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Don’t they look so sweet and innocent when they’re sleeping? What a couple of cuties! Happy WW!
they are way too cute!!! oops… those are words!!!! :X :)! happy hump day π
Cute!!!! Michelle wants a doggy sooo bad. Maybe I’ll just send her to your house to play with yours.
They sure look like great buds.
So sweet, looks like the new puppy is making himself at home! Happy WW
What an adorable pic-whoa that puppy is growing quickly! I love how you (somehow, magically) tilted the pic kitty-corner (er…puppy-corner?)-balancing their faces on either side of the mid-line. Happy WW! π
Don’t they look just adorable!
That is SO sweet!
Awww….how sweet are they? At least in this shot, right? Gotta love puppies.
I second the awwww. Makes up for those moments when you want to shake them in to submission. Happy WW.
Awww! Very cute!
Awww They look so sweet!
I really want to nap now. They’re so cute snuggled together.
Just like kids….they get ya by acting all cute when they are sleeping…then you can’t boot em out when they drive you nuts when they are awake!! LOL
OMG, so adorable!
Hey, thanks for commenting on my post the other day… I appreciate your insight.
I want to jump in between them and get some puppy love! Then I’ll take Benedryl so I don’t get hives.
Awww. Animal photos are so cute.
AWWWWW very sweet, cute puppies.
Awww… They are sooooo cute–I’m getting that itch to get another pet but trying to resist it–your pictures aren’t helping π Happy Wednesday!
That’s the life.
Beautiful dogs!
@Elle: They do look sweet and innocent when they’re sleeping…they passed out together after they played for a while…which was a big deal, since the big dog was more ‘annoyed’ by the puppy…now he loves him! π Happy WW! π
@annie kelleher: LOL Annie! Thank you! π Happy WW! π
@Janet: Thanks, Janet! π
@Lady Bug: LOL Colleen! Sure, send her on over so she can get her doggy and puppy fix… π Happy WW! π
@Debateur: They are now…it’s great the big dog finally figured out having a new puppy is a good thing… π
@Melissa: He definitely is… he doesn’t seem to ‘annoy’ the big dog and the cat anymore… π Happy WW! π
@Shangrila: LOL! Yes, the puppy is really growing fast… Pretty cool trick photography, isn’t it? (grin!!) Happy WW! π
@Misadventurous Mommy: Thank you very much! Happy WW! π
@*Just Jen*: Thank you so much, Jen! π Happy WW! π
@Alyson, the 3 P’s Mama: b> Definintely in this shot…always angels when they're sleeping! (grin!) Happy WW!
@mrsbear LOL! So true, Mrs. Bear…so true! π Happy WW! π
@Trish: Thanks, Trish! Happy WW! π
@Firefly: Thanks, Firefly! π Happy WW! π
@Casey: LOL Casey! They do inspire napage, don’t they? π Happy WW! π
@Jenn: LOL Jenn! So very true… π Happy WW! π
@Minxy Mimi: Thanks, Mimi! π And you’re very welcome…what are friends for? π Happy WW! π
@Julie@Cool Mom Guide: LOL Julie! Puppy love is the best…you poor thing! I’ll make sure I have Benedryl handy – don’t want you getting hives! π Happy WW! π
@attygnorris: They are, aren’t they? π Happy WW! π
@Toni: Thanks, Toni! π Happy WW! π
@Nicole: LOL Nicole! Sorry I’m not helping your itch…(evil grin!!) Happy WW! π
@Ann: Definitely the life… π Thank you very much, Ann! Happy WW! π
Ah a dogs life! If only I could live like that. I just can’t get over the coloring on you littlest pooch. Just beautiful.
Awwwww! BFF’s!
Look at those sleepy sleepers! They’re so cute. Looks like the puppy fits right in at your house.
@Chris: A dog’s life would be grand, wouldn’t it? Eat, play, cuddle, sleep, play, sleep, eat…LOL!! The coloring on the puppy really is getting more beautiful – I’ll have to take new pics of him tomorrow, he got a bath tonight, so he’s even prettier! π
@Yaya: It sure didn’t take long for them to become BFF’s! π
@blueviolet: They wore each other out playing…it’s so cute! π The puppy is definitely fitting right in – he climbed up on the back of the couch today, then fell asleep on my shoulder. He’s growing so fast, he won’t be able to do stuff like that much longer…heh, heh!!
Oh my goodness. That is so cute. I wish I was sitting with them, dogs are so much fun. (And cute.)
Just a few days left in my good smelling give-a-way…check it out if you have minute. π
@Ann On and On: They are lots of fun to sit with…well, except when they’re getting a little rambunctious on the couch playing…then I have to kick them off or get caught up in the crossfire…LOL!! The big dog gets jealous when the puppy is in my lap – the big dog then tries to climb in my lap too…it’s hilarious! A 35 pound lap-dog-wannabe… π Thanks for the heads up on the giveaway, Ann…I’ve been over and entered! π
Aaww…So cute!! It makes me miss my doggy…He passed away in September. =( We’ve been thinking about getting another one…
Aw…so sweet!!
Awwww, they are TOO cute. I want a dog. All the hubby will say to that is “when the youngest kid is ten” Sigh.
Hi Stacy
Aww.. your dogs are so cute!!!
Totally off topic though
I see that you have reverted to Blogger normal commenting…
I too was having probs with JSKit but the technicians have been useful and it is now working fine.. they are still working out some issues but I think overall I’m happy with them..
I just wanted to update you coz you left a message for me at JS-Kit comment site.
Have a great day ahead π
They are too cute together!
I am a pet person- so that is just too cute!
OMGosh, is that a Goldendoodle? We have one also. Aren’t they the sweetest pups?
@MySweetThree: Awwww, sorry to hear about your doggy passing. They are definitely a big part of our lives, aren’t they? My original Wheaten passed away 3 years ago, and I think I waited about 6 months to get a new puppy. Now we just added the Sheltie puppy, and they’re so much fun! π
@FoN: They’re not only cute, but they’re lots of fun… π That’s too funny that your hubby is stipulating when the youngest gets to be a certain age…wonder why that is? So the kids can be responsible instead of mommy and daddy doing all the work of taking care of a dog?
@LadyJava: Thanks, LadyJava! And thanks a bunch for giving me the headsup on JS-Kits…I’ll have to look into it again, but I’ll be a bit nervous to have comments messed up again – going back further in my posts it’s a mess (which doesn’t sit well with my bit of OCD…*grin!*) Thanks for letting me know, I’ll check it out! π
@On The Verge: Thanks, Lydia! They’re funny to watch play together, since one is so much bigger than the other…(grin!)
@Three Prince Designs: Pets are so much fun! π
@Michele: LOL Michele! We almost got a Goldendoodle because they’re so darn cute. But I had a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier before that was such an awesome dog, we decided to go with what we knew… π He gets mistaken for a Goldnedoodle or a poodle – especially when his hair gets longer and shows more curls… π