Now that it’s a brand new decade, it’s time for some changes.  What better time to make the move over to a self-hosted blog – start the year off fresh and new, and maybe some of the issues my readers have had with the page not loading or not being able to leave comments will be a thing of the past… *fingers crossed*.

Bear with me as I go through the learning process and continue to update and make changes, like add more blogs to my Blog Roll over there to the right.  One link at a time. This will be a work in progress for a little while, hopefully not too agonizing.

Meanwhile, let’s start off the New Year right with the first Silly Saturday of the year!

Tips on Marriage:

Never anger a woman who can operate a backhoe…

Enjoy your Saturday!


  1. great picture and fantastic new layout. hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday and i wish you a healthy and happy 2010! take care.

  2. Love the light in here! It’s gorgeous. Not loving the buttons down the left side of the page AT ALL, though; they cover up what I’m trying to read. Just sayin’…

  3. The new home looks great!
    .-= Martha´s last blog ..Friday Fragments & Give Me Your Best Shot – Happy New Year =-.

  4. i love your new layout! i will make sure and change the url in my blogroll. the pic is priceless, that’ll teach him…lol!

    .-= PJ´s last blog ..I am… =-.

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