Not only does she keep her own blog up to date with several posts daily (and in true ‘blog obsessed’ form will upload posts from her phone on the run), but she is also the main contributor for the site ‘Sited and Blogged‘:
She keeps everything running smoothly, and still makes time to spread the Comment Love all over the blogosphere. Hats off to Harriet for multitasking to the max like no other! 🙂 Thanks, Harriet, for your consistent support, your patience and your bloggy friendship. And thank you for always making time to stop by and comment on my blog – your cheery hello’s always make my day…you are appreciated! 🙂
Please display this Loyal Commenter badge with pride.
Of course, you can join in Say It Forward too! Click here to read more and start featuring YOUR loyal commenters on your blog.
To read more about how to participate in Say It Forward and to get the button codes, click here.
And make sure you visit the links in the Mr. Linky here every Friday. These are the FUN blogging folk YOU want to be friends with. Go to THEIR sites. Read THEIR blogs. And of course, leave COMMENTS.
hahah – i LOVE harriet too!!! a big MWAH!!!! to her and to you too for saying it so eloquently!!!!! and haha i think i beat her here again too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, what a great idea! I’ll have to work on being a top commenter and what a neat widget!
Blogger is no longer my friend. I think I am going to break up with him soon.
My sincerest apologies, Stacy. Thanks for letting me know that we are not appearing in your sidebar as a follower. I would hate for us to be a farce! Let’s correct that, shall we?
PS: Great idea to recognize top commenters. What’s not to love about those people?
You are such an awesome blogger and commenter.
I don’t know how Harriet does it! I have enough trouble with my own blog!
Awesome 🙂
Congrats I Am Harriet!
Yeah, now I’ve noticed that I’m following ppl and they show up on my dashboard but when I go to their blog it says I’m not following them….so weird!
I’m impressed that she can post that much and keep up! I can barely even get to the computer on most days so I’m a once a day poster….
Happy Friday!
It’s so nice site. We love to see more on this site. Keep on updating… MonkAreYou Bali
@annie kelleher: Harriet is a doll! Thanks for your compliments, Annie! 🙂
@Julie@Cool Mom Guide: LOL Julie! I’d love to see your name on that widget! 😉
@3 Bay B Chicks: Awww, thanks, Francesca! I appreciate it! And you’re right – what’s not to love about our commenters? 🙂
@Angela: Awwww, thanks Angela! You made my day! 🙂
@The Blonde Duck: Harriet must have secret powers or something… The harder I try to catch up with my one blog, the further I seem to fall behind…she’s really got it going on!! 🙂
@Firefly: Thanks, Firefly! 🙂
@Yaya: Hopefully the whole Blogger issue will be resolved SOON!!
@Casey: She is amazing with how much she posts – and comments, and follows up…she HAS to have some super powers! Wonder if she’ll share… 😉
@MonkAre: Thanks!