The lovely Ann from ‘Ann Again and Again‘ is having her weekly Virtual Girls Night Out – Come join the fun! There’s great music and drinks, fun party games, and even a Mr. Linky to add your blog for VGNO visits! Ann knows how to throw a great party! ๐
Ann has a great drink recipe posted for a Love Boat cocktail – sounds yummy, so I’ve made one just for you:

Time For Some Fun!
The game Ann came up with this week is “Captain Stubing Walks Into A Bar”
We’re supposed to turn these words into a silly, strange, freaky or completely wild little story.
**Lounge **Gopher
**Captains Table **Zsa Zsa Gabor
**Charo **Pacific Princess
**Lido Deck **Pool
Here we go…
Captain Stubing walks into a bar, but it isn’t just any old bar, it’s the Pacific Princess‘ infamous Lounge. As he saunters in, he’s informed that Gopher is out by the Pool annoying Zsa Zsa Gabor. The Captain reverses his steps and heads out to rescue Zsa Zsa from Gopher‘s bumbling attempts to impress. His rescue mission is thwarted by Charo, however, as she stops him midway with a request for his company on the Lido Deck. Charo doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer and drags the poor Captain up on the Lido Deck for what she hopes to be a romantic walk. Luckily Julie comes to his rescue with a manufactured emergency, so the Captain gently disengages Charo‘s grip from his arm and slips away, determined to complete his rescue mission of Zsa Zsa Gabor. When he arrives at the pool, Gopher is stumbling his way through his quest to invite Zsa Zsa to dinner. The Captain intervenes and invites Zsa Zsa to dine with him at the Captain’s Table which she eagerly accepts, throwing a relieved look in the Captain’s direction. Gopher sulks as he watches the Captain and Zsa Zsa stroll away arm in arm, heading towards the Lounge for a cocktail.
Oh, and don’t forget to stop by JAM from JAM’s Own Reality to put your drink order in…she’s serving up some yummy drinks tonight just for us! ๐
What are you waiting for? Hop on over to Ann’s to join the Virtual GNO. Sign Mr. Linky and visit those that sign-in! Go blog-hopping! And most importantly, Have Fun!
Girl, you know how to throw a Love Boat partay! Meet you on the Lido deck for drinks a little later?
Happy GNO!
Recent blog post: The Handmade’s Tale: Soap Rehab
Heeheeheeeee! Cute story, Stacy! I used to love Gopher!
Justine ๐ฎ )
I haven’t seen Ernie in such a long time! And thanks for getting the Love Boat song out of my head. But now I have the rubber duck song going!
Love the story. I think it could be the first chapter of best selling novel!
Happy VGNO!
Recent blog post: VGNO. I’m taking drink orders…
Stopping in to say that’s for bringing by the fruit. I didn’t realize that this was the cruise that never leaves sunset. It is beautiful out here. The water is almost a bluish purple and I just saw dolphins.
Recent blog post: Featured Blogger
Cute story Stacy!
Looooooved the Love Boat
Wanted to be Julie…Wanted to marry Gopher (I know, I was a dork)
Have fun with VGNO!!
ps – has anyone ever told you that your site takes a long time to load? Maybe it’s just my computer but it’s a good 45 seconds every time??
Aaaaah. I feel like going on a cruise now. Happy VGNO!
Happy VGNO! I think I’ll stay here a while. I can’t resist that drink and that fruit tray. It’s lovely out here on the deck. ๐
Recent blog post: The Story of “Runner”
I always love reading your VGNO posts! And is it wrong that I glanced at VGNO and saw vagino? Can I blame it on the vicodain? LOL
Love it!!! Great job ๐
And, thanks for the song. And YES, it will be in my head all night!
Happy Virtual GNO!!!
Recent blog post: Virtual GNO – Calgon Take Me Away Edition
I know, right? Ann throws the best virtual parties out there!
And good story, I was not even about to attempt something that creative and thought provoking on a Friday night!
TGIF and Happy VGNO!
Recent blog post: Friday Fragments/Focus Friday
Great story! Hope you are enjoying the drinks and fun :O) Have a wonderful weekend and Happy VGNO!!!
Recent blog post: It’s Virtual Girls Night Out!!!!
I love your story. Looks like you’re trying to win. Happy VGNO!
Recent blog post: Fun Friday: VGNO and Happy 75th Post!
Is it sad how much remember of the Love Boat? Happy VGNO!
Recent blog post: It’s a Cryin’ Shame!
Oh Stacy…. You’re way too much fun… :*
Happy VGNO!
Great story! I love the video! Happy VGNO =) ๐
Recent blog post: VGNO – Love Boat Edition
why is it that we can see Zsa Zsa chasing after Gopher and Capn’ Stubing and Charo together and everyone stumbling over eachother for the dumbest of reasons!So funny! ๐
Recent blog post: Fantasy Friday And Virtual Girls Night Out!
Great story!
Have a wonderful night and weekend ahead:)
Recent blog post: It’s the Friday Night Party!
Thanks for visiting my blog(s). I appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to leave me a comment.
Happy VGNO! I love your story using all the words. How creative are you! I was look at your recent post and noticed your trip to Punta Cana. That looks so fun. I have a vacation coming up soon and boy am I excited. It’s even without the kids. Woohoo! Have a nice night!
Very creative! …and fun! Happy VGNO!
Recent blog post: Happy Friday with Local Natives
Happy VGNO and have a wonderful weekend!
Recent blog post: Just what my cold frozen body needed
Happy Friday! What ever happened to Zsa Zsa? That pineapple star drink looks yum.
I remember watching that show…laying on the living room floor…while my parents hogged the couch. I don’t think we ever missed an episode. And yes…the song is going to be stuck in my head dammit!
Recent blog post: This will make you giggle.
Happy Friday VGNO, hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks for popping by! Happy VGNO!
I was just reading through some of your other blog posts…thanks for the laugh.
๐ Loved the story….really cool blog. The bows make me happy!
Yep. Its stuck in my head now. ๐ LOL
Love and Prayers,
Recent blog post: Gavin Needs You!
My kids are almost grown, and we STILL Do De Rubber Duck! ๐
Recent blog post: Kittens for Lunch?
That sounds like fun! Got here from the Slog-A-Blog/Bite-A-Bite game. Have a great day! ;o)
Great!! Between you and Ann I am going to have crazy songs in my head all weekend!! ๐
Recent blog post: haiku friday – buff up your lips