If Father Time Had a Daughter In Therapy it would be a Good Time to buy Flowers

If Father Time Had a Daughter In Therapy it would be a Good Time to buy Flowers

Hello Monday – here we are again, not ready for you, but diving in anyway. Since it is Monday, thankfully Monday means music! This week is a freebie week, so grab your favorite tune(s) and come dance with us, will you? Let’s start with a favorite artist who, for almost 20 years, worked tirelessly to…

i wanna be Someone To You Coming Home on One Foot and Have It All!

i wanna be Someone To You Coming Home on One Foot and Have It All!

Can you believe it’s the last day of April? That means summer is right around the corner, people! Looking forward to continuous warm sunny days, how about you? Meanwhile, it’s Monday, and Monday means music! This week is a freebie week – grab your favorite tune(s) and dance along with us, won’t you? Starting off,…