
EntreCard Credit Give Away at Anything Goes ♥

Anything Goes officially turned 2 months old yesterday, January 7, 2009 and because of that they are holding an EntreCard Credit Giveaway where a total of 20,000 EntreCard Credits will be given away. As of today, January 8, there are 19 left (well, 18 after I finish the final step! 😉 ) This is technically…

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Ice Storms, Power Outages, Technology Trauma and PMS don’t mix!

Yesterday was…a day. A long, frustrating, beat-your-head-against-a-wall day. It started off OK, had to get up super early to have coffee and see my hubby off to work. Generally I enjoy those early mornings, it gives me extra ‘quiet time’ before the Nagging Princess gets up and it’s hurry and scurry to get her amply…