Starting early this morning I’ll be tending to some medical related things today, so I’ll be offline – but there’s no reason you shouldn’t have some fun in my absence, so here you go:

I’m also counting this as an early Silly Saturday post just in case – but I’ll be sure to make the rounds and do some catch up this weekend while I recover…be forewarned, I’m sure I’ll be on some pretty good drugs as I come around and leave comments!  Have a great weekend!

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  1. OMG! I hope that it is nothing serious?

    The pictures are very funny. I don’t know where you find all of them.

    Once again, I hope that you are okay!
    .-= Otin would like you to read ..Flash 55 =-.

  2. I can’t even focus on those pictures, Stacy. What is this medical thing you’re talking about? This may require a phone call from you to me. I’m freaking out a little bit over here.

  3. I hope everything gonna be alright. Thank you for making me laugh the pictures are amazing. Good luck and happy weekend…

  4. Heeheehee… I love any kind of animal pictures!

    Hope everything turned out okay with your medical stuff!

    Justine 😮 )
    .-= Justine would like you to read ..Reflections =-.

  5. Gosh … I hope everything is OK. I must have missed a post somewhere. Be well friend! And they say laughter is the best medicine so be sure to read this post of your again!
    .-= Jenners would like you to read ..Goal Update 2 =-.

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