My laptop finally bit the big one over the weekend, so I’ll be offline for a couple of days while I jury rig either my former laptop (which still functions but runs slow as molasses until I upgrade its memory and reformat and reinstall).
And I finally got hubby to take a look at the washing machine this weekend – for those that have a front loader, you might possibly know what I’m talking about when I say that the ‘spider’ part is broken. Which means the whole entire washer drum needs to be replaced.
Since the washer is now 8 years old, it’s of course not covered under Sears warranty – nor is it covered under our specialty appliance insurance that we have. Which means replacing the drum at slightly lower than the cost of replacing the washing machine, or buying a new one.
And since we’ve literally backed ourselves into a corner where we put the washer, if we replace it, we have to make sure the dimensions are exactly the same as the one we currently have, so the dryer can still stack on top and it’ll all fit into the wall.
Wish us luck.
Meanwhile, I really wish I had a SmartPhone so I could keep current while I spend some quality time at the laundromat. I’ll be able to text tweets randomly, but won’t be able to see or respond to replies until I’m back online with an actual functioning computer. I hijacked Princess Nagger’s dinosaur PC to post this quick post just to send up the white flag so my bloggy friends don’t worry.
I’ve already been experiencing severe online withdrawals being offline for a couple of days, though Mother Nature has been kind and gave us absolutely beautiful weather over the weekend so we could get outside and start the yard clean up from the harsh winter months. Today it’s been raining and will continue to do so tomorrow, so what better day to spend at the laundromat than a rainy one?
Yikes!!! Hope your car doesn’t break down too.
.-= Jenners would like you to read ..Your Smart-Ass Questions Answered =-.
I don’t know what I’d do without my trusty laptop! I hope you get back online soon. Plus a new washer, asap!
.-= Ginny Marie would like you to read ..Move Along, Folks…There’s Nuthin’ to See Here =-.
Sucks to be disconnected. Hope you’re up and running soon again, without resorting to PN’s fossil. 😉
.-= Mrsbear would like you to read ..Chatting Up the Grandparents on a Saturday =-.
My parents had a Kenmore washer, and they had the EXACT SAME PROBLEM that you’re having. The washing machine repairman says that Sears actually makes their products that way on purpose, so that the part doesn’t last long, and forces you to buy a new washer.
They now have a Bosch front loader, and if my mother could marry it, she would.
.-= Kitten would like you to read ..Sunday Stealing: The Eight Tens Meme =-.
ack…i dont know which i would miss the most…hope some sun shines on you today!
.-= brian would like you to read ..160 – her legs =-.
Aww, Stacy, I am sorry to hear about your technical issues. We will be here when you return!
.-= otin would like you to read ..Dear Blueviolet =-.
So, so sorry. That really sucks! Hope all is fixed quickly.
.-= Debby would like you to read ..GUESS WHO I’M SEEING TODAY? =-.
Oh I hate it for you! Ours broke a while back so hubs and I spent a lovely friday night at the laundromat. It was like heaven. NOT =)
Glad PNs dino worked well for you today, but we’ll be here, don’t worry!
.-= rxBambi would like you to read ..F&@K Me! Did it really take over an hour to do this post? =-.
Oh no!! I can’t imagine being without a computer!! How about the library! Being without a washer would be just as bad, but then again, I am without a dryer because I wanted a laptop more…LOL. I hope you are all up and running again soon!
.-= LT would like you to read ..Quotable Sunday ~Sunshine =-.
Since you’re breaking the bank fixing/replacing everything else, why not get a smartphone too? =D
Always helpful! lol
Hope everything goes well for upgrading your former laptop and reformatting and reinstalling it.
.-= BK would like you to read ..A Better Us Through Self-Discipline =-.
We always have big arguments when an appliance breaks and nees replacement. Recently i ran the clothes dryer without the lint filter One Time. It sucked my panties into the motor and we had to call the repair guy to “remove my panties”. Ha!
.-= Secretia would like you to read .."Secret Work Problems, Job Interview Secret Lies" =-.
Oh, Stacey that sucks! We’ll miss you!
.-= Maureen@IslandRoar would like you to read ..Worrying =-.
Are you going to ransom Princess Nagger’s PC? Then you could buy a wicked smart phone…
.-= Mo would like you to read ..The Rolex and the Unhealthy Zorro Obsession =-.
Oh, no…net the laundromat? So not fun. I hope you get the computer and washer woes figured out, soon.
Isn’t it funny that you can post online using Princess Nagger’s computer? You have a lot going on right now. I hope things go smoothly with the washer. I don’t know which is worse, broken washer or broken computer. Those two items are on the top of my need/want/have to have list.
.-= Technobabe would like you to read ..People, You Need To Stay On The Trail !!! =-.
hi there, I am your latest follower. You can also follow me at
Your blog is really informative, I will be hanging around for awhile digging into archives.
