Princess Nagger has been attempting to avoid any picture taking lately…something to do with knowing I’ll be putting them on my blog. She giggled mischievously when I told her to Smile Pretty – then moved her waffle bowl to hide her face as I took the picture…chortling the whole time:
She kept avoiding the camera and enjoying her waffle bowl that had traces of melted ice cream still waiting to be devoured:

Making sure she gets every last drop before she chomps into the waffle bowl:
When I told her I’d be done taking pictures as soon as I got a shot of her baby blues, she gave me this look:

And declared picture taking time was over, now that I got her eyeballs. ๐
Be sure to check out my Blogoversary Giveaway – just commenting will buy you a chance to win. ๐
For Wordless Wednesday, be sure to visit Wordless Wednesday, 5 minutes for Mom, Go Graham Go, JollyMom and Momspective for more great Wordless Wednesday Posts. Mr. Linky has been having issues lately, so be sure to leave your post link in the comments so we can pay a visit! ๐
Wordful Wednesday hosted by Angie at 7 Clown Circus – head on over there to check out all the fun wordy posts!
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She looks fantastic even with a waffle cone on her face.
That last look in her eyes says it all. She is so over you and your blogging.
I love PN!
Oh man, she's already putting her foot down on pictures? Hmmmm… well, I don't suppose she can protest when she's asleep, can she? LOL!
LOVE the last look. Sounds like something my 11 year old would pull. ๐
Clever and cute!
The Waffle Bowl will no doubt be a standard tool for future seekers of anonymity.
HAHA Love her!
Haha. She is too smart and too cute.
Happy Blogoversary, by the way! ๐
She is getting so big!
Can't remember the last time I had ice cream in any kind of a cone.
That last picture is a great shot!!!
Oh she's totally in training for her modelling years, and "don't hate me because I'm Beautiful" ๐
My girls went through a no photos stage too. Now, my oldest makes a hang loose sign in every picture. Oh yeah. It's hilarious.
Happy WW!
She is just too funny (and adorable!) Tara used to have days like that at Disney, I would get so upset! She was SURE yesterday that I would take a picture of her getting a shot, but I knew she was apprehensive, and I actually had no plans on it. I told her there are some things I wouldn't post!
What a cutie! And, now I know what I want for breakfast! :o)
She IS a goofy girl! Nice decoy with the waffle cone.
Graham has been in picture avoidance mode too. You'd think I was the paparazzi chasing him around, the way he acts.
Maybe she is starting to think you are from a tabloid magazine and figures hiding her face is her best bet? Bet the waffle bowl was good too!
My 5 year old does the same thing. I have to come at him like the paparazzi hiding in the bushes in order to get a good pic…
Or bribe him with candy!
LOL! Great photos!
LOL! cute pictures!
That is pretty funny. Cute pictures.
Happy WW!
She and I have a lot in common!
Kids are always smarter than we think they are. She has lovely eyes. ๐
I love her method of avoiding the camera. CLASSIC! She's too cute!
That is funny! I love your photos. It looks like she has quite the personality.
Looks like my little one would do.
What cute pics! My youngest loves having her pic taken but my eldest hates it when I pull my camera out!
How funny!
She rules the house, doesn't she?
Little kids are soooo bad at lying…
Little girls just love to pose for pictures – goofy or not.
I love your blog and know that everytime I visit you will have something cute, witty, and fun to read about. Love the pics of Goofy Girl!
Happy WW:
Sorry I have not been back in awhile. I have been working so hard on the blog that my comments and visits have been scarce! I will come back though and I am following. I LOVE the eyeball looks you daughter gives. They are PRICELESS!
Great photographs! I like her style. ๐
I must be hungry because now all I want is a waffle cone! ๐
mmmm, that waffle cone looks so good!
Your dtr is adorable!
Beautiful pictures. That waffle bowl has me craving ice cream. A bit too early right now in the day. Happy WW and take care.
What a cleaver little girl.
My problem isn't them hiding from me but not staying in one spot long enough for me to take the picture at all!
Happy Wednesday!
What a cutie! I just love her sense of humor. And what better to hide behind than a waffle bowl?
She may not like getting her picture taken, but it looks like she is enjoying that waffle bowl. Bribery may be in order.
So funny!
Thats cute! I have one who avoids pictures too! Cracks me up. Love the first picture. Happy Wordful Wednesday.
AWW ice cream and blue eyes.
I love waffle cones. You cant get them away from me. Really cute photos!
LOL She is so silly!!
What a little stinker! She's lucky that there wasn't ice cream all over her face. Now that would have been a funny photo to remember this by.
There are tons of cute kid pictures out there. Cute kid pictures with PERSONALITY are the great ones! Go, PN ๐
I love the last one! She is adorable.
I love the last one! She is adorable.
Oh, man. I can't remember when I last had a REAL waffle cone. I need to fix that, stat!