She also has some great weekly meme’s – one of my favorites is the Friday ‘Mommy Moments‘:
That meme has a theme that changes weekly where you get to show off your baby pictures… who doesn’t like to show off their precious little bundles of joy? π Chris always takes time to leave comments all over the blogosphere for other Mommies – Thank You, Chris, for your consistent support and really fun meme’s! You are appreciated! π
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And make sure you visit the links in the Mr. Linky here every Friday. These are the FUN blogging folk YOU want to be friends with. Go to THEIR sites. Read THEIR blogs. And of course, leave COMMENTS.
Great idea!!!!
Awesome π
Comments are like diamonds to a blogger!
Hugs and Mocha,
im technologically challenged… i tried to get the code for aloha fridays and so far i can’t seem to figure out how to do it… sigh…
This is a great idea! It is definitely part of the blogging allure, getting those lovely, hotly anticipated comments! π
Me want that. (sorry, I spend all day w/ toddlers…I tend to talk like them!)
thanks a lot stacy!!! wow! i am really so honored you wrote about me and my site. i am going to grab this and put it up on my site soon.
im so blessed! thanks so much!
What a nice way to honour a friend.
@vsm/whirling dirvish photography: It is a great idea, isn’t it? 5 Minutes for Mom sure come up with some good ones! π I love getting comments (who doesn’t?) and it’s nice to be able to show appreciation for them… π
@Firefly: It is, isn’t it? π
@Stesha: I love that comment, Stesha! It’s so true! π
@annie kelleher: Feel free to email me, Annie, I’ll help you figure it out… π
@Amy@Bitchin’WivesClub: I absolutely agree, Amy! Comments are definitely ‘hotly anticipated’! LOL! π
@Hula’s Secret Blog: It is, isn’t it? π And comments are cool, too! π
@Yaya: LOL! Ummm…you have that, Yaya – you were included in the first post I did for this new thing…(grin!) I’ll drop by with a reminder and the link… (grin!!)
@Chris: You’re very welcome, Chris! I appreciate the time you take to come here and comment! π
@pam: Isn’t it great? I’m so glad 5 Minutes for Mom came up with this, it’s the perfect way to say thanks for the comments! π
What a neat idea! You definitely practice what you preach.
Thanks for stopping by my place on my SITS day =)
@Denyse: Awww, thank you, Denyse! I enjoyed my visit on SITS day, I’ll definitely be back! π Thanks for stopping by here! π