Have you heard of Keely? If not, where have you been? She’s the notorious Un-Mom and she has this weekly thingy called ‘Random Tuesday Thoughts’ – seriously, it’s a great way of letting it all hang out on a Tuesday in the Random Way. You really should check her out…wait, that didn’t sound right…although I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if you checked her out, I hear she’s pretty hot… 😉

Here we are on Day 2 of Hovering Hubby’s last minute decision for a vacation week – and already I’ve been plagued with interruptions…it’s already 9:00 and I have only had a few sips of my first cup of coffee! Is it Friday yet? 😉

Speaking of the Hovering Hubby, we had a little tiff Friday evening because he was acting like a 5 year old. Or was that more like a 2 year old? No, I’m pretty sure it was more like a 5 year old. So I pulled the best Mommy Mode from last year’s archives and dealt with the situation. Worked like a charm.

Only 2 days left of Kindergarten for the Princess Nagger – the time has really flown by fast. I love her Kindergarten teacher, she’s got lots of personality and I can see some of her ‘flair’ in the Princess Nagger from her teacher’s influence all year – in a good way.

I’m looking forward to seeing what they have planned for their special ‘end of year program’ they had to reschedule for today – Princess Nagger has been secluding herself in the bedroom ‘practicing’ the songs and poems for about 5 days. She showed some of them to me the other day, and she’s so dorky cute with her dramatic motions to the songs and poems, so it should be a sight to behold. I’m definitely taking the video camera.

This weekend we worked like crazy out in the yard, taking advantage of the nice weather Mother Nature sent our way. Princess Nagger kept nagging me to do the grape vine trimming I had mentioned I was going to do, wanting to ‘help’ me with her plastic pruning shears. I finally got done with the other stuff I was working on and let her help on the baby vines in the front of the back yard:
She got bored shortly thereafter, so she went off to play while I worked on the rest of the grape vines up front and out in the Back 40.

Hubby kept himself busy and finally tackled the odd ‘circle’ in the Back 40 – it used to have an above ground swimming pool there, then it functioned as our ‘burn circle’ for 2 years, then we rototilled it and planted grass seed last year and about half of it started looking good, the rest really patchy and still looked like a circle. So hubby got aggressive with the rototilling and discovered there was still some plastic and lots of rocks buried beneath the surface.

He successfully got it all cleared out and rotottilled a much bigger area just to make sure it ‘blends’ better as the grass grows. It’ll be great to see how it looks once the grass seeds sprout and the first time it’s mowed…no more eyesore!
I started writing more and explaining some stuff in the above picture, but realized it was becoming non-random and more like a Weekend Garden post, so I’ll save that juicy story for this weekend. That way since I missed this weekend’s Garden Tour (sorry, Harriet!) it’ll make up for it. Trust me, you’re going to to want to check that post out when it’s done. It’s a doozy.

One thing you probably did notice in the picture above is that my greenhouse is still not functioning as a greenhouse this year…yet. Hubby had tried to ‘help’ me out after I built the greenhouse by spreading out the multiple bags of white marble rocks I had gotten for the floor. I had just had my gall bladder removed so I wasn’t allowed to lift anything more than 10 pounds for 6 weeks, and that was like a day or two after I hefted all the white marble rocks home to see if I got enough.

Unfortunately, he lived up to his ‘Absent Minded Professor’ title and spread the rocks out nice and neat…over the grass…without putting down any plastic underneath first. So basically he created a great venue for the greenhouse to function as a weed house. Not that kind of weed.

So I’ve been nagging bugging him ever since I found it difficult to grow seedlings and kill massive weeds all at once to take care of ‘fixing’ that faux pas for me. For two years. I gave up growing anything in the greenhouse last year because it was an uphill battle – trying to kill the weeds without killing my seedlings, so I resorted to using the bar in the living room as my temporary greenhouse last year and this year. He finally got the hint (and finally tuned in to the nagging). Today is the day – his staycation is going to benefit me as he mixes up concrete and seals the greenhouse floor once and for all. WooHoo! I’ll have my greenhouse back again!

Curses! Caller ID strikes again…sorry, Larry from Leisure World Pools and Spas for the mental block just now on the phone…hubby has been trying to find flagstone somewhere to finish the awesome stream he created and so far, no luck…not even from you, Larry.

Poor hubby, he keeps interrupting me as I’m trying to type this, and I heard something like: “Blah, blah, bliggety blah, don’t you think?” so my reply was “UmHmmmm….yeah…” then I hear “You’re not even listening to a word I’m saying, are you?” I couldn’t repress a snicker before responding “Not when I’m busy typing I’m not…now I’ve lost my train of thought!”

