Enjoy your weekend…and hopefully if you have any repairs to make this weekend, you will not use these as guidelines.  I’m just sayin’.

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  1. LOL, too funny… the one with the TP Roll gives me an idea though! I don't like where our holder is placed.. being looking for something new! (JK!)

  2. I connected to you through another blog. These photos are funny I have never seen them before.

    Best regards

  3. Would it be wrong to say that I got some good ideas from that! haha! I may just have to use the defroster solution!

  4. Hi. Great post about good idea! Now I have got much better mood after little paroxysm of laughter. The car and the toothbrush are unbelievable.

    Good luck!

  5. i imagine a few of these were precluded with "hey ya'll watch this!"…thanks for the saturday morning giggles.

  6. OMG I am so LMAO-

    we are so glad you will be joining us for the SSS if you have not emailed us at secretsantasoiree at gmail please do so we can send out your q&a form

  7. This is too too funny! I had to call my techs over to come and look!
    Shhhhh… I'm blogging at work.

  8. Besides being funny, kinda cool how some people come up with solutions.

    My fave the Mercedes.. gone make my car one too. lol

  9. I just don't understand what some people are thinking. Then again, we are in a recession.

  10. These were too funny! And basically what everything would look like if I was in charge of fixing stuff in the world!!

  11. Hey, some of the repairs actually look pretty good. I'd say the toilet paper holder is effective (at least he was able to find a way!), and the steering wheel made of a ship's wheel is actually kinda cute. Haha~
    That frat boys idea of a hot tub/pot is a total failure.

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