Have you ever had one of those days where you fell asleep the night before with words tumbling from your brain for the perfect witty and humorous post the next day only to wake up and the words have mysteriously disappeared?

Welcome to my day.

Normally I have a post all written and ready to ‘schedule’ at midnight-ish.  But I just wasn’t feeling it yesterday, so I didn’t write anything.  I think my brain has frozen with all this snow.  I went to bed feeling guilty about not having a post ready to publish at midnight while I was (hopefully) asleep, conjuring the perfect blog post in my head as I drifted off to dreamland.

Then woke up to the DJ’s on the radio playing “Let It Snow” early this morning telling us with the storm that’s moving in this afternoon, we could potentially see another 18-inches of snow between this afternoon and tomorrow evening.  On top of the 30-inches we got over the weekend.  “Blizzard-like conditions” as the storm brings some strong winds with it.

I’m wishing for a vacation in the Caribbean right about now.

Princess Nagger is elated because there’s a very strong possibility that tomorrow will be a ‘Snow Day’ and she has big plans on re-digging out the pathways and trenches she dug out with the previous storm.  She’s also looking forward to the neighbor possibly plowing our driveway again (as they so kindly did on Saturday – which saved us a good 8-hours of shoveling) because they created a nice mountain of snow that she had great fun sliding down on her belly like a penguin.

Oh to have the excitement and stamina of a 7-year old to play out in the snow for hours.

Hopefully while she’s playing in the new snow tomorrow, she won’t lose her snow boot in the deep drifts like she did on Saturday:

Hubby was a search party of one as he used one of his electronic toys that measures heat in order to locate the missing boot.  Luckily she has two pair, so losing a boot didn’t slow her down.

So all of you residing in your warm climates, you can laugh and point now.


  1. I don’t think we’re going to get 30 inches today but we’re getting about a foot, I think. It’s supposed to turn blizzard-y here too. See, this is why you and I are going to end up moving south where it’s warmer. And, my baby’s there! 🙂
    .-= blueviolet would like you to read ..I’m Throwing Things At You =-.

  2. I am so over this snow! We had 30 inches too! The second storm has started and my husband has to stay at work for the next two days… So sadly, I am gonna have to do the snow removal this time!… Well, maybe 🙂 Stay warm and have fun!
    .-= Staci would like you to read ..He said WHAT?!?! =-.

  3. It’s snowing like a mad bastard here as I write this. Another 6 to 12 inches for us as well. Oi.

    “Have you ever had one of those days where you fell asleep the night before with words tumbling from your brain for the perfect witty and humorous post the next day only to wake up and the words have mysteriously disappeared?”

    .-= Jan would like you to read ..RTT: Snow! Tongue! Video Games! Restaurants! No, I Can’t Get Any More Random Than That =-.

  4. Not warm here! zero degrees this morning. Soooo happy I didn’t need to go anywhere today. Warm and cozy inside and nice hot coffee and hubby playing his music in his studio room. We played a couple games of dominoes this morning and were talking about how grateful we are to have a safe warm place to be. Good pictures especially of one snow boot!
    .-= Technobabe would like you to read ..Love Is… =-.

  5. Holy crap!!! I hate to say this but I’m going to anyway.

    I am so glad I am not you right now. HAHAHA!

    But as soon as the snow melts I would gladly switch lives with you. :o)

    Keep warm!!!
    .-= Pooba would like you to read ..Tragedy =-.

  6. Princess Nagger is indeed Mighty Snow Mouse. She appears skilled at tunneling, sliding, drifting and sinking yet she emerges with a smile, ready to go again. I hope she gets her wish for a snow day as she single-handedly relives all our childhoods.
    .-= Granny Annie would like you to read ..AND THE QUESTIONS ARE????? =-.

  7. Oy, that’s snow. I hope you guys all got a snow day. It must be nice to be able to just send her out into the snow and check on her once in a while. LG still needs a chaperone, so I had to brave the foot of snow we got to make a mini snowman. Yuck.
    .-= Mama Badger would like you to read ..Happy Birthday, Little Badger! =-.

  8. That is CRAZY. I think you can be forgiven the lax in posting since you are usually pretty dependable. 😉 I’m not envying your snow days. Come on down to Florida, I promise you won’t have to shovel snow off any driveways. At least PN is getting a kick out of it.
    .-= Mrsbear would like you to read ..Dog Days and Not So Random Tuesday Thoughts =-.

  9. i almost went out the other day to go sledding. the temperature wasn’t too cold and i thought it would’ve been fun. that was the extent of that, it didn’t happen and now it is too flippin cold again. she looks like she is having a blast and i agree…oh to be young again.

    .-= PJ would like you to read ..Phone Pics =-.

  10. I’ve got my Pillsbury cinnamon rolls for the morning, so let it snow. If we lose electricity and I can’t bake them……crap.

  11. 30 inches!!!! You win. I currently have 18 inches on the ground with another 3 and blizzard winds in the morning. And, another 3 sunday and another ….. the weatherman said no end in sight!!! AND IT IS ALL COMING YOUR WAY!!!!

  12. I’m laughing but not pointing. That would be rude since I’m in a crowded restaurant.

    I can’t even imagine all that snow. Or any.

  13. I’m done with snow. Yesterday the school sent out an announcement they weren’t even going to bother will opening this week at all. So, for 17 days in a row, the kids have been home 15. Today they are actually annoying me.

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