Chocolate Cheerios – two words I never thought would be paired together, but paired together they are! And oh, so good!
I have a confession to make – I’m not a chocolate lover. I know, I know, how is that possible? I suppose it stems from being allowed to buy candy as a kid before our family would set out on a camping trip. Instead of saving it for our trip, my brother and I had a ‘contest’ to see who could eat the most candy in one sitting. I don’t remember who won, but I do remember eating way too much chocolate all at once and getting really sick from it. So I abstained from chocolate for many years, and only now eat it in small moderation.
But Hovering Hubby is a huge chocoholic – he’ll even make a quick trip to the gas station down the road late at night if he has a chocolate craving and there’s no chocolate in the house. Princess Nagger is also a self-proclaimed chocoholic, so when I was asked if I would like to review the new Chocolate Cheerios, I knew I’d have some really happy people in my house.
When the gift pack arrived with the Chocolate Cheerios, it was barely out of the box before both Princess Nagger and Hovering Hubby were clamoring to give it a try. Even I tried it, because I wanted to see how it was – and it really is good!
Not only was I impressed by the taste, but Chocolate Cheerios is low in fat, heart healthy*, has 100 calories per serving, contains at least 8 grams of whole grain per serving (at least 48 grams recommended daily), and is a good source of calcium and vitamin D. Made with real cocoa, Chocolate Cheerios can help your family start the day off right with a delicious and nutritious breakfast that is sure to make you smile!
Princess Nagger and Hovering Hubby made short work of the box of Chocolate Cheerios we received, that I had to go out and buy a bigger box to satisfy their new Chocolate Cheerios Cravings:
*Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. Chocolate Cheerios cereal is low in fat, saturated fat free and naturally cholesterol free.
Want to try the new Chocolate Cheerios for free?
Win It:
Here’s your chance to win this great Chocolate Cheerios Gift Pack:
How cool is this gift pack? You’ll receive a box of Chocolate Cheerios for you to try, as well as a chocolate scented spa kit, and a ceramic cereal bowl.
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(must be completed before any extra entries are valid) Leave a comment telling me what your family does to start the day off with a smile.
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You have until 11:59pm EST on February 15, 2010 to enter. 1 lucky winner will be randomly selected. I will email the winner and post the name here. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to the notification email or a new winner will be chosen. Open to US residents. Good luck!
A big thank you to MyBlogSpark and Cheerios for providing me with a gift pack and products for review and giveaway. Disclosure policy here.
My whole family loves chocolate. I can’t believe you don’t like it. I have heard rumor of people not liking chocolate but have never actually met one :). You want to know what my family does to start the day with a smile? Obviously you have never been in our house in the morning. I do wake up with my 7 year old snuggled into my bed every morning. That brings a smile (when I haven’t been kicked).
Skye giving me a kiss makes me smile.
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Can I try it?? Pretty pretty please?
Coffee starts our day out with a smile!!
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.-= Pooba would like you to read ..I’m Trying To Be Like Jesus =-.
My kids usually start the day with pop tarts or cereal. Something easy. I love cheerios although I can’t imagine chocolate. But if you like them and are not a choc fan they must be good.
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We start the day by kissing and saying good morning.
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I like chocolate okay… but I’m more of a vanilla girl to tell the truth. However, if you are going to twist my arm I’ll eat chocolate. A lot of it actually. 🙂
we start the day with hugs, kisses and andrew’s pleas to watch sesame street. or cars. both are his current obsessions.
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Mmmmmm…..chocolate and a whole grain. It’s a two-fer.
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We enjoy a cooked breakfast (my husband is a wiz with eggs) and start our day together as a family.
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We start our day off playing Legos by the fireplace before Dad goes to work.
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My morning starts early, around 4:30 am when my boyfriend gets home from work. Knowing he’s home safe brings a smile to my face.
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having a 75 pound golden retriever jump in bed with you giving you kisses always brings smiles to our faces.
I don’t do mornings, smile’s don’t come until at least 9am !
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