It’s Monday! You know what that means, don’t you? Time for the Not Me Monday Carnival! After you’re done reading what I absolutely did not do, head on over to MckMamma’s, she’s guaranteed to make you laugh – or at least feel better about your week. This is too much fun not to participate in! π
I did not get so wrapped up in blogging that I not notice it was getting close to Princess Nagger’s bus time, and we were not late getting out front so she did not miss the bus. I did not drive her to school, and while not walking her into the building, did not step into squishy mud which did not cover my good shoes with muck…nope, not me!
I did not ignore my WiiFit all last week, because my hubby did not have an odd schedule and was not home hovering too much which does not interfere with my Mii time.
I did not wear my new yoga pants out to wait for the bus because they are not ultra comfy and I was not too lazy to change.
I did not tell the Princess Nagger that her favorite show was not on so I could not watch my DVR’d episode of Ghost Whisperer instead.
Now you know a few of my little things that I did not do. Feel free to leave me a comment and let me know what you did not do either. π
That’s so naughty about the Ghost Whisperer but totally something I would do. π
yeah, me too on the ghost whisperer… now i know you watch the show, i have to ask you, what do you think of the new story line?? are you buying the jim/sam thing?? i don’t like it that sam’s not as cute as jim!!!!! i keep seeing her with the new “jim” nd thinking “ewwwwww”… happy monday… and no, i woulnd’t go on and on about a tv show in blog comment… NOT ME!!!
Ha, step away from the blog and bring your kid to school! That’s so funny.
I can’t blog or exercise with my husband home either. I love having him here but it makes it hard to sneak on the computer…
I did NOT call in sick today because I need a mental health day…
I love this one and every week I forget to do it. π Those bus days are going to be me in September – except we will be driving. So, if I forget it will be noon before I realize. π
Wow. Who is that hot babe in your drop slot?
What time do you log on anyway Stacy ?
I so have not done any of these on your list today!! lol
haha, yeah, I did not drink too much wine last night and then get woken up at 2 a.m. to my daughter who needed to go potty and then couldn’t go back to sleep so I am not exhausted today…
yeah, not me…
I really need to get a wii fit. I have been searching but can’t find one. Do you feel you get a good workout? I am a queen of punishment, and love to kill myself working out.
Sorry about the shoes, and have a great week!
and I did not crawl back into bed and nap until 11am after dropping Michelle off at school….
*giggles* Too funny–I wear my comfy sweats everywhere–oh well! Blogging is so addicting π I love this meme, but it always seems I’m a day behind… Thanks for the laughs–I’ll be back to read chapter four later today–we have dentist appointments a little later–fun, Fun!
Great did not list…I did not pretend to be asleep this morning so that hubby will get up first and have breakfast with Princess before work LOL
You are so funny.
Yesterday I did NOT sit here at my computer and catch up on all 4 of your segments while I was supposed to be studying for my midterms that are NOT today… lol
I have been known to wear my yoga pants all around the neighborhood! I dont care!
I’ve never lied to my kids just so I could watch my DVRed programs, not me.
This whole blogging thing it can be quite a sickness. I’ve been giving up a lot of sleep because of it. My kids are only late for school because I can’t wake up in the morning…
right there w/ ya sista I get the bad mommy award!
HAH my favorite is you’re not fibbing to the kidlet about her show. MOMMEEEE!!!!!
yoga pants are totally stylish.
I love the Ghost Whisperer.
I wear yoga pants out all the time. The are so comfy!
