Chris over at The Mommy Journey has been having a fun meme running all about Mommy Moments. This week’s theme is ‘Bonding Time’. If you’d like to join in, head on over to The Mommy Journey and add your link to Mr. Linky. I’m looking forward to once again checking out all the adorable pictures of all the cute little munchkins! ๐
This week’s theme is ‘Bonding Time’…enjoy! ๐
Some of you have already seen this one, but I figured a good start to ‘bonding time’ was when she was one hour old:
3 Days Old:
One Month:
Bonding with Nana and Papa:

Bonding with Grammy Joyce and Papa Eddie (wonderful people who ‘adopted’ us):

Visiting the Liberty Bell (10 months old):

Walking on the beach in NC (4 years old):
If you want to join in the fun, click on the badge at the top of this post…share some fun sweet Mommy Moments, too! ๐
that was really, really sweet.
I can’t even be a smartass!!!
she sure was a bright little button from the get-go!!! adorable series of pics!
Oh man, what a wonderful trip down memory lane, huh? She’s been beautiful since day one! How old is she now? Remember, I’m new here!
Justine ๐ฎ )
@Vodka Mom: Awwww, thanks Vodka Mom!
@annie kelleher: Thanks, Annie! She has been a bright little button from the get-go…I couldn’t have ‘special ordered’ a more wonderful child if I tried. Of course she does have her moments…(grin!)
@Justine/Justiney/Tiney: Thanks so much, Justine! I emailed you… ๐ The Princess Nagger turned 6 this past November…though sometimes she acts like she’s going on 30! ๐ Thanks so much for stopping by! ๐ I’m enjoying your blog, too – and hopefully the move doesn’t do a number on you! ๐
Someday I’ll get to join in these…
So sweet!
Awwww how cute. She looks just like you. I love the picture of her holding her ear and sucking her thumb.
Very cute!
@LiLu: Yes you will, LiLu, and you’re going to be such a FUN mom! ๐
@Angela: Thanks, Angela! ๐ Yeah, that one is one of my favorites – especially with the furrowed brow… ๐
@Yaya: Thanks, Alicia! ๐
PN was such a cutie when she was a baby, aww! She’s still a cutie… love seeing the pics of you guys!
These are really great bonding moments photos not just with mom but with every member of the family! Thanks for sharing!
wow, i enjoyed the trip down memory lane.. truly precious bonding moments with everyone on the family.
thanks for joining us again at mommy moments stacy! ๐
She’s SO adorable!!! A lot of people loves her dearly. I especially like her photo with her Nan and Grandpa.
Twinkie Calls
OK how did I miss this post till now???
I’m glad I found it ๐ Your family is so beautiful ๐ Love every single picture ๐
Awwww! Thanks so much Casey! ๐
Thanks so much, Twinkie! ๐