It’s Tuesday already? Seems like only a week ago I was rambling…or was it just yesterday? You know why I love Tuesday’s don’t you? Because I love Keely over at The Un-Mom – she hosts this fun weekly Random Tuesday thing, and since I love to be Random, Keely has made every Tuesday special! πŸ˜‰

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! This is the day when we can all pretend to be a little Irish and drink Green Beer. Well, I think I’ll take a page from Yaya‘s book and drink an Apple Martini instead. I’m not a beer drinker. I used to be, but now I’m a ‘beer snob’. I prefer Corona Light with a lime or none at all. And since it’s very rare to find Corona Light here in Small Town America, I’ll stick to wine or something stronger, thanks. πŸ˜‰ But I don’t think I’ll color my wine green, though…don’t think that’d be cool like green beer.
I always tell people that I’m smiling all the time because it keeps people guessing what I’m up to. Apparently that’s true for the Irish folks, too, not just us Swedish ones.
Moving on…

Princess Nagger apparently ate too much dough on Sunday…it sorta made her sick to her stomach. Though she’s pleading the fifth on that, even though she ended up staying home from school yesterday. I think, though, that she had an ulterior motive – I made her wait until yesterday to frost the naked cookies (some got sparkly sprinkles) so they’d be ‘fresh’ for taking in to school today. I think she feigned sickness so she could stay home and frost cookies yesterday. Apparently the ‘needing a mental break day’ starts young.

Speaking of ‘mental break’, I could sure use one.

Hubby didn’t go into work until noon yesterday – totally messed up my entire blogging morning with Mr. Interruptus. Yep, I said ‘Interruptus’…I’m making it a word. Then of course the Queen of Interruptus herself stayed home from school, so she took over when hubby left for work. Then we had a power outage. Major Interruptus. A four hour one. I guess I sort of got an impromptu ‘mental break’ since I couldn’t be on my computer at all…but then again, with Princess Nagger asking every 10 minutes “Is the power back yet? When is the power coming back on? Should we call the electric company and find out? Why did the power go out? Is it back yet?” Fun day.

Speaking of fun days, next week is going to be interesting. Hubby discovered that he has 29 vacation days to ‘use or lose’ by June 30th…so he’s using up 5 of them by taking next week off. No plans at this point, except that he’s going to finish up the Technical Review book he’s been working on since the deadline is April 1st, and plans to work on some of his music. I’m sure some of the unnamed plans are to get underfoot and help me get nothing done. πŸ˜‰

Yesterday Jen guest posted at Casey’s with an awesome Beef Stew recipe, but mentioned she’s craving Mac’n’Cheese in a big way. Now I’m craving Mac’n’Cheese. Thanks, Jen! But I haven’t given in to the craving like Casey did, apparently. Score one for me! πŸ˜‰ I am, however, planning to try out Jen’s Beef Stew recipe – I’m all about using the crock pot to make life easier, and the recipe she generously shared sounds really good. I think I’ll sneak this ‘healthy version’ on hubby later this week…see if he notices a difference.

OK, so I’ve been staring at my screen for about 20 minutes trying to think of something brilliantly witty to write, and I’ve got nothin’. I do, however, seriously need to replenish my coffee, so I’ll leave you with some Irish Luck – I’m guessing it still works coming from a Swedish girl, don’t you?
Have a great St. Patrick’s Day, try to limit pinching people to a minimum, ‘k? πŸ˜‰

Feeling Random? Well, you’re not alone. You can find all the wonderful Random People congregating over at Keely’s place. Head on over and spread some Random love. You’ll thank me later. πŸ˜‰


  1. Happy St. Patrick’s Day, I have been distracted by good weather but tomorrow it is going to rain all day πŸ™ Put hubby to work next week around the house.

  2. Great idea adding green food coloring! Bet the kids loved that! πŸ˜‰

  3. Believe me I was tempted to give into the Mac’n’Cheese craving – if Princess Nagger had said she wanted it (I did offer it as a possible dinner suggestion), I would have been lost in a sea of Mac’n’Cheese… πŸ˜‰ Thanks a bunch for stopping by, Casey! πŸ™‚

  4. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you, too! Thanks for stopping by, Jenni! πŸ™‚

  5. Thanks, Kristen! Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you, too! πŸ™‚ I have some catching up to do over at your blog, don’t I? πŸ˜‰ Good idea putting hubby to work around the house…I think I’ll have to start making a ‘Honey Do’ list… πŸ˜‰ Thanks a bunch for stopping by! πŸ™‚

  6. Oy, my husband makes me nuts when he’s home! He calls me all day long from work, and comes home for lunch most days as well…can you say, “Co-dependant”?! LOL.

    Ick! Power outages suck rocks! I’m glad you got it back on, now!

    I totally allow the occasional mental-health day for my girl…being a kid can be hard, too!

    Happy(Belated)St. Patrick’s Day!

    Recent blog post: Random Tuesday Thoughts: Paddy Cake

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