All that work getting ready for Thanksgiving, moving furniture to accommodate extra people, getting out the fine china and silver and making sure everything is perfect, then spending all those hours slaving over a hot stove and creating yummy edibles for the Mega Feast… Everything goes as smoothly as possible, the turkey is cooked to perfection, all the side dishes turn out excellent, the desserts to die for. A huge sigh of relief escapes as the dinner is completed, everyone sits back and relaxes with aromatic coffee or the wine of their choice and reflects on various topics at hand – the economy, the job status, dwindling retirement funds…but being thankful for family, friends, and life in general. A great day, a wonderful meal, an enjoyable time spent with family and friends.

Then it’s over. All those hours of preparation, all the effort to make things perfect – appreciated and enjoyed, but now it’s time to do the ‘clean up’. It’s just like anything else – the anticipation and looking forward to a great time makes all the hard work to get to that juncture seem minor. But after it’s all done, and time to put away and clean up, suddenly the energy you had in the weeks prior is kaput. Motivation levels are nil, you drag your feet and slowly put things away, with what can only be described as ‘Post Thanksgiving Blues’.

For me, I think my motivation level – along with my energy level – would be much greater if I hadn’t been battling a pesky sinus infection for 5-1/2 weeks now…this one’s been a doozy, usually they get knocked out with antibiotics during the first 3 days of those antibiotics – but this time 10 days of antibiotics did nothing…so now I’m on a much more potent dose of a different type, and am on day 5…only 5 more days to go…so how come I still don’t feel any better? Probably because I’m one of those who won’t stop or slow down to get the rest I need – I have way too much to do, it’s one of the busiest times of the year, so I can’t let being sick get in the way of getting the things done I need to get done or want to get done!

But I realized that I have probably been pushing myself too much – which is most likely why I haven’t been able to get rid of this bug. So yesterday and today I did very little – mostly worked on web design projects that required no physical activity, then made sure I slept in late both yesterday and today which is a major feat for me! Do I feel better? Not really, but I’m not dragging as slow as I have been, so that must count for something! 🙂 Though now I’m sorta feeling guilty as the weather yesterday and today was perfect – though cold – with bright sunny skies…these two days would have been the perfect days to dismantle my Fall/Thanksgiving decorations from my front and back porch and inside the house, and pull the boxes of Christmas decorations out of the shed to get everything decorated for Christmas – before the really cold weather and winter weather arrives.

Now I’m going to be delayed by what looks like a wintry mix tomorrow and Monday, so my Fall/Thanksgiving decorations are just going to have to stay put until later in the week. But if taking these past two days off will help kick this sinus infection, it’ll be worth the delay of switching out the decor – and I’m sure the chickens out back won’t care when they get the hay bales and corn stalks from the porches! I will, however, need to make sure I take apart and store the buffet table so I can move the dining room table back into the dining room – before the weekend is over…it’s a little hard watching television when the dining room table is looming in the middle of the room! 🙂