One year ago (last week), we brought this cute little guy home:
Travis is a Blue Merle Sheltie. Nine months later, we were gluttons for punishment brought this little cutie home:
Rolex is a Sable Merle Sheltie. Notice his ginormous paws as a puppy? I had a feeling he’d outgrow Travis in no time. I was right. Here’s a picture I took of the boys yesterday – keep in mind that Rolex is almost exactly 9 months younger than Travis, and he still has some growing to do:
What’s really funny is to watch them play – Travis, being ‘older’ tries to be the Alpha Dog, but Rolex can wrestle him to the ground faster than he can say “Woof!” Travis is the hyperactive busybody one, where Rolex is very laid back and mellow. Their personalities balance each other out nicely, and they tolerate love Princess Nagger (mostly because she can be a messy eater, especially when she’s wandering around aimlessly with a snack) and are ever watchful of her when she’s out playing in the yard.
They fit in well with our family, because they are the epitome of Dork Dogs.
They are both beautiful!
.-= Martha would like you to read ..Quotable Sunday – Laughter =-.
Wow Rolex almost looks like a short full size Collie. They look like sweethearts (although I’m sure it was just for the picture)hehee… They are both beautiful errr handsome boys
.-= WeeShenanigans would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday – Awww Fresh Air =-.
There is something about my blog/my theme/some plugin that messes with CommentLuv. Oh well. It picks a pic of my home which maybe looks inviting???
Anyway, the dogs are adorable. We really wish we could have a dog…maybe someday.
.-= Kelly, The Glass Dragonfly would like you to read ..102_1510-copy =-.
They are both so beautiful!! They look like they are full of character and mischief!!
.-= Mellisa would like you to read ..LUCY — You Got Some Splain’ To DO!! =-.
They look like awesome dogs! I so miss the instant vacuum cleaner effect that dogs provide around small children. We are waiting until the boys are a bit older before we get another dog. So tough to wait though!
.-= Kimberly@PrettyPinkMomma would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday – And You Thought That Your Laundry Situation Was Bad! =-.
Hmm, not so sure if this counts as “wordless” 😉 but the photos are adorable!
.-= Mo would like you to read ..The Little Red Box =-.
They are both really nice dogs, but Rolex was such a cute puppy!!!
.-= Otin would like you to read ..Theme Thursday (Felt & Impression) =-.
They are beautiful dogs! I have never known anyone to have just one sheltie – they seem to have at least two or three!
such cute dogs…
.-= brian miller would like you to read ..all that is between us =-.
So cute. To bad we can’t keep them babies forever.
Soooo beautiful! There is a blue merle in our neighborhood and he is the coolest dog ever.
Happy WW!
.-= Dina @ 4 Lettre Words would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
Love the names Travis and Rolex. Very cool. Yep, the paws should have been a clue right off. LOL
.-= Granny Annie would like you to read ..CARLE JOHN BLENNER 1884 – 1952 =-.
Beautiful dogs.
.-= WackyMummy would like you to read ..Sundogs =-.
It’s funny how that happens. We picked out the puppy with the biggest paws for my mom.. and she turned out to be the tiniest!
.-= Felicia would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday: Time for Work! =-.
They just have to go and grow up, don’t they?! Too sweet! Then and now!
Aww! Such cute pictures. I love dogs. I have a white boxer (Izzy) and a border collie/boxer mix (Gracie)
Just stopping by from SITS to say Hi.
If you are up for a bake sale check this out.
.-= The Cookie Girl would like you to read ..Bake Sale for Haiti Relief =-.
I can’t even believe how much they’ve grown already! I think it’s hilarious that PN is so blissfully unaware of how many treats she is providing for them!
They are completely adorable. Dogs love kids who drop food. They will put up with a myriad of hugging and loving for the potential of a dropped snack.
Both dogs are beautiful………and I’m guessing SMART! 🙂
My MIL always had shelties … so beautiful!