So I guess that wraps it up for this edition of Random Tuesday Thoughts, especially since now it’s already 10:30 and I have to make sure the Princess Nagger is fed and ready for her 12:13 bus and get myself ready to head over to the school to clap and cheer her on. And embarrass her by taking a million pictures and videotaping her. I might actually have some quiet time this afternoon to do some blog-hopping while hubby’s off hunting down flagstone and getting the concrete to work on my weed greenhouse…WooHoo!

Feeling Random? Well, you’re not alone. You can find all the cool Random People congregating over at Keely’s place. And don’t forget to stop by her co-host, Kelly the Neurotic Mom over at Baby Boogers, she’s Keely’s cohort in crime for Random Tuesday Thoughts! Head on over to both places and spread some Random love. You’ll thank me later. 😉

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  1. Enjoy the end of year festivities! I got a kick out of your commentary about your husband asking questions while you are typing…I do that all the time, just give a yeah, yeah, whatever response. Drives the boys crazy! I’ve vowed to listen better 😀

  2. PN is so cute! I can’t wait to see pics / video of the things she’s been diligently practicing! =)

    Yay for hubby finally getting your weed house back to a green house. lol

  3. you know I think that might actually be an Alien landing pad in the yard.. contact MUFON!!

  4. I can’t blog and have a conversation at the same time. I end up staring at my husband and asking a totally off the wall question which leaves no doubt in his mind that I haven’t heard a single word he said. He needs to give me a heads up before he starts talking.

    My son had his Kindy end of the year show Friday, it was cute and relatively brief, so that’s a good thing.

  5. Hope you little girl has fun at her program — can’t wait to see the pictures.

    Stopping by from Harriet’s to say hi! Going through the list to see who all is taking the comment challenge.

  6. Good grief woman, you’ve been busy!! I’m sure you would get more accomplished if HH didn’t keep interupting you. haha

    I would love to have a greenhouse, but no space in the yard for such. I can’t wait to see pictures when it’s all completed.

    Stopping by from Harriet’s site.

  7. As a former little boy I am sad to see you fix the dirt circle. My friend and I kept grass form growing in a spot in his yard for years with our toys cars and trucks. As an adult I certainly sympathize. You need grass.

  8. I remember how seriously they take those little programs. lol My daughter had to have every move right and every word down. lol

    I hate it when hubs keeps interrupting me while I am try to read or write on my own blog. They get so annoying. lol

  9. Oh, thank you – Beloved had me convinced there for awhile that I’m the ONLY wife whose husband becomes nothing but background noise while she blogs.

    Surely there must be a technical name for that condition.

  10. End of the year already! We have 4 more weeks. (can you hear the jealousy?)

  11. Heaven forbid you should be interrupted while writing your post LMAO! Priorities!

  12. YAY! for cheering on the Princess! Sorry it took me so long to comment, I got randomly interrupted many times between clicking, reading and commenting.

  13. we DEFINITELY need video of the princess and her performance. I was so laughing about the hubby talking and you not listening…hmmm that sounds soooo familiar. I keep telling him he can’t talk while I’m typing if he wants me to listen…he keeps saying “WHEN DO YOU EVER STOP TYPING?” Oops looks like I need to cut back on the blogging lol

  14. My hubby likes to park it in the big lazy boy by my computer. He just sits. Doesn’t say a word. Get your on hobby.

    We are all yard slaves in the spring – but worth it.

  15. I'm not allowed near seeds and little plantlings. I seriously have a black thumb. My coworker has me watching her plant which is only supposed to get watered once a week. She's been gone since Monday. The plant is already dying and I haven't touched it yet!

  16. Oh man, poor HH got the shaft today! Jamie gets ignored sometimes when I'm trying to blog but I stopped blogging until after we've had dinner and watched a few shows so we get some time together before I get into the blogging zone.

    I'm glad PN is such a good helper (even if she did get bored easily). My kids are almost old enough to mow the lawn and clean the pool. Ok, not quite but I'm counting the days.

  17. My mom keeps trying to get me to build a greenhouse too. She's all, "you can extend your growing season by 2 months on either end!". So I asked what I could grow while the rest of the world is still sub-zero that wouldn't require fertilization and she said 'tomatoes'.

    I hate tomatoes.

  18. Stacy, You lost me in a few places but I stayed pretty focused… I am part of the June Challenge and it fun to find new blogs.

  19. I don't know what I'm going to do now that school's out. We have to go to NY for a MONTH to do the tour duh family. (That was a play on words, I'm pretty proud of that one).

  20. I much prefer when my hubby goes to work. Everything goes much more smoothly :). Your greenhouse is beautiful. I would love to have one if I didn't have a black thumb.

  21. Lol! you are so funny!

    I love the pic of Nagger w/ the dogs. It's as if the dogs are refereeing her actions!

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