I hope you get back online again soon. It so sucks when your computer bites the big one.
Good luck with the washer!
Oh, I wondered what had happened to you! I hope A)you get a new laptop VERY soon and 2)you’re able to find a washing machine that fits in the “laundry closet”.
.-= Jan would like you to read ..Men are from Meh; Women are from WTF!?!?!?! =-.
Oh Stacy- I am so feeling for ya….
I am lucky enough to have a local appliance center who delivers the next day and gives a 5 year warranty!
Good luck 🙂
.-= Harriet would like you to read ..Hey Bloggers: Hershey’s is donating $10 to Children’s Miracle Network for Your Post! =-.
just use the time to enjoy the little things like “Daddy watches the Princess while you read a good book at the laundry” 🙂
.-= kyooty would like you to read ..Tuesday hits again, Spring! It’s coming =-.
Oh geez, you need to go out TODAY and buy two things. A laptop and a new washer! That SUCKS
Justine 😮 )
.-= Justine would like you to read ..Words To The Dog =-.
I so understand the withdrawals. My Mac was in the shop but at least I had the kids laptops and the desktop…a smart phone is a must I do recommend my BB.
Good luck with the washer, another evil necessity. hugs
.-= Vodka Logic would like you to read ..A Reconnect…….Biochem 401 =-.
Here’s hoping your tech woes are solved soon. And at least the laundry gets done in like three hours at the laundromat vs. the all day it takes at home.
.-= VandyJ would like you to read ..RTT and Post-It Notes. =-.
Hope you’re back online soon. I think I find it more difficult to be without my laptop than it was when my wahing machine broke…it was tough but I have to stay connected!
.-= Suzicate would like you to read ..The Card He Didn’t Buy =-.
Good luck with your computer and washer! You don’t realize how much you need technology until it falls apart on you.
.-= frogmama would like you to read ..Llamas do too moo =-.
You know I have written posts about how much I hate it when appliances break down. And computers are the worst. I certainly hope you are up and running and washing again soon:)
.-= debbie would like you to read ..Food, Food, Glorious Food =-.
Good luck fixing the computer and washer. I bet that is tough. I can’t imagine what it would be like without my computer.
OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! That is the worst thing ever! So sorry and hope to see more of your awesomeness soon!!! 🙂
.-= Rachel- The Kooky Queen would like you to read ..Kooky Kraft: Fashionably Toothless =-.
Oh no! That’s equivalent to loosing your right arm! I hope you survive the withdrawls girl! At least the wheather is getting better, good luck on the washer!
.-= Pooba would like you to read ..At Least It Wasn’t My Boob This Time =-.
Avoid extended warranties, they are usually a rip off..
Sorry about your computer problems and the washer too. I just managed to get MY laptop problems resolved, but it took the better part of 20 months to get Dell Tech Support to take me seriously and stick with the various issues until they were fixed. As for laundromats … I have NO positive memories of using them!
Hugs and blessings,
.-= happily retired gal would like you to read ..Colorful Spring blossoms to share … =-.
Hey stranger. I know you are having technical issues. I’ve been having time management issues; haven’t been blogging, photographing, having fun or commenting of late! I hope you get everything resolved soon!
Hugs to you and PN!
.-= Martha would like you to read ..Friday Fragments =-.
oh no well I hope youa re back online soon
.-= Kristen would like you to read ..Pink is my favorite color…. =-.
This just really, really stinks!
.-= blueviolet would like you to read ..Saturday Giveaway Parade 3/27 =-.
nice post. thanks.
sorry to hear about the laptop. as for the smartphone, it’s better not to have one! trust me… i have 2. i’m constantly tethered to two offices!
.-= jaime would like you to read ..Balance =-.
Hope you get back soon!!
.-= Maggie would like you to read ..Stalking by proxy =-.
Oh no, without a computer OR a washer. You poor thing! I hope everything gets fixed soon, that sucks bigtime.
Ahhh! I fear the day when/if my iMac dies. Sorry to hear about your washer/laptop woes.
.-= Lynn from For Love or Funny would like you to read ..My dog needs therapy =-.
Geez, if it’s not one thing it’s a thousand. Must be something in the air. I read someone else’s blog about hiking to the laundromat but I can’t remember who. Hope the run of bad luck stops now.
.-= Buggys would like you to read ..Online Dating? =-.
Are you STILL offline? Good Lord, woman. You must be seriously jonesing. Or maybe you’ve reached a new plateau of enlightenment and don’t need it anymore. Could happen?
If you can’t get the laptop going, you might think of getting a little netbook. My husband has one and loves it.
Good luck!
.-= Gretchen would like you to read ..RTT: Drills, Studs, Screws and Bunny Ears =-.
I’m having a tiny problem I cannot get my reader to pickup your rss feed, I’m using google reader by the way.