@blueviolet: It is naughty isn’t it…but she normally sleeps in late, which gives me a chance to do a little ‘catch up’, only not this time…heh, heh! It’s getting harder to ‘fool’ her, though, because she’s figured out how to work the DVR remote (she’s scheduled some of her own recordings), and of course she reads like a champ, so I have to zip right past her favorite channels on the preview so she doesn’t see something she HAS to watch NOW…*snicker!*
@annie kelleher: At first I was resistant to the story line, but at least they’re not showing the ‘Sam’ guy to us as often as I thought they would…because Jim is so much cuter to look at! π As far as the whole ‘Jim’s spirit is living inside of Sam’s body’ thing…meh…it’s so ‘out there’, but the writers are doing a really good job…still got me on the edge of my seat! π
@Casey: LOL! Yep, stepping away from the blog to make sure the Princess Nagger gets to school on time can be dicey when I get absorbed into reading and commenting…LOL!! Next year will (hopefully) be easier when she’s at school full days instead of just for the afternoon… π
Oh good, I’m glad I’m not the only one who has trouble blogging or exercising when hubby is home…too much interference! π
@Jenni Jiggety: You definitely did NOT need a mental health day! π I’m glad you did NOT stop by today! π
@Upstatemomof3: I was forgetting each week, too – then I figured it’d be better for my brain to start working on it on Sunday, then schedule it for Monday morning so I don’t forget…heh, heh! Oh, you have some fun to look forward to for September…and hopefully no forgetfulness since you have to drive…(grin!!)
@I am Harriet: I think she called herself ‘Hot Harriet’…(grin!!) I usually log in anytime between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., depending on Hovering Hubby’s schedule…then I’m off to get the Princess Nagger ready for school, and back on sporadically during the day, but more consistent in the evenings…and I’m trying not to hang out online until midnight, especially if I have to be up at 5:30 a.m. the next day, but best laid plans don’t seem to work all that well…heh, heh!
@On The Verge: LOL Lydia!! π
@Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy: Ohhhhh, I’m so glad you did NOT do that, Petra! (poor thing!)
@Domestically Disabled Girl: Oh, you would love the WiiFit. I actually do feel like I get a good workout, and it’s apparently working…though I don’t know why, because I’m having way too much fun using it! LOL!! I have added weights to the aerobics, so there is more of a burn than just doing it ‘regular’. π Thanks so much for stopping by!
@Lady Bug: Oh, I wish I could crawl back in bed and go back to sleep! But once I’m awake, I’m not getting back to dreamland…no matter how hard I try! π
@Nicole: LOL! Being comfy is THE best way to be! π Oh boy, the dentist! We have that action going on in the morning…yay. π Hope it went well!
@Firefly: ROTFLMAO!! Oh, I have been there, too… rarely works for me, though, because I’m a much lighter sleeper than hubby, so I’m usually the one that has to wake him up…and if Princess Nagger wakes him up, she makes sure she wakes me up too…heh, heh!!
@Jolene: Holy Moly, Jolene! I’m flattered you dissed your studying to read my segments! Do you need a note for your professor? I’m sure I could come up with something… LOL!! π Hope you did OK on them today! π
@Dee: LOL! I’ve been missing out, haven’t I? I finally got some great yoga pants just over a week ago…I’m loving them! π
@mrsbear: Of COURSE you haven’t, Mrs. Bear! NOT YOU! (evil grin!!!) Oh, I can relate…I keep thinking to myself ‘just one more blog, just one more comment’ and before I know it the clock has already struck midnight and then some…by the end of the week I’m usually running on fumes…and it shows! LOL!!!
@Kristen Andrews: LOL Kristen! At least I’m not alone…(snicker!!!)
@nikkicrumpet: Who me? π Of course NOT…(evil grin!)
@Yaya I totally agree… π
@Chris: Yay! Another Ghost Whisperer fan! π Yoga pants are comfy, aren’t they? I don’t know why it took me so long to buy some… And like Yaya said – they’re so stylish! π Comfort and Style…you can’t go wrong! π
LOL–missed the bus because of blogging? That is too cute and funny.
Hiya from SITS! π Enjoyed your Not-Me Monday entry! Haha!
So that is the trick? You have to use the Wii for it to work? Darn! Happy NMM!
I did NOT love reading your blog post because it did NOT make me giggle and snort out loud…ok..maybe it did…a little…
@Frogs in my formula: If anyone would have ‘warned’ me that could happen, I would have laughed… Of course, I laughed anyway… π
@San: Thank you so much!! Thanks for stopping by! π
@Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama: LOL! Yes, you actually have to use the Wii for it to work…(snicker!!) Happy NMM! π
@Bee and Rose: HAHAHAHAHA! Your comment did NOT make me giggle and snort out loud, either…(snicker!) Thanks for stopping by! π