Edited to add: While these aren’t clips from personal experience, I got a good laugh out of it because we did have a mail slot in the front door when hubby and I were the Resident Advisors/Managers for the Student Housing. We had a Sheltie at the time who was notorious for shredding anything paper.
Unfortunately several of our students monthly rent checks were shredded by our notorious doggy shredder.
In addition to that, when a student was busted for underage drinking and their illegal alcohol unceremoniously dumped down the drain, they had the tendency to knock on our door at all hours in their drunken irate state and attempt to peer into our townhouse through the mail slot, shouting obscenities and trying to get us to answer our door.
Both inconveniences were conveniently rectified when I constructed a box attached to the door to not only block the view from drunken bloodshot eyes, but also catch the mail to deter the doggy shredder.
thank God my dogs never did that. I'd be getting calls from collection agencies asking why I refuse to pay my bills. you think they'd believe me if I told them the dog ate them
That is just way too funny for a Saturday morning at 6:30!!
too funny. Good thing my mail goes in a box
That is stinkin' hilarious!!
That is totally why we don't have one of those slots in our door!
That is just too funny!
That was hilarious! I love watching family pets getting up to mischief! Thanks for posting!
LOL I would kill my cats or dog if they tried that lol
Are there really places where the mail is delivered through a slot in the door? ;~)
Thanks for the laugh. That is so funny!
This made me LOL, but made me think, "Shouldn't these people just put up a mailbox outside on their front porch?" Then I read your post and said, "See? Stacy – she's SMART."
way to funny….I have always thought those slots to be kinda creepy, I always wondered oif people look in them, now I know…lol
oh what fun!!!!
lol. thanks for the chuckles! happy saturday!
They were absolutely frantic about it! LOL
Fenway will still do this and we don't even have mail slot!! If mail falls on the floor, it's hers!
Dangit, the video won't work for me.
Justine 😮 )
It's like a fun game every day around mail time!
Other than sex, that was the most fun I had all week!
Oh, how very funny. Hmm, you didn't love the drunken heckling through your door? I find that hard to believe.
Dogs are always good for amusing moments…and cleaning too. After we put our dog down, I realized that now had to clean up my random food scraps. Talk about insult to injury.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I did the resident advisor thing too!!! Very good deal. It was in a dorm that housed mostly single rooms with a few doubles. I had a whole double to myself and…
okay!! My hubby who would stay over every weekend.
That was quite entertaining.