.-= fiona would like you to read ..Help Chris Mann #GetOnEllen =-.
They are gorgeous! I had a shelty growing up. I still remember her fondly. I bet the Princess will also.
.-= Michele would like you to read ..Wordless Wednesday – The calender isn’t wrong =-.
Those are gorgeous dogs! Happy WW!
.-= Karen @ If I Could Escape would like you to read ..Get your game face on … =-.
Ooooh, I want one!
.-= Kristina P. would like you to read ..Going Dog Wild =-.
Love the puppy pictures. They are so beautiful.
.-= Debby would like you to read ..POST IT NOTE TUESDAY =-.
What beauties!Stopping by from SITS!
okay, OMG, OMG, I”m dying over here. I promised P. we could get a dog in September. I don’t miss the fleas, the groomings, the walkings, etc but one look at those faces and I remember why I do miss having one.
.-= jessica would like you to read ..I Care, I Do. =-.
Wow, such beautiful dogs! The fact they are gentle with PN makes them true keepers.
.-= diane would like you to read ..Drawing in the Dark =-.
I can’t believe it’s been a year already! What a bunch of cuties. Want another dog? I’ll send you one. Please?
.-= Casey would like you to read ..Random Tuesday Thoughts: That’s Gonna Leave A Mark =-.
oh they are so cute! I have a friend from my highschool years and she and her sister breed shelties
.-= kyooty would like you to read ..Thank Yous and Friday Fill-ins =-.
They are beautiful, and what cool names…makes me want another puppy;)
.-= stevenasnthony would like you to read ..Hump day pics and what I meant to say…. =-.
Beautiful dogs!
.-= mean_owen would like you to read ..Even more randomness =-.
Blue is 9 years old. Harry is 7.
Blue weighs 38 lbs on a light day.
Harry weighs 11 lbs soaking wet and unshaved.
Since Harry turned around 6 months, Blue has always been Harry’s bitch. True!
.-= Sprite’s Keeper would like you to read ..Kicking the Kid Back To Their Krib, TODAY on Sprite’s Keeper! =-.
We are big dog lovers too. Travis and Rolex are really beautiful dogs. I am sure they love your Princess.
.-= jenny would like you to read ..Wordful Wednesday =-.
they are so cute!
.-= Quasi Serendipita would like you to read ..A glimpse of spring =-.
Oh my gosh, both dogs are beautiful! I just love how dogs interact with eachother, one always tries to be the leader! I miss having two dogs, I want to get a second one after Al goes to law school!
.-= Pooba would like you to read ..Down To Bid’ness =-.
Love your dogs, they are so cute. Thanks for sharing.
Your dogs are beautiful! 🙂
.-= Buckeroomama would like you to read ..She Spins =-.
Holy crap, this may be your shortest post ever! Loved it too, because it had PUPPIES!!!!!!! OMG, they’re so adorable!
Justine 😮 )
.-= Justine would like you to read ..Tuesdays At The Table With Cole =-.
They are just adorable. I wish I could have a dog, but my husband took the passing of our Cleo (Black Lab) so hard that he says he’s not ready. 🙁 He’s really worried about our rug I think. He scrubbed it so many times when our old dog was having her accidents. She was 17 when she died. Oh well, maybe next year.
.-= Xmasdolly would like you to read ..THIS BLOG IS CLEAN! ~~hehe~~ =-.
They are so cute!!
They were beautiful then and they are beautiful now.
Oh, what cute puppies! I love puppies.
.-= honeypiehorse would like you to read ..I’d Rather be Throwing Up =-.
Wow … they grew up so much! And what dog doesn’t love a messy eating kid!
.-= Jenners would like you to read ..Playing with Dolls … Jenners-Style =-.
OH MY GOD. Your pup’s look so cute! I love dogs, but never had one growing up, and now can’t have them in my apartment, but will get one soon I hope! Enjoy your pups. 🙂
.-= Chris would like you to read ..Bridgestone Motorcycle Tires =-.