Since I’m sicker than a dog (where did that phrase come from, anyway? How do we really know when we’re ‘sicker than a dog’?) I thought it appropriate to post dog pictures. I know, it’s a stretch…but Rolex is so cute playing in the snow!
I better throw a picture of Travis in so he doesn’t feel left out:
I have no voice (which some people may think is a blessing) and my sinus headache is pounding like a you-know-what, so looking at the bright computer screen is difficult at best, so forgive me if I’m a little lax on comments the next day or two as I suffer in silence. I promise not to cough on you.
For Wordless Wednesday, be sure to visit Wordless Wednesday, 5 minutes for Mom, Go Graham Go, JollyMom and Momspective for more great Wordless Wednesday Posts.
Wordful Wednesday hosted by Angie at 7 Clown Circus – head on over there to check out all the fun wordy posts!
oh, I want a dog, Phoebe really, really wants one and i just don’t have the money. Typical for me, I need a whole new back door b/c mine is made of mucho glass and that is a fortune to change. I’m serious. I’m really struggling with this
.-= Jessica would like you to read ..It’s Just Like Being In Vancouver, Except Not At All =-.
They are the cutest thing ever…♥
.-= Rocio would like you to read ..…47 {mardi gras} =-.
You can SOOOOOO not wordless! LOL I love the rebel-ness! LOL. Very cute pictures!
ha. looks like they are having a blast!
.-= brian miller would like you to read ..160 – isolation ward =-.
I feel like I just looked at pictures of the iditarod! LOL!
It is tough to think about snow when I have blueviolet to warm my heart!
.-= Otin would like you to read ..Theme Thursday (Bell) =-.
Your dog is cute, isn’t he cold in that snow?
Stacy, I hope you get all better today.
.-= Secretia would like you to read ..~Secretly Needing Someone to Talk Things Over With~ =-.
Sorry you aren’t feeling well! Rest up!
Your dogs are so cute. Just like mine always have their noses stuck in the snow.
.-= Lou Ann would like you to read ..Snow Body =-.
Send the Princess off to school then promptly go back to bed. Blogging will wait. We’ll suffer but we’ll wait.
.-= Michele would like you to read ..5 Reasons to use cloth napkins =-.
They’re so cute with the snow on their noses.
Too bad you’re feeling lousy though. I hate losing my voice, especially when shouting is my go-to method for getting attention from the kids. Although it did get me out of plenty of unnecessary phone conversations.
Feel better soon.
What gorgeous dog’s! My dog is tiny incomparison, but I would love to have a bigger dog! My other hald won’t let me though!
.-= Mischa would like you to read ..Personal Injury Law =-.
sorry to hear you’re not feeling well btw. Headaches are awful especially when it’s cold outside! Hope you soon feel better
.-= Mischa would like you to read ..Personal Injury Law =-.
How cute!! And look at all that snow!
Oh no!!! feel better soon
.-= kyooty would like you to read ..Random Tuesday Thoughts, Bananas yummy! =-.
How cute are those puppies in the snow? Hope you feel better soon.
Love your doggy in the snow ~ And to the “Snow Gods” ~ please, NO MORE SNOW ! 🙂
.-= Nancy at the Chic Boutique would like you to read .. =-.
Just taking those pics and posting them up took a lot of effort. Thank you for sharing them. Now get back into bed. Hugs. xo d
Hi Stacy.
You know what they can do with that groundhog????
I am so looking forward to spring…if and when it comes!
Take care 🙂
Cute doggy shots. Hope you feel better soon.
very nice shots and very cute dog. Mariposa’s WW
.-= Mariposa would like you to read ..Wish You All Wealth and Success! =-.
Ugh! sinus headaches are the worst!!! Hope you’re feeling better soon!!!
I dropped my cat into a snow drift to see how he liked it. I think he’s still mad at me.
.-= Joanie M would like you to read ..Then and Now =-.
Oh my goodness what a beautiful dog!
.-= Felicia would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday: Glimpses of Disney. =-.
Aw Stacy, I hope you feel better soon! Call the doctor today!!!!
