way different than the last ones that we saw. There was 2 foot of snow last time. I hope that the dinosaur doesn’t eat all of your plants! LOL

    Still no washer??? That sucks!
    .-= otin would like you to read ..Theme Thursday (Yellow) =-.

  2. Yes we missed you!! It’s good to see you back.
    I love The Princess’s dinosaur habitat, she is so creative!! The shot of the blue screen scared me though, I have been there and it is sure one you don’t want to see!!
    .-= LT would like you to read ..Take Me Back Tuesday ~One Year Ago =-.

  3. Oh welcome back! It’s so nice to have you back :o)
    I am so jealous of your spring as I look outside my window right now at the snow coming down :o(

    Share the love would ya? LOL

    I can’t wait to hear all about your time off!
    .-= Pooba would like you to read ..Metal Mouth Horse Face =-.

  4. Glad to see that you are back online and having beautiful weather this week. Princess Nagger looks like she is enjoying the warm weather too. Great shots! I wish the weather was nicer here. We are having unusually cold temperatures for this time of year and more rain YUCK! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
    .-= Cascia @ Healthy Moms would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday | Avocado Boy =-.

  5. First of all great pic’s luv the yard and the dinosaur is priceless.

    NOW I must say that the BLue screen and I have become friends. After seeing it now for about 9 months and dropping my puter off for weeks at a time to be wiped clean and start over with a what they call a like new lap top. YAH RIGHT?! I now just turn it off and go back to working on it. Good luck with your screen and from my experience it’s windowXP
    .-= Night Owl Mama would like you to read ..WW: Grandma’s Doll Collection =-.

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