This week was pretty much a fizzle…I didn’t get to use my WiiFit at all! I know I’m going to get quite the lecture from my WiiFitness Instructor when I get a chance to step back on it on Monday! Here come the excuses…(grin!) Hovering Hubby’s work schedule had me all discombobulated this week, then Princess Nagger had a Modified Kindergarten day one day, and I didn’t get a whole lot of ‘Me’ (or Mii) time this week to really focus, plus I was feeling under the weather a couple of days this week as well. But I did get a bit of a workout the first two days of the week with my bi-monthly grocery shopping…I usually have to race around the stores I go to, to make sure I get back in time for the Princess Nagger’s return bus. I also spent about an hour shoveling the inch-and-a-half of snow we got Wednesday morning, so that counts for something…I did do a ‘weigh in’ today just to see what the damage was from being absent all week, and it’s a wash! Whew! No loss, but no gain either, so I’m happy about that…especially since Aunt Flow is visiting, and usually I’m up in extra water weight – so next week just might be a pleasant surprise! πŸ˜‰

That of course means that I didn’t get to hit that 2000 score on Hula Hoops – hopefully a week off of my WiiFit won’t put me behind in that ultimate goal and I’ll be able to attain it next week. I did have a nice surprise show up in my mail box today, though, which means I’ll be adding more fun to my workout – I finally got WiiSki, so that will probably make me add extra time to my WiiFit time daily next week…who cares about having the house clean or the laundry done? I’ll be spending some extra time on my WiiFit! (grin!!)

Some weeks are going to be like this…luckily not very often…when Hovering Hubby has a few days of non-normal hours to where he’s hovering at home more often during the week… πŸ˜‰ So here’s to staying even this week instead of the alternative, and here’s to next week’s energy surge to do the WiiFit and Fitness Friday post justice! πŸ™‚ I bet I would have lost a pound had I imbibed in the Cheez-Its and Red Wine I did during week 4 when I had my last ‘bad’ week…(snicker!) Guess I better stock up for the future! πŸ˜‰
If you have a WiiFit and want to join in the fun, please do! You won’t be sorry…it’s great to have such a fun support group at the WiiFit Mommies Forum. Don’t forget – February 13th (yes, Friday the Thirteenth) the WiiFit Mommies are having their Twitter Bling Party – the last one was crazy fun, so don’t forget to mark your calendars and join in on the next one!

Until next week – have fun on your WiiFit workouts and don’t forget to sign Mr. Linky with your weekly WiiFit adventure posts! πŸ™‚

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  1. Well, as they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day–sometimes it’s nice to take a little break! It sounds like overall you are doing fantastic with the Wii Fit! I’m really intrigued by the whole idea, but didn’t try out my sister’s when I had the chance… Oh well, I just need to get back on the elliptical this week πŸ™‚

  2. I just hate it when Auntie Flow comes for a visit and brings all that darn baggage with her…boo hiss!

    I hear making the Mii’s are as fun as playing the Wii!

  3. We got our Wii Fit hooked up two nights ago and it didn’t have very nice things to say about my age or my weight so I’m not talking to it. I’ll try again tonight…

  4. Well, I’m glad I’m not the only one who flaked out on her WiiFit this week! I feel better already.

    Thanks for stopping by and picking out a purse. That’s the only way I’m getting one, is in my bloggy dreams!

  5. @Nicole: LOL Nicole! You are so right…Thanks! πŸ™‚ It may or may not be a good thing you didn’t get to try the WiiFit when you were at your sister’s…you definitely would have gotten addicted! πŸ˜‰

    @Bee and Rose: LOL! I couldn’t agree with you more! πŸ˜‰

    The Mii’s are really fun to make…we do lots of fun stuff and get the Princess Nagger laughing hysterically… πŸ˜‰

    @Yaya: Awww, poor Yaya! Sorry to rub it in…(snicker!) You’ll definitely have to see about getting one… If I win one in a contest, I’m sending it to you! πŸ™‚

    @Hula’s Secret Blog: LOL! Yep, they were actually a really good combination…don’t know why I didn’t get more on my last grocery run! Probably ‘cuz the Cheez-Its weren’t on sale…(grin!!)

    @Casey: ROTFLMAO! Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh at you…(snicker!) Don’t let the WiiFit get you down on the snarky things it says…eventually it’ll say nice things about you, and snarky things about your family members instead…(grin!!!)

    @Just A Mom (Call me JAM for short): Oh, THANK YOU for letting me know I wasn’t alone in my flakiness… πŸ˜‰ Those purses are AWESOME! Oh to be rich and not-so-famous to just buy one…or more… πŸ˜‰

    @Firefly: C’mon over, Firefly, I’ll get you all set up… πŸ™‚

  6. Everyone has their good and their bad weeks. And Aunt Flow just adds to the obstacles. 2000 hula hoops huh? Sounds exhausting. I can’t do it for more than 6 minutes without feeling like I’m going to throw out a hip. Yikes. I’d love to hear if the WiiSki is any good.

  7. Some weeks we do…some weeks we don’t πŸ™‚ But we keep comin’ back for more!!

    It is amazing to me how much a change in our family’s routine screws up OUR routine..and does nothing to theirs πŸ™‚ (I’m speaking mainly here of the “hovering hubby”…because when mine shows up early or takes a day off..its NOTHIN’ but trouble for me and my routine!! LOL)

    So…I’m still issuing a challenge for the 6 minute hula if you are interested: 2000 spins!! I can’t seem to get past 1992 *sigh*

  8. it was a fizzle for me too, and I do feel bad about it. Don’t you love when it says” you have been away for 7 days”

  9. @mrsbear: I agree – I think it’s good to acknowledge those bad weeks, too, ‘cuz then other people having a bad week will feel better they’re not alone – and not lose motivation for the next week. πŸ˜‰ Aunt Flow really does add to the obstacle…ugh! πŸ™‚ LOL! Throw out a hip…now I’m going to be distracted wondering if I’m going to get that same feeling…(snicker!) I’ll let you know if the WiiSki is any good – it’s still in the box it was mailed in, the Princess Nagger has to clean her toys in the living room before she gets to see the ‘new surprise’…(grin!!)

    @Jenn: Absolutely right, Jenn! We keep comin’ back for more! πŸ˜‰ It IS amazing how a family member’s routine messes up OUR routine – whether it be Hovering Hubby being home instead of at ‘normal’ working hours, or Princess Nagger getting a delay or day off for school…throws my personal schedule into a tizzy…LOL!! Luckily it doesn’t happen very often – which is probably why it’s more annoying when it does! (snicker!) You’re ON for the challenge…here’s hoping I haven’t lost my momentum being off for a week…heh, heh! πŸ˜‰ I can’t seem to get past 1991, so you’re one up on me! (grin!!!)

    @Kristen Andrews: It’s so nice to know I wasn’t alone… πŸ˜‰ Yeah, it is so funny how it rags on you when you don’t get on every day… Do you ‘talk back’ to yours? I do…(snicker!)

  10. It’s ok to have an off week, just don’t make a point of it!!! πŸ˜‰
    2000 in hula hoops?? I’m still working at the beginner level and barely make it to 600!
    Time for you to get back on that wii!

  11. @Saph @ Walk With Me: Oh, I agree – once in a while is OK, but definitely can’t make a habit of it…thankfully those ‘off’ weeks will be once in a blue moon, since those odd Hovering Hubby schedules are once in a blue moon! (grin!!) You’ll get there in the hula hoops…keep at it! πŸ˜‰

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