A few more lights came back to life on the bottom section as I was arranging the branches to ‘fluff’ it out a bit. I’ll be picking up lights today so I can get the rest of the tree to lighten up and throw some Christmas Spirit into the living room.
Princess Nagger’s 3D nightmare house project has been a slow process. It’s due tomorrow, so it has to be finished today. Currently it looks like this:
So today I’ll be finishing up both the tree and the house. After I do my bi-monthly grocery shopping, and pick up paint for the 3D project and lights for the tree. I had hoped that hubby would jump in and help Princess Nagger with this project, but alas he did not. Next time I won’t wait for him to step up, I’ll just tell him to do it instead of me having to do it at the last minute. Lessons learned.
I need to add an attic and roof as well as front and back porches to the 3D house, then when Princess Nagger gets home from school today, she can paint it so the paint will be dry by the time she leaves for school tomorrow, and we can finally put the decorations on the tree.
I promised her I would not start putting on the decorations until she’s home, which won’t be a hard promise to keep, because it’ll take a while to string the lights. I’ll share pictures of both finished projects tomorrow. Hopefully.
At least we’ll be finishing up on a high note. Literally. At the top of the tree.
my goodness you are a busy lady…I would pass out with just half the list you have tt do….best o luck my friend;)
It certainly seems like you'll have a very busy day ahead.
The husbands and boyfriends are usually unavailable for working in the house, I've noticed!
That is the reason I hate prelite trees. They always stop working. I will just string lights ever year and yell as I do it!
At least your tree is standing, mine is still in the box..sigh
The little house project is looking good! The tree looks like someone forgot to pay the light bill! haha!
I hate when someone wants me to stop at the store on my way home, that is so annoying!
It doesn't really make sense for them to assign a project like that at such a young age. It's simply too involved for them to do. They know parents are going to have to make it so what's the point?
That being said, I love how your project is coming out! I can't say the same for your tree.
However, I have faith in you.
House cool. Tree scary.
I can't wait to see that house when it's done!!!! Love your new layout!
I am just WAITING for my pre-lit Christmas tree to do the same. It's 5 years old but luckily it still lights up.
Love the layout! Very cute!
Don't you just love all the homework YOU get when your kids start school?
*rolls eyes*
I'd have SO told Beloved to pick up cat food and cranberry sauce…but then again, he'd have gotten a kick out of the look on the checkout person's face.
Wow, this brings back memories. My father used to "do" all of my school projects too. I never really understood the point of giving kids homework that you know the parents wind up doing. The house looks great!
I hope you don't mind that I laughed a little when I saw your tree. FYI, kids don't usually consider lighting part of the decorating fun, so don't let that stop you. So long as there are plenty of bits and baubles left to hang on the tree, she'll be happy.
Jeez Stacy – you like multitasking don't you?! A Christmas tree to decorate and finish PN's house? Good luck 🙂
p.s. I have a date with Mr Officer tonight – woohoo!
Busy busy busy! The house is amazing. I can't believe that is a first grade project. I get having the parents involved, but that just seems extreme!!
I have to admit, I like the canned cranberry sauce too, had it last night with my Turkey Divan!
I had to get cat food the Wednesday before Thanksgiving quite a few (before Tara) years ago. I traveled to central NJ for work, so it was probably close to 6pm when I reached the supermarket, all I needed was CAT FOOD… I waited for 45 min. That was before self check out!
Wow that is quite a project you have come up with for PN. I don't like the jellied cranberries either. But I taught my son (he's 6) how to make home-made, he did most of the stirring and was impressed with the results.
Quite a project for one so young..I think drawing a picture of it would have been project enough..
Hi there Stacy.
You're like a million steps ahead of me in the decorating thing. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
ok, i need a nap after reading how busy you are…the house looks cool, definitely want to see the finished product!
The house looks cool, but what kind of a teacher gives little kids that assignment? Was she hoping for parental involvement? Because parent's need one more thing on their plate at this time of the year, right?
Glad to hear you enjoyed Thanksgiving.
Being a parent will make me such a better teacher when I return to work. I WILL NOT assign anything that will cause the parents to drink their lunch.
What the hell? Why are you responsible for aLL of this? Why doesn't hubby help you? Shouldn't doing the tree be a family thing and not you getting frustrated over the damn lights?
And what is with that enormous house that they're making a little kid create? Yikes!
Justine 😮 )
Due tomorrow?!
Please take a picture of the after since I think it looks DONE!
Loving PN's new picture on the masthead!
Is there anything worse than school projects? UGH, I hate them. Oh yeah, putting the lights on the tree! lol.
Glad you had a good Thanksgiving!!
Wow, that is quite a project for the Princess! I remember making something similar in grade school…it was tedious, but I did get an A+ 😀
I've had to do some tree wrangling myself. I tried to go "green" this year with LED lights, but they looked like something out of Star Wars, rather than the Norman Rockwell-esque picture I had imagined. They were awful! So after two trips to the store (for more lights, as I had not gotten enough) we trimmed the tree. After two days I hated them so much that I had to take them down and redo it as most of the ornaments fell to the ground.
Ahhh, at last though, it's done 😀
I've been meaning to tell you I love the winter look! The snow totally freaked me out, I thought my eyes were going. 🙂
I am so glad I'm past the *helping* kids with their projects. They pretty much do it themselves with some input from me.
Glad you had a great thanksgiving!
That house looks like a crazy complicated project for a young child! Look forward to seeing the finished product, and the tree too.
It looks like a fun project to do. Is Princess Nagger enjoying the process?
Looks like you are very busy! Your tree reminded me of all the frustrating interactions I have had with Christmas lights. Why can't they just all work, all the time? It would really make my life a lot easier. Haha. Good luck on that 3D house, it looks cool! What is that for?
It never fails. I always forget one thing at the store!
I just got my 2! yes 2 "Parents help" assignments yesterday. I(I mean) Child2 has to write up a 1page note on his family's Christmas traditions. ACK! and we got an asignemnt for January about Ancestors well since his ancestors are still kicking it on the island, We're bringing that one with us. heeeeee heeeeeee! oh MOM!!!!! 🙂