The Kindergarten ‘Graduation’ Ceremony went fairly smoothly yesterday, the Princess Nagger was having such a great time with all the songs they sang. I’ll post a video later, but for now here is the ‘diploma’* she’s so very proud of. Today is her last day of Kindergarten – luckily the Aquarium field trip was able to be rescheduled for today, so it’s the perfect way for her to finish out her first year of school. Time flies by way too fast!!

*No, her teacher didn’t write Princess Nagger on the official document – but PhotoShop really comes in handy! 😉

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  1. Oh how cute!!! I remember when my oldest daughter got her Kindergarten diploma. She was so proud of it, we had to frame it and hang it in the living room. That seems like a blink of an eye ago but she is graduating from high school this weekend! Clearing up a space on the living room wall! LOL Happy WW!

  2. YAY!!! Happy Graduation, now you've got a Full on School kid, no more "maybe" here! 🙂

  3. Excellent! I am sure she feels so proud of her kindergarten accomplishments.

  4. Ah. Sweet. Congrats to your little girl. :o)

    Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

  5. Congrats Princess Nagger. Good luck in grade one! I wish we did kindergarten graduation here.

    Matthew goes to grade one this September. We only have four more weeks of school. I can not believe it!!

    Enjoy your summer together.

  6. So cute! I think that a trip to the aquarium is a wonderful way to finish kindergarten!

  7. Congratulations to the Princess! What a cute picture. My daughter's in on the 18th..I can't wait to see her in her cap:)

  8. Aww Congrats Princess Nagger! Graduating Kindergarten is such a big deal!

  9. Congrats to Princess Nagger!! lol
    What a huge milestone. How exciting!

  10. Yay, off to first grade. We have a few more weeks, but we don't have any type of ceremony. It is probably a good thing since we have a 4th grade graduation coming.

  11. Yeah! Now on to the 1st grade!!!

    She will have a great summer I am sure!


  12. Ok this semi scares me. The thought that my one year old son will be in kindergarten…Holy crapola!

    She's a CUTIE!

  13. Thanks for clarifying, I was wondering how you'd convinced her teacher to call her PN. Congrats!

  14. Congratulations…next year it's a full day of school. Whatever will you do with all that time?

  15. You are right, time goes too fast! You mean Princess Nagger is not her real name? LOL!

  16. I had to go to my son's high school graduation over the weekend (actually, I went kicking and screaming). I'm not good at command performances anyway, and the idea of watching 600 students walk up to the podium (at 10 sec each, x 600 = interminable) did not appeal.

    But I went. And it was just as boring as I predicted.

    And now hubby is making plans to go to son #1's college graduation. Let's see, 10,000 students x 10 sec each…

  17. Congrats to Princess Nagger. She has had a great last week of school with graduation and a field trip.

  18. Congratulations to the little graduate; you are right …. time goes far too quickly.

  19. Aww this is extremely cute! I love how you placed Princess Nagger on there. And I'll look forward to that cute vid too!

    Passing by from June Comments challenge…

  20. Stacy,

    She is just adorable in this picture. I'm sure she got a big hug from Momma.

  21. Aww…gotta love the kindergarten diploma. Just be warned..high school isn't that far off now, and the time will go by in the blink of an eye.
    My 12 year old is Princess also 🙂 Gotta love the names we blogging moms give our children, right?

  22. Congrats to the graduate!!!

    Our kindergarten graduation is tomorrow. I know I'll cry.

  23. How cute!! My son's Pre-K class is having a graduation and I've been getting sneak peeks at the songs (unfortunately one is "Its A Small World After All") and I'm so excited. I think it is so cute!! I love stuff like this. This is why I am into having a kid in the first place!

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