The dogs both look so beautiful in the snow. I wish Strudel had some to play in. Of course, she’d eat it.
Btw… I still hate having to scroll all the way back down again to leave a comment. Yeah, I know, you just can’t make me happy. LOL
Justine 😮 )
.-= Justine would like you to read ..Sunday Scramble =-.
Awwww, what a lovely dog! Hope you feel better soon.
Happy WW!
.-= Karen @ If I Could Escape would like you to read ..I’m the grumpy old troll … =-.
Oh my goodness! You need to get better there girlfriend, so you can go out and play in the snow with that beautiful dog of yours.
.-= Xmasdolly would like you to read ..WORDLESS WEDNESDAY – BRRRRR =-.
Your dogs are so cute!
.-= Margaret would like you to read ..A Very Hard To Write Update & Monday’s MeMe With Supah =-.
awwwwwww… who’s got a cute wittle face??!!! So cute!
What cute pictures! I love them!
.-= Laura would like you to read ..Tips for Keeping in Touch =-.
I’m sending you a huge (virtual) get well soon hug xxx
And just to let you know, if Travis and Rolex go missing…they might be found at my place across the Atlantic! 🙂
.-= Aloha Toni! would like you to read ..Going through money like chocolate before lent =-.
Cool dog. He’s sure having fun, huh? Happy WW. Following you. Hope you can find time to stop by me.
.-= Moodyblues Mix would like you to read ..WORDLESS WEDNESDAY – GUESS WHO? =-.
Hope you feel better soon. They are such beautiful dogs and look so cute in the snow. Thank you for sharing.
.-= Debby would like you to read ..FOR YOUR INFORMATION =-.
Really nice dog♥ Happy WW Hope you feel better 🙂
.-= TheChickenista would like you to read .."Blast Off" by Allison Maslan Book Review =-.
Sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. Take care of yourself and hope to hear from you soon.
.-= Technobabe would like you to read ..Out Of The Mouths Of Babes =-.
Oh, dear – I hope you feel better soon!
.-= Jan would like you to read ..And I Have a Purse Full of Staples =-.
Too cute. I hope they don’t disappear in all that snow. Crazy.
.-= Mel’s Box of Chocolates would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday – Sharing a Good Book =-.
So cute. I wish Princess liked it more, I think it hurts her bad hip to walk too long in the deep snow. She wants to badly to chase the squirrels.
Wow how cute. The dogs seem to love the snow.
.-= Auntie E would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday-Valentine Bear =-.
Thanks for participating in Friday Follow. I am catching up to the links. Rita @
Oh geez, will your snow ever end? I hope you feel better soon, Stacy!!!!
.-= blueviolet would like you to read ..Carolina Pad {Review and Giveaway} =-.
I hope you’re feeling better!
.-= Sprite’s Keeper would like you to read ..At 11PM, we realized this was not our most brilliant parenting maneuver. =-.
Hope you feel better soon!!!
They are both so cute! I love dogs in snow.
.-= Jenners would like you to read ..Oops….This Wasn’t Quite What I Had In Mind =-.
Cute photos! I hope you feel better soon!
.-= Cascia @ Healthy Moms would like you to read ..365 Perfect Things to Say to Your Kids =-.
Must… resist… petting… the screen. They are so damn cute! Snow puppies
If your pain persists go to the doctor!! Sinus infections are going around!! Cute pictures. feel better soon.
Feel Better soon!! I love your pictures!!
.-= gayle would like you to read ..If You Wait Long Enough =-.
I love your darling doggies!!
I hope you are feeling better today!
.-= Pooba would like you to read ..The Reason For My Ever Expanding Waistline =-.
I really miss your posts showing up in my reader! I can’t keep up with you! =( The dog pics are adorable!
I enjoy browsing this blog, I usually learn something interesting facts.
Emily RandallHusky Training
Your dogs are so beautiful…
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well! Yeah, I am not sure where that expression came from, not really sure. Having no voice is the worse! Remember not to wisper, that continues to damage your vocal chords. Lots of liquids! 🙂
.-= Kelly would like you to read ..Top 5 Posing and Directing Photography Tips =-.