I was going through past pictures of the Princess Nagger trying to get my folders all organized on my computer – she was looking at the pictures with me and started shrieking when she saw this one…since she still has that particular bath toy. This was in August 2003 – it’s unbelievable how fast the time has flown these past 6 years! Has anyone figured out how to stop time or at least slow it down a bit? I’d love to get in on that action…
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  1. Such a fantastic photo she is so adorable. Time does seem to go by at an alarmingly fast pace.

  2. Gosh she is adorable.

    And when you figure out the time thing. Pleaseeeeeee share 🙂

  3. I think you have to feed them coffee and cigarettes to stunt their growth. Let me know how it works out for you!

    PN is such a cutie!

  4. I love looking back at old baby pictures it always makes me long to have those days back, but only briefly and then I snap back to reality!

    Great pic…such a cutie!

  5. My kids are so old that I'd have to scan a baby picture of them to post on Wordless Wednesday. Wow…that sounds like a Jack Benny joke for the new millennium.

    Happy Wordless Wed 🙂

  6. Awww. She was so little. I don't have kids of my own, but I have three nieces. I look at photos of them when they were little all of the time and wonder where the time went. My oldest niece is going 20 now. :o(

  7. That is such a cute photo. No, I haven't found a way to slow down time. Now I am working on getting my 10 year old to age backwards. I want to keep her here forever.

  8. What a cute picture! … and whenever anyone tells you how to stop the time please pop over to my blog and let me know :0)

  9. I'm with you on the slowing-down-time thing… it seems to get faster and faster every year…

  10. My youngest is slowly starting to turn into a cranky teen who does not need his mom 🙁 I hear that they come back. I am enjoying my new time to get some things done around the house.

  11. I love that face and those big blue yes – adorable! That is pretty amazing that she still has that bath toy LOL.

    I have not found a way to slow down time yet, but if I do you will be the first to know!

  12. I wish I could stop time every day… I actually posted something on that yesterday!
    She's adorable… And we have the same toys after all these years too! =)

  13. Cuteness! Yes, we still have bath toys from long long ago – I admit I like to play with the bath paints and Little Mermaid dolls.

  14. My son celebrated his 5th bday yesterday. I sooo understand what you are saying. I want them to grow up but be little all at the same time. 🙂

  15. Look at those beautiful eyes! They really popped out, didn't they? She still has her baby toys…that's cute. 🙂

  16. If you figure out that time-stopping thing, let me know. The days, weeks, months, years go so fast for me anymore. Now I have to deal with watching my grandbabies grow up too fast. This is a precious picture. Lovin' those baby blue eyes!

  17. If I knew I would share it with you.. and if you find out please share with me… they do grow too fast…

  18. Adorable picture of Princess Nagger. We still have a bunch of lil' D's baby bath toys. I can't seem to part with them and he doesn't mind still playing with them. Happy WW and take care.

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