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Great picture! Love the water and the look on her face 🙂
looks like fun
Ahhh summer. I can’t wait either. I want to have many more picnics and days at the beach than we did last year…
That looks wonderful! I hope you get many opportunities to indulge.
Look at the Princess Nagger looking all chic in her shades!
Justine 😮 )
i love fishin pictures! she looks so cool in her shades!
Looks so relaxing — I could use that right now. Great picture! TFS
Does Princess N actually catch anything?
Cute..that fishing pole has to be bigger than she is!
Cool. Did she catch anything?
Good times!
That is so cute! How does she do fishing? Does she enjoy it? How does she do with baiting the hook?
i have not been fishing {or boating} in forever. i think we may have to plan a trip this summer! thanks for the idea 😉
I can not wait until summer either.
She is so cute.
Cute pic. I love fishing. I can’t wait until my boy is old enough to fish with me.
Awesome picture! I normally get a little seasick nowadays, but John really wants to take Sprite fishing one day.
I loved to fish when I was Princess Nagger’s age!
My kids can’t wait either!
She looks like a natural at fishing! Love the shades!
Me too!
Hugs and Mocha,
cool picture, she looks like she knows what she is doing!!”Opening day here in Washington this weekend.. well stocked lake, and I get to stay home in peace and quiet! I love opening day!
Jan 🙂
Did she catch any? My daughter was fishing last week on vacation in Florida.
Love it! I can’t wait for the weather to warm up just a bit more so I can get out and do that too!
She really looks like a natural. Maybe she could teach me a thing or two, I’m a terrible fisherwoman.
I can’t wait until is truly stays warm, it is suppose to be warm here tomorrow.
She looks like she is having fun
What a cutie patootie!!
Ok, so she is pretty well adorable in this picture!!
The water looks amazing. Those days will be here again soon!
fishing! how fun … did she catch dinner?
Oh, that looks like fun! I’m sure Alex will go out with his dad and Grandpa next summer. He’s still a little too small yet. 🙂
That is so cute!
I used to go fishing with my dad a couple times each week in the summer. We would go in the evening, out on the bay that we cottaged at.
Great memories!
I am so looking forward to that too!
So fun!!