Princess Nagger was very concerned about the wild birds not having enough bird seed to munch on while we are gone, so she nagged convinced hubby to take her to the local farm store and they came home with this:It holds quite a bit of birdseed, so I think along with the other bird feeder and the suet I just got, the birds will be fat and happy while we’re gone. Like the doves:
And the myriad of other birds that hang out near our grape arbor, like these:
Princess Nagger has been beyond excited about leaving for our trip – after she ‘helped’ me wrap the Christmas presents for our friends the other day, I came into the room to this sight:
She said the stack’o’presents was a ‘podium’, and the small wrapped item in her hand was a microphone. Love her imagination!
I’ll try to get around to as many people as I can this morning before I have to unplug and head out – and catch up later when we get to our motel this evening as much as I can. I will be introducing my friends to the world of blogland this weekend, so I’ll be able to do some catching up during that time as well. Thanks for stopping by!
Wow, you really didn't have to get me all those presents but I'll take them. Have a great trip and try not to worry about the fat birds or the lack of internet. Ha, internet will be the top thing on your mind, I'm sure! 😉
You said Christmas presents and I had to scroll back up to check the date. lol.
I like Princess Nagger (lol) like birds alot and I like her bird feeders.
Do have a wonderful trip!
Your daughter is just too cute, Stacey. You must walk around your house armed and ready with your camera.
Enjoy your trip. I'll look forward to catching up with you upon your return.
Have a great trip!!
I am amazed the animals do not get to your bird feed!!! Let me know when you come back if the farm bird house is still in one piece.
PN is always thinking ahead, isn't she. I hope you have a wonderful trip!
How sweet of PN to be concerned about the birds! I think you've got it covered now!
And I knew she was holding a microphone before I even read about it. Duh Mom!
Have a safe and fabulous trip. Can't wait to hear all about it. Make sure you introduce your friends to the Froggy Bloggy!
Justine ;o )
Have a safe trip! I'm excited for you but I'll also be glad when you're back home, safe and sound.
PN is a crack-up every single day!
Cool bird feeder! And I'm lovin her imagination!
LOL those gators got my attenetion. LOL The pictures were fantastic. The bird feeder is lovely! The birds will be happy to visit you. Wow look at those stack of presents!! Have a great trip!
My presents always end up like this at Xmas! Funny!
Have a safe and fun trip.
Have a great trip!!!
Have a fabulous trip. That's so exciting! I love traveling.
Princess Nagger is priceless!
Hope you have a fantastic time!
P.S. That little bird house is so darn cute!
I bet that you don't miss a single post! HAHA! But, in case that I am wrong,have a great vacation!
Um, those are some big gators!!!
Lucky birds!!
PN is too funny!
Have a great trip!