Ann has a great drink recipe posted for a White Capris cocktail – sounds especially yummy, so I’ve made one just for you:

If you’re not a chocolate strawberry fan, here’s some fresh picked fruit for you to enjoy:

Time For Some Fun!
Ann was reminiscing about when she was 12 or 13 and about the clothes she just had to have…you know, so as she put it “The clouds would part and (she) would be a popular girl.” Her question for us tonight is “what clothes did you just have to have when you were 12? 13? Be honest!”
You know, I consider myself lucky – I went to a smallish private school and my dad had gotten rid of our television when we were younger… So I didn’t have the peer pressure of what other people were wearing – there wasn’t an ‘IT‘ trend at our school… I did, however, keep the clothes in my closets and drawers organized by season and color, and my sister and I made up charts so we wouldn’t wear the same outfit twice within a 2-week time frame. 😉
Tonight’s VGNO has a Giveaway!
Straight from Ann’s blog:
“One of the lovely and talented Virtual GNO guests is sponsoring this weeks giveaway. Rebecca Niederer of Jewelry and Gifts by Rebecca is sharing her beautiful handcrafted work with us. One fortunate VGNO guest will win a pair of earrings made by Rebecca. And here’s the thing, the winner can choose their preferred style & color. Rebecca will work with you to create the earrings you want. She say’s “Anything goes”. (And that goes for any order too. How wonderful!)”
To participate in the Jewelry and Gifts by Rebecca giveaway here’s what you do… Hop on over to Ann’s to join the Virtual GNO and check out the details of the giveaway. Sign Mr. Linky and visit those that sign-in! Go blog-hopping! And most importantly, Have Fun! Well? What are you waiting for? 🙂
Those chocolate covered strawberries look soooo fabulous!!! Brings back memories. 😉
Have a fun night!!!
Those blackberries look scrumptious! I don’t mind if I do.
Happy VGNO!
I don’t think I even picked out my own clothes at 12 and 13. Looking back, I clearly should have.
I totally charted my clothes too!!! Lol!!!
Thanks for the fruit! Yum!
Hope you’re having fun blog hopping!
Thanks for the snacks.. so yummy! Have fun at GNO!!
I could use a cocktail right about now. Along with some potato chips.
“If you’re not a chocolate strawberry fan”
WHAT?! do people like that even exist??
Happy VGNO dear 🙂
I always love coming here for VGNO. You always have the yummiest Hors d’oeuvres!
TGIF and happy VGNO!
OOOHHHHHH….your post is better than mine…..
Thanks for dropping by…more than once…today 🙂
Enjoy your VGNO!
Mind if I crash the party. I love chocolate covered strawberries.
Thanks for the lovely spread of delightful eats and drinks, you are such a great hostess!
Jan 🙂
MMMM! Chocolate covered strawberries, music, yummy drinks… I think I love this VGNO business 🙂
I love that beautiful water cave picture. Happy VGNO!
LOve the water cave picture. Happy Vgno
Just stopping by from VGNO to say Hi…
YUM choc covered strawberries!
I also went to a small private school where uniforms were worn…my mom was super strict about what we watched too. but i did have an older cousin who gave me hand me downs :O) happy VGNO!!!
This all looks like so much fun!
Hey, there! Happy VGNO! Thanks for stopping by my place! I would hand out longer, but I’m contageous and should really be in bed. Have a great weekend.
Shannah at The FLashcard Zoo
What can I say Sassy Designs. I visit your blog everyday and tonight well its VGNO and I’m happy to say here I am again. Happy Weekend.
Thanks for popping by my blog tonight! I love strawberries and especially chocolate covered ones! Oh my! I think I might have one, or two, or six! 😉
Mmm. Those chocolate covered strawberries look yummy! Happy VGNO!
Aww man, I think I missed it. There’s always next week. Thank you for making me aware of this event.
Blog: My Business Adventures
A Mom’s Real-Time Journey Starting a New Business.
P.S. Great blog decor. I subscribed to your blog 🙂
Blog: My Business Adventures
A Mom’s Real-Time Journey Starting a New Business.
Oooo I’ll take the chocolate strawberries and a drink. Yummo! Thanks for providing goodies on the VGNO blog tour!
Take care,
MMM! Those chocolate covered strawberries look very good! Stopping by from VGNO, have a good night!
Stopping in from VGNO!! You may pass those strawberries this way please. YUMMY
Yummo, those strawberries look delish, we might have to take a trip to Downtown Disney today and get a couple at Ghiradelli’s. Sorry I didn’t get to stop by last night, I made myself go to bed at 10pm, and actually had 7 hrs of sleep! Does a body good!
It as been a interesting visit here at your blog. You have so many enjoyable post. I will have to try a white capris also come back often to read your post. Thank you for stopping at my blog and leaving a lovely comment!
That fruit looks great! Happy VGNO! Thanks for checking out my blog
I love how organized you kept your clothes! I used to organize mine on colored hangers (white hangers for “dressy” clothes, green for “play” clothes, etc) I still do that sometimes now!
I did have a fun night out in the “real” world lol! But I missed you guys! Hope you had a great VGNO!
Thanks for coming by my site! I’m loving me some strawberries right about now.
I had to have Dove Shorts and neon anything. Also… OP clothes and and hawaiian print blouses.
Ahhh those were the days…
Hey, I picked up VGNO off your blog. THanks for posting about that.
Wouldn’t you know that I would miss the week that she has a giveaway. Just my luck:)
I couldn’t participate last night, not even in the white capris. I had a food network date with my husband. We’re cool like that.
Whenever I see VGNO I automatically think of….down there. Is it just me?
Thanks so much for stopping by! I’ve been stopping by and peeping you out for the last few weeks, but I’m too chicken to make the first move to comment. I’m lame like that. I’ll surely keep coming back. I’ll be brave though.
Ok I’m really going to have to look into getting Friday nights off from work. I really want to make it to one of these. 🙂
I think you found the one perk about private school. No worries on what to wear. Except for free dress day…eek!
Just wanted to let you all know I think I finally managed to figure out how to add my follow button to my blog.. Looking forward to connecting this way!
Oh wow, look at your fabulous blog! I am humbled. Than you so much for your purchase. I love this blog world! I have met and continue to meet the greatest friends. I am now following you! I couldn’t stay away…look at those tempting delights! I look forward to returning here.
Also, I am waiting for my friend to send me the poem. I will get your pendant sent out as soon as i recieve it! Thanks again.
Hey girls I’m starting a recipe swap Monday! I just put up all the information on my blog, so if you are interested please come by and leave me a comment. I started this last year and had a blast – so I decided to start it back up. Hope you join in on some fun !!!
that drink looks to die for! YUMMMY and what a wonderful spread you got going on!
Hope you girls had lot’s of fun last night!
Your blog is breathe taking. It has a great appeal.
Oooo, fruit! How did you know I am starting the shred challenge? Though my goal this week was to not eat after 7:00 – bummer!
Ahhh, you are a great host! Those drinks and strawberries look awesome!
It’s been almost a week, and still no choc covered strawberries. I’m going to have to do something about that today!